Lin Yu snorted coldly.


In an instant, two sword energy penetrated their bodies.

The two evil cultivators collapsed on the ground. At the moment when their lives expired, they still couldn't understand why a scumbag with a Qi Condensation level could kill them in an instant.


Lin Yu walked to the high platform.

He waved his sword.

The entrance to the secret realm is open!

Immediately, Lin Yu walked in.

When Lin Yu opened his eyes again and looked at the scene in this secret realm, he began to feel sick to his stomach.

The secret realm is filled with the extremely rich smell of blood!

There are piles of corpses, even the river is filled with blood and bones...

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

The picture in front of me was enlarged, and an evil cultivator was absorbing the blood of a monk... In just a few breaths, all the blood in the monk's body was sucked dry!

Some evil cultivators threw the baby into the alchemy furnace to make alchemy!

Use some beautiful women as a cauldron...

With these extremely cruel methods, he is even more determined to destroy this evil temple!

"Today, the Evil Temple will completely disappear from the entire world!" Lin Yu's voice, like the voice of a god, exploded throughout the secret space.

Such terrifying pressure erupted.

All the evil cultivators in the entire Evil Temple were crushed to the ground!


Lin Yu also made them feel fear, torture, and pain... In the end, those evil cultivators exploded to death one by one!


Lin Yu shook his hand!

All the evil cultivators in the Evil Temple exploded and died!

It's so invincible!


The monks and women who were still alive knelt on the ground and kowtowed to thank Lin Yu for saving his life.

Looking at them, Lin Yu's tone became gentler: "Leave with me!"

He led a group of people out of this secret realm.

Lin Yu just flicked his fingers.

The secret realm was completely destroyed.

The entire evil temple is truly wiped from this world...

"Okay, you are safe now. Let's go home!" Lin Yu continued to lead them out of the abyss and back to the ground.


Lin Yu broke through the void again and left here!

This matter is not over yet!

The master of the evil temple was smart and ran away decisively, but he could not escape Lin Yu's grasp.

If the master of this evil temple is not eliminated, then it won’t be long before a second evil temple appears in this world...

Chapter 111 From now on, just be a horse!

Qingfeng Town!

An ordinary town.

There is a distance of one hundred and eight thousand miles from Shifang Mountain.

In a room of an inn, a middle-aged man took a deep breath as he watched the elder tokens and disciple tokens in his hands shatter into pieces.

"What a terrifying efficiency. He actually destroyed the Evil Temple so quickly. He is worthy of being an immortal!"

"Thank you for leaving in time, otherwise, I would have died."

"I have a secret technique to hide my cultivation. That immortal shouldn't be able to find me... No, I have to stay far away!"

"Hey, I, Zhai Honghai, a powerful person in the aspirational realm, didn't expect that now I can only humble myself and run away!"

Zhai Honghai sighed deeply.

Although I am very reluctant, if I want to survive, the only way is to escape!

As he opened the crack in space, he was about to step into it.

The space crack that he opened suddenly disappeared.

not good!

this moment.

Zhai Honghai had a very strong sense of crisis.

boom! ! !

The terrifying pressure made him kneel on the ground on the spot. No matter how hard he struggled, it had no effect!

Just an ant!

Lin Yu walked out of the void step by step.

Seeing this, Zhai Honghai quickly begged for mercy, "Immortal, I was wrong. I never dare to do it again. Please spare my life!"

The immortal's methods are truly terrifying.

He had already used secret techniques to change his appearance, and even his cultivation aura was hidden, but he was still discovered.

He finally reached the realm of aspiration in cultivation. If he continues to practice, he might also have the hope of overcoming the tribulation and ascending to the throne.

So, he doesn’t want to die now! ! !

Just want to live.

"Immortal, please, I am willing to be a slave, a cow or a horse..." Zhai Honghai humbly begged for mercy again.

"Being a cow or a horse?" Lin Yu chuckled and said, "Okay, then I'll make it happen for you!"

Just killing Zhai Honghai directly would give him some advantages.

It’s time to give the method I obtained before a try!

"From now on, just be a horse!"

Lin Yu tapped his finger lightly.

A ray of light instantly enveloped Zhai Honghai.

At this moment, Zhai Honghai felt that his whole body began to expand violently...

At the same time, he found that his cultivation realm had disappeared.

He was crippled.

And when he came back to his senses, he found that he had turned into a horse!

He was a top monk, but he became a horse!

Just change his race!

This is the immortal method!

How terrifying!


Zhai Honghai opened his mouth to speak, but what he said was not human words, but the sound of horses!

"From now on, just be a horse!" Lin Yu said calmly.


Lin Yu took him out of the inn.

Along the way.

Zhai Honghai walked on the road with the body of a horse. He felt that everyone's eyes were looking at him.

It made him feel endless shame!

"Found it!" Lin Yu muttered as he looked at the horse market in front of him!

This moment.

Zhai Honghai had a very bad thought...

"Boss, I have a horse here, do you want to take it?" Lin Yu found the owner of the horse market and asked.

"Fellow Taoist, your horse is a top-notch horse. I can't get so many spiritual stones. It's a pity!" The owner of the horse market was immediately moved when he saw the horse.

This was his first time seeing such a BMW!

"You don't need too many spiritual stones. You and I are destined. For this horse, you only need one!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Seriously? Fellow Taoist, are you kidding? You are going to lose a lot of money!" The horse market boss was shocked, and he was also a little unbelievable.

Could this horse be stolen?

Or is there something wrong with the horse?

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