This made Zhou Guan feel a little flustered!

Facing that Nascent Soul powerhouse, even if he had a chance, as a foundation-building monk, he would probably be killed the next moment if he just took action!

"Master Ta, do we have to follow them? Can't we explore in other directions?" Zhou Guan asked a little puzzled.

"You don't understand this, right? The treasures of chance in the Immortal Ancient Land are all in the core area."

"And the direction we are heading now is the only way to the core area! If we go to other places, there are only countless restrictions..."

Ta Ye explained it in detail.

Especially hearing.

This ancient place of immortality is a place where immortals have stayed, and may have inheritance from immortals.

This surprised Zhou Guan.

Immortal inheritance.

That is the true supreme immortality!

If you can get it, you might be able to become an immortal in the future...

"Master Ta, I understand." Zhou Point nodded.

"Follow me and teach you how to hide your cultivation aura. Don't let them discover it. We don't know what the other party's character is yet. If you are discovered, the other party might kill you!" Ta Ye reminded.



Chapter 135: Obtain an experience talisman for speaking the Dharma, a Mahayana puppet with a soul

[Ding dong, do you want to start a new day and sign in! 】

Daytime came soon in the Ancient Land of Immortals, and the system's voice sounded in Lin Yu's mind. At this moment, Lin Yu slowly woke up.

Looking at the cloudless sky, my whole mood suddenly became much better.

"Sign in!" Lin Yu muttered silently in his heart.

[Starting to sign in... Signing in...]

[Sign-in is complete, congratulations on getting the sign-in reward: an experience talisman for speaking the law! 】

[Experience the words to speak the law: it can only be used once! Please note that if you use this experience symbol too outrageously, it may become invalid! 】

The sign-in was successful quickly, and a special talisman appeared in Lin Yu's hands.

The feeling of stroking the talisman is so wonderful.

"What the hell, is it too outrageous? What range is considered outrageous? Doesn't this give you a reference?" Lin Yu felt a little uncomfortable!

【Please investigate on your own! 】

No matter what, the sign-in reward this time is definitely the ultimate reward.

"Then I have to think carefully about how to make this verbal experience talisman play its greatest role." Lin Yu muttered again in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Yu still didn't think of how to use it.

Mainly, Lin Yu didn't lack anything.

With my invincible cultivation, I can have whatever I want...

There is no shortage of money, no shortage of women, basically nothing!

"Forget it, let's accept it first. Maybe it will still be useful in the future." Lin Yu thought to himself.

Immediately, he also directly put the verbal experience talisman into the storage ring!

"Sect Master, I have discovered something..." After Black Dog saw that Lin Yu had woken up, he quickly came to Lin Yu and spoke respectfully.

Last night, it discovered a young man who had established the Great Perfection in the rear.

The other party did not continue to approach.

So Black Dog didn't take action either.

Until now, the other party has not left, probably because they want to follow them... They are exploring the way in front, and the boy can take advantage...

"Your young man, I already knew it when he came in here, so let him follow him first!" Lin Yu smiled and nodded.

That young man is not simple, he also has a supreme treasure in his body, and he is probably another one with the protagonist's faceplate.

Therefore, Lin Yu also wanted to observe and see how this young man was like?

If possible, he could be included in Tianxuan Sect.

In this way, Tianxuan Sect will have one more super genius...

"Understood!" Black Dog responded.

"Okay, let's keep going!" Lin Yu stood up, stretched, and said.

At this time, Jun Shuying and Lu Linglong also stopped practicing.

After a night of practice, their current state is very energetic, and all aspects of their state have reached an optimal state!

keep going!

It didn't take long.

I met a lot of puppets again.

These puppets are made from living monks using special cruel methods!

However, the puppet we encountered today was not very strong.

Therefore, basically Jun Shuying and Lu Linglong joined forces and the whole process was solved smoothly.

"The forbidden area ahead, outsiders are prohibited from entering!"


Suddenly a huge ax fell from the sky and hit Lin Yu and the others hard on their way forward.

An eerie voice sounded, and a strong man soon appeared.

He pulled out the giant ax and put it directly on his shoulders, exuding extremely powerful power fluctuations.

He is a monk in the Mahayana realm.

However, he is also a puppet.

Unlike other puppets, he has his own soul...

"How long have you been made into a puppet?" Lin Yu couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I don't remember. You'd better leave quickly. This is not a place for you!" The Mahayana puppet shook his head.

It has been so long that he has forgotten, even who he is and where he comes from...

But he always remembered that he had a mission, which was to guard this place and prohibit all outsiders from entering!

"I'm here now, let me leave just like that, impossible!" Lin Yu shook his head and refused directly.

This ancient immortal land, he must get the things inside before leaving!

"Those who don't listen to advice, die!" The Mahayana puppet held a giant axe and came to Lin Yu in an instant.

The giant axe chopped directly at Lin Yu with an unstoppable momentum.

If it were other cultivators, this axe would probably break into two halves.

Lin Yu just stretched out a finger and easily resisted it.

"This is impossible!" The Mahayana puppet was extremely unbelievable after seeing this scene.

His giant axe was extremely sharp, and the axe just exploded, with terrifying power...

But the opponent completely resisted it with just one finger.

"Nothing is impossible, you are too weak!" Lin Yu gently exerted force on his fingers.


The giant axe instantly broke into pieces!

A good weapon was destroyed just like that.

It's a pity.

At the same time, in the darkness not far away.

Zhou Guan was surprised when he saw this scene: "Master Ta, did you see it? He only used one finger to attack such a terrifying attack! Too strong!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

"Zhou Guan, this person must be a super boss!" Master Ta's voice also became solemn.

Even it couldn't deduce Lin Yu's origin...

"Xian Yun!" Master Ta's voice became extremely shocking,: "Zhou Guan, he may be an immortal!"


In an instant, Zhou Guan was shocked to an extreme.

Immortals are legendary existences... Now there has been no immortals for ten thousand years.

"Master Ta, are you not mistaken?" Zhou Guan swallowed his saliva and couldn't help but confirm it again.

"Not very sure, but the possibility is very high!" Master Ta nodded.

"If he is really an immortal, then we must have been discovered, but the other party did not make a move..." Zhou Guan began to analyze.

"Maybe he disdains to fight with us!" Master Ta guessed.


At this moment, a roar that resounded through the heavens and earth erupted again!

Zhou Guan looked closely and saw that the Mahayana puppet was pierced by the light cast by Lin Yu, and his entire body dissipated directly...

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