For a time, several doubts appeared in his mind.

"To be honest, don't worry, this horse is not stolen!" Lin Yu explained.

"In that case, I'll take it, but I can't let you, the tour guide, suffer. Here are a hundred low-grade spiritual stones!" The boss of the horse market quickly took out the spiritual stones from the storage bag and handed them to Lin Yu!

"So, I'll take it." Lin Yu waved his finger, and the spirit stone quickly turned into a ray of light and was put into his storage bag.

"This horse is very spiritual. He will do whatever you ask him to do!" Lin Yu said again, then cut through the space and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the boss of Nama City was stunned. He couldn't help but slumped on the ground, sweating profusely.

"I'm such a good boy, but I didn't expect to meet a super boss!"

"I remember that being able to break the void seems to be only possible in the realm of divine transformation... Oh my god, I actually made a deal with such a terrifying and powerful man."

It took quite a while.

The horse market boss slowly came back to his senses.

Look at the BMW in front of you.

He couldn't help but try to see if this horse was really spiritual, saying, "Sit down!"

After Zhai Honghai heard his words, although he was reluctant, he sat down obediently.

"Lie down!"

"stand up!"

"Wag your tail!"


Following the horse market boss's orders one after another, Zhai Honghai, who turned into a horse, could not resist at all and could only obey them honestly.

"It's really a BMW."

"Don't worry, I will find you a beautiful mare when the time comes, and I will definitely give birth to more intelligent horses!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

The horse market boss smiled.

He seemed to see that his horse market would become even more popular in the future!

At this time, Zhai Honghai felt extremely unwilling when he heard what he said.



"I, Zhai Honghai, a powerful person in the aspirational realm, just want to turn into a horse, but you still want me to breed a mare?"


Zhai Honghai was unwilling to suffer such a fate!

He even wanted to commit suicide.

Bite your tongue and commit suicide!

But he found that he couldn't do it at all...

The entire body cannot be controlled by himself at all!

The owner of the horse market also quickly installed a saddle and reins for Zhai Honghai!




The boss of the horse market even rode him, and a galloping horse came on the spot...

"Hahaha, so refreshing, this is the first time in my life that I ride a horse like this!"

"As expected of a BMW, it runs so fast."

"It seems we have to hurry up and find a suitable mare! Breed more spiritual horses!"

At this moment, Zhai Honghai's eyes were completely desperate!

Nothing can be changed!

For the rest of his life, he will be a horse, being driven by others.



The other side.

Lin Yu had quickly returned to the outside of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains.

Summon a flying boat.

Lin Yu returned to Feizhou's room and began to read, drink tea, rest, and waited patiently for Xiao Yu'er and the others to come out! ! !

Chapter 112 Returning to the sect, invitation letter for the Hundred Sect Competition

Next, Lin Yu had to wait for almost several days before Ning Mengran, Jun Shuying and Xiao Yuer successfully walked out of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range safely.

However, it can be seen that their journey out was not so smooth, especially Xiao Yuer and Jun Shuying looked a little embarrassed.

"Sect Master, we are back." They saluted Lin Yu.

"It's a little slow." Lin Yu said slowly after taking a sip of tea.

"Sect Master, I have let you down." Xiao Yu'er lowered her head, feeling a little frustrated.

The Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is originally a very dangerous place.

However, from the beginning, it was Lin Yu who led them into the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range.

It is precisely because of Lin Yu's presence that the original hell level difficulty has become an easy level.

But as Lin Yu left, there were only three of them, and the difficulty suddenly returned to hell level.

Along the way, they have experienced various life and death crises...

It is a miracle that he can successfully come out alive now.

"Well, although it has exceeded my expectations, your performance is not bad. Please recover quickly." Lin Yu waved his hand and said softly, without blaming them.

However, Lin Yu originally expected them to come out faster.


Just like Xiao Yu'er, she has mastered four kinds of heaven and earth fire, and her true peak combat power is not weaker than that of the God Transformation Realm!

Logically speaking, it should be faster...

But no matter what, for now, overall, they managed to come out alive, which is already the best ending. It just took a little more time.

"Let's set off and return to the sect!" After a while, Lin Yu controlled the flying boat and flew out quickly.

From now on, there will be no Ten Thousand Poison Demonic Forest in this Ten Thousand Monster Mountain Range...

However, even without the Ten Thousand Demons Poison Forest, the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is still an extremely dangerous place.

This time, overall, the harvest was good.

Not only did he get the Nether Poison Fire, he also gained a new disciple.

Along the way, Ning Mengran listened to Xiao Yu'er talk a lot about Tianxuan Sect, which made her even more eager to enter Tianxuan Sect.


Time passes like this day by day.

I look at the surrounding scenery every day, and I also stop when passing through towns to feel some local customs.

I have to say, some of what I saw and heard was very interesting...

It has been more than a month since I returned to Tianxuan Sect.

As soon as he entered Tianxuan Sect, Ning Mengran looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, and exclaimed: "Amazing, better than anything I have seen before."

Ning Mengran didn't know what era she was from, or how long she had been sealed?

She only recalled part of the memory now.

When he came to the three towers, a picture suddenly appeared in Ning Mengran's mind.

"Sect Master, these three towers, the old man who predicted difficulties for me before showed me a painting, in which these three towers are almost identical." Ning Mengran said quickly.

At this moment, Lin Yu was a little stunned.

The training tower, martial arts tower, and challenge tower are all obtained through the system.

That mysterious old man's prediction that he could save Ning Mengran was already very unexpected and outrageous.

But I didn’t expect that these three towers could also predict things.

This is definitely not what ordinary powers can do...

That old man is definitely not simple.

"Ning Mengran, can you think of anything else?" Lin Yu asked softly.

Soon, Ning Mengran shook her head and replied: "Sect Master, that painting is very long. I can think of three towers right now. The other parts of the painting are very confusing."

It seems that she still needs time to completely recover her memory.

"Okay, if you can't think of it now, don't think about it. Just let nature take its course." Lin Yu continued, and then he looked at Xiao Yu'er: "Yu'er, take Ning Mengran for a walk around the sect." Door, get familiar with it.”

"In addition, collect poisonous elixirs, or various poisons, poison elixirs, etc..."

Lin Yu began to give simple instructions.

After all, this poisonous body needs to be poisoned and improved...

"Don't worry, Sect Master, I promise to complete it." Xiao Yu'er responded with confidence.

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