This kind of strength is simply an absolute crushing! ! !


Still absolutely invincible!

"Come out!" Lin Yu looked at Zhou Guan's position and said softly.

"Master Ta, are we going out?" Zhou Guan swallowed his saliva and had no idea what to do.

"In the current situation, there is only one choice, be honest and obedient!" Master Ta's voice was very serious, completely different from the previous one, with a sense of joking in his words.

Chapter 136 Recruiting new disciples, the top fairy weapon Creation Tower from the fairy world, teaching the creation fairy method

Now that he has been discovered, he definitely can't run away in front of an immortal!

Soon Zhou Guan came out and came directly to Lin Yu quickly, saluted and said: "Junior Zhou Guan, meet the senior!"

Zhou Guan's tone was very respectful, and he almost knelt down and kowtowed!

"Zhou Guan, it's a good name!" Lin Yu nodded slightly and showed a mysterious smile: "Hand over the treasures on you, I will let you live!" At this moment, Zhou Guan was even more stunned... When did the immortals rob the monks? "Senior, this is all my belongings!" Zhou Guan quickly took off the storage ring he was wearing and presented it with both hands. "I don't want these, I want the tower in your body!" Lin Yu waved his fingers. Zhou Guan's face changed drastically in an instant. The black tower in his body was his supreme treasure to change his fate. Although he had only been with Ta Ye for more than a year, he already regarded Ta Ye as his indispensable companion. The tower in his body was also stunned. It was worthy of being an immortal. He had tried his best to hide it, but he was still discovered. For a while, Ta Ye wanted to use his ability to take Zhou Guan away from here, but it soon discovered that his ability was suppressed by a terrifying absolute force and could not be used at all. "Senior, Ta Ye is my important partner, I can't give it to you!" Zhou Guan refused.

"If you don't hand it over, you will die!" Lin Yu said lightly, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"I am afraid, but even if I die, I, Zhou Guan, will not hand over my important partner for my own life." Zhou Guan still answered seriously.

Seeing his decision, the Ta Ye in his body was inexplicably moved, "Good boy, it's really the person I like!"

"Good, good, good!" Lin Yu clapped his hands and smiled at this time.

This made Zhou Guan take a small step back, he was a little confused.

In the last second, Lin Yu was still like a bandit who killed people and robbed treasures, and in the next second he smiled gently, as if he was a good person...

Are immortals so changeable?

"Zhou Guan, congratulations on passing my test, are you willing to join my Tianxuan Sect!" Lin Yu asked.

Tianxuan Sect?

What kind of sect is this?

Zhou Guan had never heard of it before, and he was a little stunned.

"Stinky boy, why don't you kneel down? A sect with immortals here must be extraordinary. This is a supreme opportunity. Even this ancient land of immortals cannot compare to such an opportunity!" The voice of the tower master sounded again, and Zhou Guan quickly came back to his senses.

With a plop!

Zhou Guan knelt in front of Lin Yu, "Junior...disciple is willing!"

"Very good, from now on, you are the core disciple of my Tianxuan Sect, you stand up!" Lin Yu said with satisfaction.

After Zhou Guan stood up, Lin Yu spoke again: "You can call me the sect master in the future. This is Lu Linglong, Jun Shuying, your senior sister, it's called Wangcai!"

Lin Yu briefly introduced.

Zhou Guan was also very polite and greeted them one by one.

Even Wangcai said to him, "Hello, Wangcai, I will teach you more in the future!"

"Boy, your two senior sisters are not simple, especially the one called Lu Linglong, who has the Great Dao Qinglian Body. This supreme physique is the top existence even in the fairy world. She will definitely become a fairy in the future!" The tower master continued, "You kid is lucky this time. You have become a disciple of the immortal sect!"

All this is too incredible.

Such a development is completely unpredictable.

"Come out!" Lin Yu hooked his finger.

The black tower in Zhou Guan's body rushed out directly and fell into Lin Yu's hands obediently.

"The spirit of the Creation Tower, I have seen the immortal!" An evil man floated out of the tower and saluted Lin Yu.

Under Lin Yu's control, it was completely irresistible.

At this moment, the spirit of the Fortune Tower also truly understood that Lin Yu's strength was far beyond his expectations...

"The Fortune Tower is worthy of its name, and the power of fortune is very strong!" Lin Yu nodded and praised, and then asked: "You are from the fairyland!"

At this time, Jun Shuying, Lu Linglong and Zhou Guan himself were all incredible.

No cultivators in the immortal world have successfully ascended to become immortals soon.

No one knows what this fairyland looks like.

And the Fortune Tower came from the fairyland, which is really incredible.

"Yes!" The spirit of the Fortune Tower also admitted truthfully, "My original master was a famous artifact saint in the fairyland. When the Fortune Tower was successfully refined, many powerful people in the fairyland came to rob it..."

"My master broke the immortal and mortal passage and threw me into this mortal world!"

"It was more than a year ago that this kid was discovered..."

Hearing it say so.

It feels like the entire fairy world is a more dangerous world!

For the immortal world, all the monks in the immortal world are full of incomparable yearning...

What they don't know is that the fairy world is a world where the weak eat the strong!

"I know everything I want to know. Go back!" Lin Yu waved his fingers again, and the Tower of Creation returned to Zhou Guan's body.

"Keep going!" Lin Yu announced.

After there was one more person in the team, it obviously became more lively.

Along the way, everyone also chatted.

Zhou Guan also quickly and truly integrated in... What surprised him was that his sect master was obviously an immortal, but he was still extremely low-key...

This is probably the true demeanor of a strong man!


The day passed quickly.

The wild comes again.

Everyone was sitting around, drinking wine and eating meat, which was a great enjoyment.

For a moment, it seemed like I wasn’t here for training, but rather like I was on vacation...

Zhou Guan devoured the barbecue with all its color, flavor and flavor.

This was the first time he knew such a delicious food.

After all, Lin Yu grilled the meat himself. Such deliciousness is rare in the world!

After eating and drinking enough.

Jun Shuying and Lu Linglong continued to practice and recovered.

The black dog also continued its vigil.

"Zhou Guan, this sect leader teaches you a fortune-telling magic that will work wonders with your fortune-making tower!" Lin Yu looked at Zhou Guan and said.

Seeing this, Zhou Guan was so excited that he knelt down and kowtowed in gratitude, "Thank you so much, Master!"

The magic of good fortune!

Just by hearing the name, you know that it is an incredible existence!

As he stood up, Lin Yu pointed his sword, and a ray of light poured into Zhou Guan's body!

"The Immortal Technique of Creation:"

"Using spirit to enter God, using creation as a guide, raising hands and feet, using the power of creation, one person is the god, using creation to overturn rivers and seas, knock down stars, catch stars and swallow the moon..."

"With a single thought, you can create all things... and you can become the master of creation!"

Chapter 137 The elixir containing the full power of an immortal

After obtaining the complete Immortal Technique of Creation, Zhou Guan was shocked. He had never thought that one day he would obtain such a powerful technique.

With this immortal method, coupled with the tower of creation in the body, as long as he does not fall halfway, he will definitely become an immortal in the future!

After coming back to his senses, Zhou Guan quickly bowed to Lin Yu and said gratefully, "Thank you, Master!"

"Practice hard! I hope you won't let me down in the future!" Lin Yu smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, Sect Master, I will definitely work harder!" Zhou Guan said with certainty, and soon he sat cross-legged on the ground and officially entered the state of cultivation.

His consciousness was pulled into the Tower of Creation. Under the guidance of the Artifact Spirit of the Tower of Creation, Zhou Guan's cultivation speed increased exponentially...

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It is indeed a peerless calamity with the protagonist's panel. Even in the wilderness, the cultivation speed is so fast!"


In the blink of an eye, dozens of days passed.

These days, Lin Yu got a lot of good things by signing in. Some rewards were helpful to Jun Shuying and the others, and Lin Yu gave them to them without hesitation.

This made Jun Shuying and others extremely moved.

Especially Zhou Guan, in a short period of time, directly raised his favorability to a full level.

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