"No matter what, we must not provoke him!"

"This time, I have learned a truth. Even if you don't underestimate anyone, it is very likely that the other person is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!"



The restaurant soon became more lively.


The other side.

Lin Yu and the others continued to visit Qingfeng City.

Then I found a good inn and opened a few rooms to rest.

Lin Yu lay on the bed, spread out a formation pattern in his hand, and said, "It's time to start!"

The formation is reversed!

Under Lin Yu's control, the center of the formation pattern was originally ♦, but soon turned into ♦!

"It's done, we can watch the show tomorrow!" Lin Yu smiled slightly.

Soon I started to close my eyes and relax!

Open this one and close it.

The night passed quickly.

Morning comes and the sun begins to rise slowly from the sky.

The sun shines on the earth, as if sowing the seeds of hope in the world!

[Ding dong, do you want to start checking in for a new day? 】

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Lin Yu's mind.

"Start signing in!" Lin Yu nodded.

I’m really looking forward to today’s sign-in reward. What good thing will it be?

[Signing in...Signing in...]

[Sign-in is complete, congratulations on getting the sign-in reward: Sword Immortal Puppet! 】

The next moment.

The Sword Immortal puppets gathered in front of them.

This Sword Immortal Puppet is very cool and contains powerful power. No one in the entire world of cultivating immortals can resist the power it unleashes.

Have fairy power!

"Good guy, this Sword Immortal Puppet is completely equivalent to a bodyguard!" Lin Yu looked at the Sword Immortal Puppet carefully and couldn't help but admired.


This sword fairy puppet is of no use to me.

After all, Lin Yu himself is invincible...

"Although I can't use it myself, I can let this Sword Immortal Puppet protect the disciples of the sect in the future!" Lin Yu smiled. In the future, Tianxuan Sect will have no worries with this Sword Immortal Puppet!

However, it requires a lot of energy to drive this sword fairy puppet!

"Take it!" Lin Yu waved his finger gently.

The Sword Immortal Puppet received the storage ring on his finger!

Not a moment.

Jun Shuying, Lu Linglong, Fengying and Zhou Guan all came to Lin Yu's room.

Last night, Lin Yu said that he would show them a good show today.

"Sect Master, what kind of show is this?" Zhou Guan asked quickly. He had been looking forward to it since last night!

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

"Don't worry!" Lin Yu smiled.

Then, a mirror was summoned.

Immediately afterwards, a picture appeared in the mirror.

in the screen.

It was in a courtyard of the Wang family in Qingfeng City.

inside the room.

Wang Kaiqiang slowly woke up from the bed. For some reason, he felt particularly comfortable when he woke up.

Opening his eyes, he found that his hands had become much whiter and tenderer.

"My cultivation!" Wang Kaiqiang was dumbfounded, and all his cultivation was gone.

Has become a waste.

Keep your head down.

I found that my chest was "bulging"!


What's happening here!

Wang Kaiqiang suddenly panicked.

He reached down and touched it.


My brother is gone!

He quickly stood up and came to a mirror.

At this moment, he could clearly see that he had quietly turned into a woman overnight...

"No, this must be a dream!" Wang Kaiqiang pinched himself hard on his thigh.

The severe pain clearly told him that all this was real!

"How could this happen... Could it be those people from yesterday? It must be... No wonder they let us go so easily yesterday... Damn it, I don't want to be a woman!" Wang Kaiqiang clenched his hands. When I hold it, I feel that my body has no strength at all and is very weak.

Want to cry but no tears!

He has absolutely no face to see anyone!

Chapter 144 It was indeed a good show!

"Master, the master of the family has asked you to come over!"

A voice came from outside, someone was about to open the door and come in.

At this moment, Wang Kaiqiang reacted quickly: "Don't come in!"

I don't want others to see that I have become a woman.

But it was still too slow. The door to the room was pushed open, and a young man from the fifth level of Qi Condensation walked in.

The young man was very confused. Instead of hearing his young master's voice, he heard a woman's voice, and the voice was quite beautiful.

"Who are you?" After the young man came in, he saw Wang Kaiqiang at first sight and did not recognize him at all.

When the young man saw Wang Kaiqiang's beauty, the desire in his body suddenly burst out...

This desire is so strong that it cannot be suppressed at all.

The next second, the young man pounced directly.

Wang Kaiqiang is already an ordinary person with no cultivation. Facing a monk at the fifth level of Qi Condensation, he is completely unable to resist.

"Stop, I am Wang Kaiqiang, let me go~~~" Wang Kaiqiang continued to struggle and yelled angrily.

"Little beauty, scream, the happier you scream, the more I like it!" The young man chuckled.

"No...no...no!!!" Wang Kaiqiang looked desperate.


At this moment.

In the inn room, Lin Yu took the mirror back, and the next scene was a little inappropriate for children.

Not suitable for Lu Linglong and the others to watch... In short, this time, Wang Kaiqiang was truly taught a lesson.

Didn't he like to play with women before? Then let him feel for himself the feeling of being played with!

"Sect Master, your methods are still brilliant!" Jun Shuying was extremely impressed.

Zhou Guan even took a breath. This method was simply too cruel. Even if Wang Kaiqiang was turned into a woman, he was also subjected to that...

As if thinking of the next scene, Zhou Guan's whole body trembled.

However, he also learned this method.

"Sect Master, how did you do it?" Zhou Guan asked curiously, his eyes full of curiosity and exploration, and he also wanted to master such a method!

"It's just a reversal formation on him!" Lin Yu waved his hand and said softly.

"It turns out to be a formation. It seems that I will have to learn more formations in the future." Zhou Guan nodded quickly and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Boy, the third floor of the Creation Tower is the way of formation. You only need to reach the Nascent Soul Realm to enter." At this time, the tower master in Zhou Guan's body made a voice.

It even made Zhou Guan determined to practice hard next so that he could come into contact with the formation as soon as possible.

"Okay, it's time for us to continue setting off." Lin Yu continued.

Sometimes death is the best relief.

If he killed Wang Kaiqiang directly, it would be too easy for him.

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