Suddenly a picture appeared in the mirror.

It can be clearly seen that Han Li, Ye Fan and Lin Qingya have successfully entered the tomb of the powerful man in the Transformation of God Realm.

Of course, there were other monks who also entered.

"Do you think they can get the opportunity in the tomb?" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"There should be no problem!" Tu Shan Yueyue replied.

After all, he is a disciple of Tianxuan Sect.

If you can't even get a chance or a treasure, then it's useless to be a disciple of Tianxuan Sect.


At this moment.

Han Li, Ye Fan and the others are moving forward through a passage in the tomb.

The entire passage is extremely eerie, and there is a dark wind blowing from time to time, which is simply terrifying!

"By the way, is the passage we chose right?" Among the three, Lin Qingya had the lowest cultivation level, so she walked in the middle.

The whole person is extremely cautious.

I was afraid that if any danger appeared, I would not be able to resist it immediately.

"Don't worry, my hunch is very accurate." Han Li, who was walking in front, assured him in a very calm tone.

Although it was Han Li's first time to actually practice, he acted like a veteran with rich experience.

"Don't be afraid, no matter what danger you encounter, I, Ye Fan, only need one sword!" Ye Fan from behind said with confidence.

As the three of them continue to move forward!

Soon we reached the end of the passage.

A special stone door appeared in front of them.

"There is a special mechanism on this stone door, which seems to require huge spiritual power to activate!" Han Li said after careful observation!

"It's easy, let me do it!" Ye Fan responded upon seeing this.

When he came to the stone gate, he slapped his palm, and the huge spiritual power in his body poured directly into the stone gate!

For a moment, Ye Fan felt that the stone gate was like a bottomless pit, devouring his spiritual power crazily!

The mysterious pattern on the stone door began to glow faintly.

"The spiritual power is not enough!" Han Li saw this scene and quickly input his own spiritual power.

Not a moment.

The mysterious pattern on the stone door became brighter and brighter.

"Look, there's someone in front of you!"

"They're opening the door!"


At this time, other monks rushed towards here.

When they arrived.

Han Li and Ye Fan also worked together to completely activate the entire Shimen.

After the stone door was activated, it automatically opened slowly.


The moment it was opened, an extremely cold wind broke out inside.

It was pitch dark inside, and it was completely unclear what was inside.

But everyone can feel that the space inside has very huge energy.

Han Li stared at the darkness in front of him, his face a little solemn, "Let's retreat!"

The next second.

He even sent a message to Ye Fan and Lin Qingya.

When setting off, Lin Yu personally told him to listen to Han Li's words.

Therefore, although Ye Fan and Lin Qingya didn't understand why they had to retreat, they still followed Han Li and retreated behind the monks.

On the other hand.

The monks were extremely happy when they saw Han Li taking the initiative to get out of the way.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

"Treasure, there must be a treasure inside!"

"Brothers, hurry up, the treasures are first come, first served!"


The monks rushed in immediately.

"In other words, we spent so much spiritual energy to open the stone gate, so it was easier for them." Ye Fan couldn't help but whispered.

"We don't know what the situation is inside. They can rush in first to explore. What's more, I sense that there is danger inside, so it's better to be careful!" Han Li said cautiously.

The more this happens, the more careful you have to be.

Otherwise, you may make a wrong move and you will be unable to remedy the situation and fall directly into the abyss...

"Junior Brother Han is right!" Lin Qingya agreed very much.



Not long after, screams came from inside.

Then there was no movement!

"Han Li, be careful, there is a killing ban inside, and the space inside is also poisonous!" Han Li's blue silver holy body began to remind him.


Also using the power of the Blue Silver Holy Body, the Blue Silver Flower bloomed in the space inside.

But as soon as Blue Silver Flower appeared, it was corroded by the poison.

Immediately afterwards.

Han Li also told Ye Fan and Lin Qingya this information.

After hearing this, Ye Fan was shocked and couldn't help but take a deep breath, "I now truly understand why the sect wants you to be the captain, and I'm convinced now!"

"After that, I'll listen to you!"

The decision Han Li made just now was very correct.

On the other hand, if you rush in by yourself, it will definitely be extremely dangerous.

Although I have a treasure to protect my body, it is definitely not that easy to solve.

Chapter 129 Carry out the prudent way to the end

"What should we do next?"

Ye Fan continued to look at Han Li and asked, now for them, there are only two choices, one is to enter it, and return to other passages.

"This is a poison-avoiding pill!"

Han Li quickly took out three green pills, "This is made by the master of Yaofeng himself, with only six pill patterns, the effect should be no problem!"

"Hmm!" Ye Fan and Lin Qingya nodded slightly, and after taking the anti-poison pill, they immediately took it.

"Blue silver body protection!" Han Li then made a seal with his hands, and three protective blue silver flowers condensed and fell on the three of them, forming a protective shield!

"Although the anti-poison pill can resist various poisons, it is not absolute. With this blue silver protection, we have greater protection!" Han Li continued.

Hearing this, Ye Fan and Lin Qingya nodded again. As expected of the captain designated by the sect master, he considered all aspects very carefully.

Let Ye Fan admire more and more! If it were him, he probably wouldn't have thought of this.

"We don't have to worry about the poison inside for the time being, so how can we break the restriction?" Lin Qingya asked softly.

"It's very simple. Junior Brother Ye and I will go in together and find a way to break the restrictions inside first!"

"Junior Brother Ye and I have our own means of saving our lives, so Senior Sister Lin, you wait for us outside and be sure to protect yourself!"

Han Li answered quickly.

He has the Blue Silver Holy Body and the precious little green bottle.

Ye Fan also has the mysterious black sword in his body. ?

So the two of them going in is the best choice. ?

Even if the restrictions inside are extremely terrifying and they cannot break them, they can safely withdraw and find other passages!

"Okay, I agree with this method!" Ye Fan responded directly.

"Okay, you guys be careful!" Lin Qingya instructed, and she was more determined in her heart to practice well in the future and become stronger.

After that, don't drag your feet anymore!

After making preparations.

Han Li and Ye Fan also walked in directly.

In Lin Qingya's eyes, the figures of the two quickly entered the darkness!

In the space.

It was extremely dark.

It was the kind where you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

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