At this time, Han Li's blue silver holy body magical power and blue silver divine eyes were operating, his eyes were shining with blue light, and he could see everything in front of him clearly.

"Heavenly Sword's Bright Eyes!" At the same time, Ye Fan also used the means at his disposal, and he was able to see clearly inside.

The air is not only filled with poison, but also rich blood!

Those monks who just rushed in have been turned into pieces of minced meat...

"Be careful, there is a ban ahead. It is estimated that as soon as you step into the restricted range, the entire ban will be activated instantly, and the intruders will be strangled!" Han Li quickly reminded, after all, this is the tomb of a powerful person in the God Transformation Realm. The ban is definitely strong.

"I saw it too!" Ye Fan nodded, "It's just that I don't know what the restriction is right now!"

Different bans have different ways to crack them.

"What kind of restriction is it? You'll know after you try it!" Han Li said with a calm face.

With a gentle tap of his fingers, blue silver flowers grew out of the restricted area in front of them.

Boom! ! !

The first moment these blue silver flowers grew, the restraint was immediately excited, and the terrifying power strangled the blue silver flowers into scum!

After there was no life form within the restriction, the restriction dimmed and disappeared again.

"Look clearly, it's the spiritual energy strangulation formation!" Ye Fan said quickly, "No wonder the corpses of these monks are all in the shape of pieces of meat!"

The spiritual energy strangulation formation uses spiritual energy as the energy source. The more energy there is, the more terrifying the power will be.

That’s why there is such a rich spiritual energy in this space.

The reason why the poison is placed in this space is probably to prevent intruders from absorbing and refining the pure and huge spiritual energy here... In addition, this poison also has a function, it can poison to death. Interloper.

Once a monk rashly absorbs the spiritual energy here, poison will enter the body.

At that time, when the poison enters the marrow, death is certain!

"If you want to break this spiritual energy strangulation formation, the method is very simple. You only need to disperse all the spiritual energy in this space and turn it into a space without spiritual energy. This prohibitive formation will not be able to be activated." Han Li said softly.

"However, the spiritual energy in this space is too huge, and it will be difficult to dissipate!" Ye Fan shook his head, it was another very troublesome problem!

"Leave it to me!" Han Li took out the small green bottle.

With the stimulation of his own spiritual power, the little green bottle was like a black hole, crazily beginning to devour the spiritual energy in this space!

He even absorbed the poison as well!

It only took a few breaths.

There is no trace of aura or poison in the entire space.

"Awesome!" Ye Fan gave a thumbs up.

"That's okay!" Han Li waved his hand and put the little green bottle away instantly.

This is his supreme treasure. Under normal circumstances, he will not expose it to outsiders.

Both Ye Fan and Lin Qingya are trustworthy, so even if they are exposed, it doesn't matter!

"Okay, business is important. Let's inform Senior Sister Lin to come in first!" Han Li continued.

"Okay, I'll go!" Ye Fan nodded.

In this space, there is no way to communicate through sound transmission.

After a while.

Ye Fan and Lin Qingya came to Han Li again.

Just at this time, Han Li found a mechanism.

After opening this mechanism.

The entire dark space immediately condensed with light, completely illuminating it.

The space is empty.

There are only words on the surrounding walls.

"My name is Liu Kui. I started practicing cultivation at the age of three. I completed the foundation building at the age of seven. I received the golden elixir at the age of ten, the Nascent Soul at the age of thirty, and the spirit transformation at the age of a hundred... Originally I thought I could achieve this within a thousand years. Break through and ascend to immortality, but if a tree is as beautiful as a forest, the wind will destroy it... I hope that future generations will remember my lessons and don't make the same mistakes again..."

The words on the wall record the life of the tomb owner.

After the three of them read it.

They couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The foundation building was completed at the age of seven.

At the age of ten, he achieved the golden elixir!

Such talent for cultivation.

Even stronger than them all...

But even such a super peerless talent actually fell in the end.

"It's a pity. If he could meet the sect master, he might not have such a fate."

Ye Fan sighed.

"Maybe this is the meaning of experience!" Han Li muttered.

Everything you see and hear can give you some insights.

After seeing the life experience of this powerful man in the realm of gods, he was even more determined to implement this prudent way to the end!

Chapter 130 Immortal Ancient Land

Everything about Han Li and the others in the tomb was clearly seen by Lin Yu.

It made Lin Yu feel like watching a movie!

At this time, Lin Yu hugged the two beauties on his left and right, nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "As expected of a disciple of Tianxuan Sect, his entire performance so far can be said to be full marks!"

"Yes, this disciple named Han Li is very prudent in dealing with things, considers all aspects very carefully, and is well prepared!" Tushan Yueyue said with a soft laugh.

Monks like this generally live longer and achieve higher achievements in the future!

In the world of cultivating immortals, many monks have fallen because of carelessness, excessive pride, etc.!

When they die, they will most likely feel endless regret.

"I have to go practice, so I won't accompany you." Queen Medusa said softly.

"Me too!" Tu Shan Yueyue nodded quickly.

If you keep reading, it will probably get dark again soon... By then, there will definitely be another "fierce battle" at night!

It's not that they don't like it, it's just that it's been too crazy these past few days.

You must take a good rest for a certain amount of time.

"Okay, you guys have a good rest!" Lin Yu nodded.

After Tu Shan Yueyue and Queen Medusa left, Lin Yu was alone on the bed in the room.

He also continued to look at the picture in the mirror.

Han Li and the others have found a new passage, keep moving forward!

They are getting closer and closer to the core area of ​​the tomb.

Next, there will definitely be a fight!

It didn't take long.

As Lin Yu expected, Han Li and the three of them entered the center of the tomb smoothly!

At this moment, there are other monks in the central area...

Boom! ! !

Inside the main tomb.

Everyone saw a huge coffin, and many monks believed that the coffin contained the inheritance of the powerful man in the realm of gods.

But they soon discovered that there were layers of restrictions on the entire coffin, so many monks began to attack the restrictions, trying to force them open.


With everyone's constant bombardment, cracks soon appeared in the restriction!

Seeing this, Ye Fan looked at Han Li again and said, "What, do we want to take action? All the monks here are no match for us!"

Ye Fan is still very confident about his own strength!

"Don't worry, this is the tomb of a powerful person in the realm of gods. I always feel that there is still danger in the coffin, so let them explore the way!" Han Li waved his hand and said, "After it is confirmed that there is no danger, Let’s do it again!”

This way it will be very safe!

No matter what happens, you will be better able to cope with it.

The mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind!

In this space, there are many other monks, secretly watching...

Faced with such a situation, whoever dares to take the lead will greatly increase the mortality rate!

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Ye Fan didn't refute when he saw this, and nodded in agreement.


"The restriction is broken, the treasure is mine!"

With the ban completely lifted.

The monks seemed to be going crazy and rushed towards the coffin, wanting to open the coffin and take possession of the treasures inside!


Time passed little by little.

Before I knew it, another day had passed.

[Ding dong, do you want to start checking in for a new day? 】

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