This made Xu Bing stunned.

Aiming for the top spot, wouldn’t that be an immortal!

"In these hundreds of years, I have searched for many ways, but there is no way to truly resurrect you!"

"But the sect leader almost only took a few breaths to fully revive you!"

Lu Wenyuan continued, in her opinion, only immortals could do such methods.


Lu Wenyuan also flew towards the Great Yan Dynasty with Xu Bing.


The other side.

Lin Yu shuttled through the space cracks and arrived at a sea.

Not far ahead is an island.

All the purple energy in the sky descended on this island!

As Lin Yu took a closer look, all the purple energy was absorbed by a huge stone on the island.

A teleportation.

Lin Yu quickly entered the island.

Come to that special stone.

"I didn't expect that there was actually a life inside this stone!" Lin Yu was surprised.

That purple energy was summoned by the life in this stone!

With the continuous absorption of purple energy, the life inside the stone is constantly getting stronger...

After almost half an hour, the purple energy in the sky dissipated.

At this time, Lin Yu's eyes flashed again, and he could clearly see that the life in the stone had already transformed into a monkey!


"Stone Monkey!"

"Sun Wukong?"

Lin Yu was a little stunned.

He still remembered that Sun Wukong jumped out of the stone...and now he actually encountered such a stone monkey!

"Something!" Lin Yu nodded again, "You and I are also destined, so I'll help you!"

Lin Yu pointed his finger, and his spiritual power poured into the stone.

It would definitely take a long time for Stone Monkey to truly break free just by relying on himself!

After sensing Lin Yu's powerful power, Shi Hou also quickly absorbed it.


After absorbing enough powerful power, the entire stone bursts into light.

Then, there was another loud noise.

A stone monkey jumped out and flew directly into the sky...with an extremely happy face.

After a while.

The stone monkey flew down from the sky and landed in front of Lin Yu.

The stone monkey even knelt down towards Lin Yu!

It is quite spiritual, and I know that Lin Yu helped it.

"Can you say it?" Lin Yu said.

"I can..." Shihou said with some difficulty. He could indeed speak, but he didn't speak very smoothly.

It will probably take some time before you can speak fluently.

"As long as you can speak, you and I are destined. Are you willing to become a disciple of my Tianxuan Sect?" Lin Yu said with a smile.

In Lin Yu's view, maybe he can build a new Monkey King himself!

Just right.

Before, I got a "Sacred Fighting Technique" through signing in!

This fighting holy method happens to be very suitable for this stone monkey.

"I...will..." Shihou still stammered.

"From now on, you will be called Sun Wukong!" Lin Yu named it directly.

The next second.

Even more lightly with a finger.

The formula for fighting the holy law completely emerged in Shihou's mind...

At this moment, Stone Monkey also entered a state of cultivation.

Its body has obviously become stronger.

The hair is shinier and has a golden glow.

Around it, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth quickly poured into its body.

Its breathing becomes slow and steady, as if it is one with nature.

Lin Yu gave it a great fortune and opportunity!


After continuing for two hours.

This stone monkey has successfully mastered the holy method of fighting, and his cultivation has reached the late stage of foundation building!

This speed of improvement can be considered very fast!

"Thank you, Sect Master!" Shi Hou thanked Lin Yu.

Just now.

Lin Yu also input the information about the world of immortality into Stone Monkey's mind.


He also became more fluent in speaking.

And it’s becoming more and more humane!

"You are born with the nourishment of heaven and earth, and your future achievements are limitless, but if you want to become stronger in the future, you still need to work hard on your own!" Lin Yu warned seriously.

"Disciple, I understand!" Shihou responded respectfully again.

Seeing it behave like this, Lin Yu smiled and nodded.

Since you want to build a Monkey King yourself!

Then weapons are indispensable!

Dinghai Shenzhen!

"It seems that after I go back, I have to refine it myself." Lin Yu thought to himself.

With his full-level weapon refining, he can definitely refine the Sea Ding Needle exactly like the one in Journey to the West.

Maybe it can be even more powerful!

After thinking about it.

Lin Yu looked at Stone Monkey: "Wukong, let's go, it's time for us to return to Tianxuan Sect!"

The next second.

Lin Yu easily cut through the crack in space, and then stepped in with Stone Monkey.


Chapter 126: One word scared away the immortal weapon Jie Yun, and successfully refined the Poseidon Needle

After returning to Tianxuan Sect.

Lin Yu also asked the stone monkey Sun Wukong to go to the training tower and martial arts tower to practice like other disciples...

With Lin Yu's help, Stone Monkey's intelligence was the same as that of other disciples, or even smarter!

As time passed, the people of Tianxuan Sect became more and more accustomed to having such a junior brother Monkey.

Everyone in the entire sect is very happy to get along with each other, which makes Shi Hou like Tianxuan Sect more and more, and he is getting used to the new life here and has a greater sense of belonging.

Coupled with the addition of Lu Wenyuan, Tianxuan Sect has officially become complete.

Lin Yu also directly asked her to serve as the peak leader of Tianxuan Sect Formation Peak.

Lin Yu also arranged for Lu Wenyuan's beloved Xu Bing to be the elder of Formation Peak.

After Lu Wenyuan and Xu Bing truly entered Tianxuan Sect for the first time, they were completely shocked. They had no idea that Tianxuan Sect was such a paradise and a holy land for cultivation!

He even saw the hope of becoming an immortal.

This made the two of them more willing to stay well in Xuanzong today.

After the Formation Peak had a peak master, those disciples who liked formations began to worship at the Formation Peak and learn all the formations.

Lu Wenyuan also did what she said, and patiently taught these disciples who were talented in formations one by one, starting from the basics!

What made her very happy was that these disciples of Tianxuan Sect were all very talented. Of course, the most important thing was their hard work and perseverance.

The path of cultivation.

Just having talent is not enough, you must put in more effort...

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