"What's even more outrageous is that many sects throughout the Eastern Region have also begun to imitate it."

Lu Ming said quickly.

He felt that it would be much more difficult for them to recruit disciples at the level of demons and geniuses now.

"It doesn't matter, if they want to imitate, just imitate!" Lin Yu waved his hand and didn't care.

Such wild disciple recruitment rules are only suitable for Tianxuan Sect... To be precise, they are only suitable for the sect led by Lin Yu.

If it were another sect, if they accepted disciples according to such rules, they would probably recruit really useless people...

"Understood." Lu Ming nodded slightly, "The second thing is, I got the news. It seems that a tomb of a powerful person in the Transformation of God Realm is about to be revealed recently. There must be the inheritance of that powerful person in it! "

"Now many forces from the Great Yan Dynasty have sent people there."

"So, Sect Master, do we, Tianxuan Sect, want to send disciples? Maybe this can be considered an experience.

After listening to this, Lin Yu said, "Of course we have to send them. These disciples will never be able to truly grow if they stay in the sect forever!"

The truly strong ones become stronger through constant training and through life and death!

"But I have to think carefully about sending those disciples!" Lin Yu continued.

Lu Linglong, she is a Dao Qinglian body, and she is already in the Nascent Soul realm... She doesn't need to go out to practice.

Not to mention Jun Shuying, she was a top powerhouse in her previous life, so there is no need for any experience.

After thinking about it carefully.

Lin Yu quickly made a decision, "This way, send Han Li, Lin Qingya and Ye Fan!"

During this time, Lin Qingya was a little light bulb.

It's just a good time for her to go out and practice hard and improve herself.

Han Li is a cautious person. With the blue silver holy body and the special treasure small green bottle, he must be able to better lead the team to explore the tomb.

Ye Fan had received a lot of inheritance in swordsmanship in the Medicine Saint Secret Realm, and now it was time to put it to use.

Not a moment's time.

The three disciples appeared in front of Lin Yu.

The specific situation was also explained to them in detail.

"Finally, I appointed Han Li as captain. Next, Ye Fan and Lin Qingya, you two must listen to Han Li from now on!"

Lin Yu said seriously.


Mark was a little dissatisfied.

Among the three, he is the strongest.

Logically speaking, the most powerful person should take the position of captain.


Ye Fan did not object.

The decision made by the sect leader naturally has its own reasons, but he cannot understand this reason now.

No matter what, if Han Li makes a wrong decision by then, he will never listen to it.

"Han Li, I will leave these two to you, but they must come back safely." Lin Yu patted Han Li on the shoulder and said seriously.

The heavy responsibility he shouldered made Han Li feel a little pressured, but it was still within his tolerance.

Han Li immediately promised, "Sect Master, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task!"

"That's good. You guys pack up and you can set off immediately!" Lin Yu smiled and said, "Work hard. I will observe you from time to time. If you perform well, you will be rewarded accordingly!"


Ye Fan's eyes suddenly lit up.


After a brief tidying up, Han Li led the team and left Tianxuan Sect, heading towards the tomb of the powerful man who transformed into gods.

Watching their backs getting farther and farther away, gradually disappearing from the eyes.

Lu Ming couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Sect Master, are you really not going to send someone to protect them secretly?"

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

They are all evil geniuses.

It would be a pity if he died outside.

For Tianxuan Sect, it is definitely a big loss...

"No need, they are not ordinary disciples!" Lin Yu waved his hand. Both Ye Fan and Han Li have protagonist panels... It's just the tomb of a strong man in the God Transformation Realm. For them, , can definitely be called "easy".

As for Lin Qingya, although she is not as good as Ye Fan and Han Li, her own talent is not bad.

Coupled with the presence of Ye Fan and Han Li, Lin Qingya's safety can also be well guaranteed!

"Okay, Great Elder, you should continue to work on your work. Next, you have to recruit more geniuses!" Lin Yu continued.

"Understood, Sect Master!" Lu Ming responded.

Lin Yu quickly returned to his courtyard again.

Once again, she returned to Lin Qingxue's warm embrace.

"Qingxue, you won't blame me, will you? Send your sister." Lin Yu asked softly.

"No, this is also a growth for her." Lin Qingxue shook her head, thinking that she had experienced many dangers in the past.

Actual combat.

It is always one of the fastest ways to improve your strength.

It also allows a person to grow up quickly.

Everyone can enjoy peace and tranquility inside the sect...but once they leave the sect, there is a cruel world outside where people cannibalize people.

So everyone has to grow up.


"Since I helped your sister grow up, do you want to reward me?"

Lin Yu showed a mysterious smile.

Seeing this, Lin Qingxue said shyly, "It's not dark yet~~~"

"It's still okay if it's not dark!"

Lin Yu stood up, picked her up directly, and walked into the house!


Chapter 128 The situation is not right, Han Li led Ye Fan and Lin Qingya to silently retreat behind the monks

Another few days of great enjoyment!

Lin Yu immersed himself in the gentle countryside almost every day. Although he felt a little "degenerate", overall he was pretty good.

After all, I was so invincible that I couldn't find anything else to do.

[Ding dong, do you want to start signing in? 】

Early this morning.

Lin Yu slowly woke up, and the system's voice rang in his mind.

"Start signing in!" Lin Yu muttered silently in his heart.

Immediately, the system sound sounded again.

[Sign-in is starting...Sign-in is complete! 】

[Congratulations on getting the sign-in reward: Five Spirit Pearls! 】

[Five spirit beads: five spirit beads of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, containing huge spiritual energy of corresponding attributes...]

"It's good stuff again!" Lin Yu nodded slightly.

Looking at the five spirit beads, he directly put them into the storage ring.

After a while.

Queen Medusa and Tu Shan Yueyue in their arms also slowly opened their eyes and woke up. The battle between the three of them last night was quite fierce.

In the middle, the dual cultivation method was used. Although Lin Yu's cultivation strength did not improve at all, the realm cultivation of these two beauties has improved significantly.

In order to make them stronger, Lin Yu naturally has to work harder!

As long as Queen Medusa and the others become stronger, they will all become immortals in the future.

Then we can always be together.

There is no need to experience separation or death...

"No messing around in the next few days." Queen Medusa gently pinched Lin Yu's waist and said shyly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I have to take a good rest for a few days." Tushan Yueyue pouted her cute little cherry mouth, and the sound she made was even more beautiful.

"Okay, okay, I listen to you." Lin Yu smiled softly.

I feel invincible in every aspect.

I feel so shy every day. If it were any other man, he would have been cold in less than half a month...

"By the way, I wonder how Han Li and the others are doing?" Lin Yu suddenly thought of something at this time.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu tapped his finger lightly.

A special mirror is suspended in mid-air.

A ray of light disappeared into the mirror.

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