Just because a real man never looks back to see the explosion!

About an hour passed.

Lin Yu quickly stopped in the air.

In front of him, an extremely huge mountain appeared. The shape of the entire mountain was a bit strange, and it exuded a terrifying power...

Although this power is nothing in Lin Yu's eyes, in front of other monks, it must be an extremely dangerous existence!

"The Cold Meteor Cave is inside!" Lin Yu muttered.

The high mountain in front of you is called Hanyue Mountain!

It is said that a long time ago, a piece of ice from the sky fell here, thus forming Hanyue Mountain.

This area will be covered with snow all day long!

"There is actually a super battle. It should be set up by the formation master Lu Wenyuan that Mo Ziqi mentioned." Lin Yu nodded slowly.

He himself has mastered the full-level formation!

Lin Yu could tell at a glance the level of layout of the super formation in front of him!


Lin Yu tapped his finger lightly.

A sword energy burst out.

The super formation that protected the entire Hanyu Mountain shattered into pieces in an instant.

At this moment.

In the Cold Meteor Cave, a woman suddenly woke up with a serious look on her face: "Someone actually broke my formation with just one finger!"

For her, she was completely unsure whether Lin Yu's appearance was a blessing or a curse!

Just when Lu Wenyuan stood up, Lin Yu appeared directly in the cold meteor cave.

this moment.

Lu Wenyuan instantly entered a state of alert, ready to take action at any time. She slowly asked: "Fellow Taoist, you broke into my Hanyun Cave. What do you want me to ask you?"

"What, I'm here for you!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

The entire Cold Meteor Cave is not big.

Lin Yu soon saw a jade bed, where a young man was lying lifeless...

There is a special piece of ice on top of him. It is the cold air emitted by this ice that keeps the man in a frozen state, and the soul in his body will not dissipate!

"Come for me?" Lu Wenyuan was very surprised.

This was definitely the first time she had seen Lin Yu in front of her. Is there any conspiracy here?

No matter how she probed, she could only detect the Qi Condensation level of Lin Yu...

But she knew very well that Lin Yu was definitely a very powerful being.

if not.

There is no way he can break his own formation so easily!

"I am Lin Yu, the leader of Tianxuan Sect. I am here this time to invite you to join Tianxuan Sect. Currently, Tianxuan Sect is in short supply of formation masters like you!"

Lin Yu spoke again.

"Tianxuan Sect?" Lu Wenyuan had never heard of it at all.

She said calmly: "If I'm not wrong, my fellow Taoist, your formation level is above mine, why bother looking for someone else!"

"My formations are powerful, but I don't have the heart to teach my disciples how to learn formations. I can only give you a few pointers at most!" Lin Yu waved his hand and said, "Let me make a deal with you. I will save him and you will go to heaven." Xuanzong!"

"Can it really be saved?" Lu Wenyuan quickly confirmed.

"Of course, how about it, my conditions should be very good." Lin Yu nodded seriously.

"Okay, if you can really save your life, I am willing to join Tianxuan Sect, and I am also willing to teach you all the formation techniques I have!" Lu Wenyuan responded!

"Very good!" Lin Yu said with satisfaction.


Just like the leader of the Jiutian Han Sect said, as long as Lu Wenyuan's lover can be saved.

Lu Wenyuan will definitely agree to this.

Lin Yu walked up to the man and formed a seal with his hands!

"The Secret of Endless Life!"


A huge amount of vital energy poured into the man's body.


In just a few breaths, Lu Wenyuan could clearly hear that the heart of her loved one began to beat again.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

The whole body recovers quickly.


Lin Yu also used special means to prevent the man's soul from dissipating!

After continuing to feed him a pill, Lin Yu clapped his hands slightly and said, "It's ready. He should wake up in a while!"

"However, he only has a thousand years left to live. If he wants to live longer, he can only continue to live by constantly breaking through the realm. If he can ascend to immortality within a thousand years, he can continue to live!"

Hear this.

Lu Wenyuan still thanked her: "Thank you!"

"It's okay, you don't need this ice anymore, I'll take it!" Lin Yu waved his hand, and the special ice fell into his hands.

"This should be the outer ice!" Lin Yu asked again.

"Yes." Lu Wenyuan nodded.

Thanks to the discovery of this extraterrestrial ice, the soul of her beloved has been preserved.

Only then can we have hope of resurrection now!

"Good stuff!" Lin Yu smiled.

It just so happens that this extraterrestrial ice can be given to that girl Long Junru. With the blessing of this extraterrestrial ice, her ice phoenix bloodline will definitely become stronger.


I am indeed a good sect leader who thinks about my disciples! ,

Lin Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After a while.

The man slowly woke up.

Because it had been frozen for so long, some of the man's memories had not yet been fully restored.

However, the man still remembered Lu Wenyuan.

To this man, it seemed like he had been dreaming for a long time...

The man's name is Xu Bing, and he is also a monk in the realm of gods.

Because of the forbidden technique, all the cultivation base has been lost, and now I can only practice again.

Chapter 125 From now on, you will be called Sun Wukong!

"Okay, people have saved you, now let's go back to Tianxuan Sect first!"

After almost a stick of incense, Lin Yu slowly spoke.

When they arrived at Tianxuan Sect, Lu Wenyuan and Xu Bing had a lot of time to get along well and even communicate in depth.

So, there is no need to continue wasting time here.

"Okay!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Lu Wenyuan nodded.

After walking out of the Cold Meteor Cave, Lin Yu was just about to say something.

Suddenly, I saw a rich and gorgeous purple energy appearing in the distant sky.

The purple energy was filled with an extremely mysterious aura, and one could feel the mysterious power surging throughout the world.

Such a vision is not simple! ! !

There is definitely a peerless treasure or some kind of supreme opportunity!

"Did you see anything unusual over there?" Lin Yu asked, pointing in one direction.

Lu Wenyuan and Xu Bing also looked in the direction pointed by Lin Yu, and found nothing unusual.

Soon, Lu Wenyuan replied: "Everything is normal, there is nothing abnormal."

See this.

Lin Yu also thought for a moment. In this case, he should be the only one who can see the purple gas phenomenon!

"This is the map of the Great Yan Dynasty. The location of Tianxuan Sect is very clearly marked on it. Next, you go to Tianxuan Sect first!" Lin Yu waved his hand, and a map condensed in front of Lu Wenyuan.

Since only he could see the purple energy, Lin Yu planned to investigate.

"Understood!" Lu Wenyuan took the map and responded.


Lin Yu shattered the void and headed in the direction where the purple energy appeared.

"Wenyuan, what kind of existence is he?" Xu Bing took a deep breath and sighed slowly.

"Aim for the top spot!" Lu Wenyuan said calmly.

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