
After the arrangements are made.

Lin Yu also immediately returned to his courtyard.

It's been a while since I left, and I miss my three beauties very much.

When I first entered the courtyard, I saw three beautiful beauties.

"They're all here!" Lin Yu smiled.

After not seeing each other for a long time, my three beauties are getting more and more beautiful.

"I'm finally back." Tu Shan Yueyue quickly took Lin Yu's arm and said coquettishly: "I miss you so much---"

"Don't worry, I'll make it up to you tonight." Lin Yu said with a smile after giving him a fierce kiss.

"Disgusting ---" Tu Shan Yueyue didn't even react, and was directly "attacked", which made her even shy.

Lin Yu liked her more and more the more he looked at her like this.

"Don't I deserve a kiss?" Queen Medusa became a little jealous.

"And I---" Lin Qingxue was not to be outdone.

"Don't worry, I'm always fair, and I'll take the rain and the dew equally." Lin Yu said with a smile.

Hold them in your arms.

One by one, they began to be "favoured"!

In the following days, Lin Yu enjoyed an incomparable life.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Go to a different beauty's room every night...

Sometimes, the three beauties would be together directly...

This kind of happy and enjoyable day made Lin Yu feel a little elated!


The happy time did not pass too long.

There was a knock on the door.

"Sect Master, are you there?" Lu Ming's voice came.

Lin Yu, who was drinking health tea, put down the tea cup and said slowly: "Come in."

There must be something wrong with this guy coming to see him.

After Lu Ming heard Lin Yu's words, he gently opened the door and walked in.

When looking at Lin Yu covered in fairy light, he seemed even more terrifying than before...

"Great Elder, what's the matter?" Lin Yu continued to ask.

"Replying to Sect Leader Zhang, I just received an invitation letter from the Tianyan Dynasty royal family!" Lu Ming answered truthfully.

"Invitation letter?" Lin Yuyi was a little confused.

"This royal family invites famous sects in the dynasty and wants to start a competition among hundreds of sects..."

Lu Ming said again.

"Is there any need to compare? I must be number one in Tianxuan Sect!" Lin Yu said decisively.

"Sect Master, this time the major sects compete, the rules are special, and sect disciples need to be sent to fight!"

"And this time, the Long Family even offered the Long Family Secret Realm as a reward. It is rumored that there is a drop of true dragon essence and blood in the Long Family Secret Realm. Once it can be obtained, it will be a great blessing. Many sects have already chosen to participate. ”

"I don't know, what do you think, Sect Master?"

Lu Ming asked respectfully.

"True Dragon Essence and Blood, this good thing will definitely participate."

"It's just that I really didn't expect that the Long family has such a secret realm. If I had known about it earlier, I would have entered the secret realm directly last time in the palace..."

Lin Yu said.

"Then which disciples should we send this time?" Tianxuan Sect now has so many evil and talented disciples that it is difficult to choose.

"I already have someone chosen!" Lin Yu smiled mysteriously.

Chapter 113 This sect has immortals and cannot be an enemy. The Nine Heavens Cold Sect visits

"Sect Master, I wonder who you have in mind?" Lu Ming asked curiously.

"Of course it's Long Junru!" Lin Yu said. ,: "The Great Yan Dynasty is controlled by the Long family, and Long Junru is the second princess of the Long family, so she is very suitable to participate in this competition of hundreds of disciples!"

After hearing what Lin Yu said, Lu Ming also felt that it made sense, but he asked again, "Then the sect master will send Long Junru alone?"

"In a competition between hundreds of disciples from a small dynasty, one of my Tianxuan Sect disciples is enough!" Lin Yu's tone was extremely confident!

"The sage master!" Lu Ming quickly raised his hands and said respectfully.

"How long until the competition between hundreds of disciples?" Lin Yu waved his hand and asked.

"There's still one month left!" Lu Ming answered.

"Very good. You can tell Long Junru later and ask her to practice hard. Then it will be up to her alone!" Lin Yu said.

Although the Great Yan Dynasty is just a small dynasty, there are many sects within its scope!

However, there are only a few powerful sects!

"Understood!" Lu Ming responded.



Long Junru also got this task.

In another month, she will have to further improve her cultivation strength and successfully win the first place in the competition among hundreds of disciples!

This is a challenge for her.

Although Long Junru was a little stressed, she still looked confident... Since the sect leader could entrust her with this task, he naturally believed that he could do it.

Therefore, not for anything else but not to disappoint the sect leader, she will work even harder in the future!


Long Junru was also shocked. As a princess, even she herself had never known that the secret realm of the Long family existed!


Almost ten days passed.

Not far from Tianxuan Sect, a space crack appeared silently.

Immediately afterwards.

Two women wearing snow-white robes came out.

One of the women was Liu Yanru from Jiutianhan Palace whom she met in the Great Yan Dynasty Palace before.

The other woman was even more cold and indifferent...

"Sect Master, this Tianxuan Sect is really not simple. With the mountain protection formation, I can't detect the situation inside this Tianxuan Sect at all with my cultivation!" Liu Yanru said softly.

Previously, Liu Yanru saw Lin Yu's magical methods in the palace, and sent out a fairy sword at any time.

After returning to Jiutian Han Sect, she originally wanted to report it immediately.

But the sect leader next to me is in retreat!

It wasn’t until a few days ago that it was released!

After reporting it.

He immediately went to the Great Yan Dynasty to see Tian Xuanzong in person!

Mo Ziqi, the leader of the Jiutianhan Sect, looked at the sect in front of her. A treasure in her body reacted, making her expression become serious, "There is an immortal in this sect!"

Just four short words.

Liu Yanru was shocked!


Could it be that the Tianxuan Sect leader who only had the first level of Qi Condensation that he saw before was a real immortal!

If that's the case.

It all makes sense.

After all, immortals are omnipotent.

"Sect Master, what should we do now?" Liu Yanru asked.

"You must not be an enemy, you must make friends with them!" Mo Ziqi said slowly, "The Haotian Sect was instantly wiped out before, so we judged that there are immortals in the world of immortality!"

"I just didn't expect that a real immortal would actually be in the sect of this small dynasty!"

"Sure enough, the immortal's thoughts are not something we can understand!"

The existence of immortals.

He has been able to dominate the entire world of immortality.

Only immortals!

But this immortal actually serves as the sect leader of a small sect. He must have come down to earth to travel...

"Since we are here, we should pay a visit!" Mo Ziqi immediately flew out.

The two of them also quickly landed outside the Tianxuan Sect Mountain Gate.

At this time, the two of them suddenly fell from the sky, shocking the two disciples guarding the mountain gate and the black dog!

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