It's better to treat him in his own way! ! !

It was indeed a good show today!

After leaving the inn.

Lin Yu and the others quickly left Qingfeng City and continued to take the flying boat back to Tianxuan Sect!

As time goes by.

In Qingfeng City.

It is also becoming more and more lively.

Especially in the various restaurants in the city, it was extremely noisy.

All the monks are discussing the big things that happened!

"Have you heard that Young Master Wang has turned into a woman?"

"I've heard it a long time ago. Not only Wang Kaiqiang, but also Wang Gang has changed. The most important thing is that they have no cultivation and have become ordinary people!"

"What a terrible method!"

"It's your own fault. That's what I said at the beginning? How could a big boss like a big table let them off so easily!"

"Hahaha, they turned into women and their appearance is absolutely beautiful. Many people in the Wang family have enjoyed it."


"Qingfeng City has completely changed. The Wang family no longer has the same status as before."


It took almost more than a month to return from the Immortal Ancient Land.

Lin Yu and his party slowly returned to Tianxuan Sect. Naturally, they were sightseeing all the way back, which was extremely enjoyable!

After officially entering Tianxuan Sect, Zhou Guan looked extremely shocked. He turned into a country bumpkin and looked around curiously!

"Boy, Tianxuan Sect's luck has reached an extreme level. Even though Tianxuan Sect is unknown now, its luck alone is enough to be called the number one in the world of immortality!" Even Master Ta's voice became a little unbelievable. .

Soon three mysterious towers appeared in sight.

"Sister Lu, those are the training tower, martial arts tower and challenge tower!" Zhou Guan was even more excited!

The cultivation tower has the cultivation speed of the external stone tablet!

The martial arts tower can hone your own martial arts, make your mastery more perfect, and display more terrifying power!

If you pass one level of the challenge tower, you will get corresponding rewards!

Zhou Guan already knows these three towers very well, but he has not yet experienced them personally.

"That's right!" Lu Linglong nodded.

"Sect Master, can I go in and feel it now?" Zhou Guan then looked at Lin Yu and asked respectfully.

"Of course!" Lin Yu responded.

After receiving his agreement, Zhou Guan quickly thanked him and rushed over.

Soon he entered the training tower!

"By the way Shuying, Feng Ying will leave it to you to arrange a place to live." Lin Yu continued.

Feng Ying was the immortal phoenix, a mythical beast. She was originally planned to be a sect elder and assigned a position or something...but Feng Ying refused directly in the end.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

See this.

Lin Yu didn't force it.

"Okay!" Jun Shuying responded.

"Then let's do our own activities!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

It has been almost two months since I left Tianxuan Sect this time.

Lin Yu missed his three beauties very much, and he would definitely enjoy them next.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It didn't take long.

Three bells rang.

Immediately afterwards, a loud voice resounded throughout Tianxuan Sect: "Attention, attention, Junior Brother Bai is about to start refining alchemy!"

After hearing the news, the disciples of Tianxuan Sect stopped practicing one after another and came outside!

On the Alchemy Peak.

Bai Dachun quickly started refining the pill.

Through the guidance of the Medicine Peak Master, Bai Dachun's alchemy level has been greatly improved, and his refining techniques are obviously more streamlined.


Suddenly, fairy clouds gathered in the sky, and then another spiritual rain began!

What surprised Lin Yu even more was that the spiritual rain falling now was much stronger than at the beginning, and even had a baptismal effect in it.

The refining process ends quickly.

Bai Dachun successfully refined the elixir.

The spiritual rain also stopped.

After being exposed to the rain, all the disciples felt refreshed and energetic...

"It must be the spiritual rain from Junior Brother Bai's alchemy. With just one shower, the spiritual energy consumed in the body is immediately restored!"

"Yeah, it's so cool!"

"I have never felt so refreshed in the rain, and my cultivation level has also improved slightly!"


The disciples were deeply moved.

This Junior Brother Bai is simply a strange person.

Chapter 145 It is the duty of the Medicine Peak Master to borrow Yang Qi~


At this time, Lin Yu came to the courtyard where Bai Dachun lived at Alchemy Peak and sighed in admiration.

After seeing Lin Yu appear, Bai Dachun quickly saluted respectfully and said, "This disciple has met the sect master!"

"Well!" Lin Yu smiled and nodded, "I haven't seen you for a few days. My realm and alchemy have been greatly improved!"

"Don't be proud next time!"

Lin Yu also gave instructions.

In this world, there are many geniuses who were able to achieve great achievements but fell halfway because they were too proud.

"Sect Master, don't worry, I know what to do!" Bai Dachun quickly assured.

"That's good, okay, I'm just here to take a look!" After Lin Yu finished speaking, he left directly and flew towards the top of the Alchemy Peak.

After reaching.

Yao Mengjun rushed out immediately, saluted Lin Yu, and said, "I have met the sect master!"

"Master Yao Peak, this time I went out, I was lucky, and got another heaven and earth fire!" Lin Yu said with a smile, and then with a wave of his finger, the immortal golden flame was summoned!

"As expected of you, the sect master!" Yao Mengjun was very impressed.

It is already very difficult to find a monk to find a kind of heaven and earth fire... In just over two years, Lin Yu has already found the fifth kind of heaven and earth fire.

This is incredible.

That girl Xiao Yu'er is really blessed. To be able to meet such a good sect master like Lin Yu... She is really lucky.

After Xiao Yu'er, who was practicing, heard Lin Yu's voice, he quickly stopped practicing and soon came to Lin Yu.

Looking at the immortal golden flame in front of her, she was completely shocked.

Before Xiao Yu'er could speak, Lin Yu directly drove the immortal golden flame into Xiao Yu'er's body.

With Lin Yu's blessing, Xiao Yu'er easily swallowed and subdued the immortal golden flame. The Burning Jue technique she practiced also completed its upgrade at this moment!

"Thank you, Sect Master!" Xiao Yu'er quickly expressed gratitude.

"It's okay, you can continue to practice!" Lin Yu smiled and nodded.

After Xiao Yuer leaves.

Yao Mengjun seemed to be hesitant to speak, obviously something was wrong.

When Lin Yu saw this, he asked softly, "Master Yao Peak, if you have anything to say, please tell me directly."

"Sect Master, I want to ask you to do me a favor..." Yao Mengjun said, her voice became softer, and she felt a little shy.

"What's the favor?" Lin Yu couldn't help but asked curiously. If he could help with this favor, Lin Yu would still be willing to help!

"It's like this. I've reached a bottleneck in my cultivation of skills. I'm still one step away from reaching the peak of my cultivation!" Yao Mengjun said again.

"So, what help do I need?" Lin Yu still didn't understand.

"I need to borrow some of your yang energy, sect master..." Yao Mengjun mustered up his courage and said quickly.

this moment.

Lin Yu was a little stunned.

Borrow some yang energy.

How to borrow this?

Is it in that way?

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