No wonder Yao Mengjun turned a little blushing and looked completely embarrassed...

"Sect Master, if I want my skills to reach the highest level, I need something..." Yao Mengjun said with his head lowered.

Before she fell and became a soul, she had never practiced the technique to the extreme.

It's just that she herself didn't expect that since she was resurrected in Tianxuan Sect, in a short period of time, her cultivation of skills has improved rapidly... If she wants to continue to break through, she must combine Yang Qi.

"Is it necessary?" Lin Yu confirmed seriously again.

"That's what it says on the technique..." Yao Mengjun also answered seriously.

It was also the first time that she had practiced this technique to this extent, so she was not very sure.

But since the technique is written like this, there shouldn't be any big problem.

"Master Yao Peak, actually I don't care. You are the one who suffers from this kind of thing. Do you think clearly?" Lin Yu took a deep breath and asked.

Since Yao Mengjun wants something from him, Lin Yu is naturally willing to help... What's more, for such a good thing, Han Xin should order troops, the more the merrier!

"I've thought it through." Yao Mengjun responded.

"In that case, let's start now!" Lin Yu said with a smile.


Under the leadership of Yao Mengjun.

Lin Yu also followed her into the boudoir...

Yao Mengjun's face was still a little blushing. She had only seen it happen between men and women...but she had never tried it herself!

Being completely inexperienced, she seemed a little nervous and didn't even know what to do!

It was Lin Yu who took the initiative and pulled her over.

"I'm here!" Lin Yu said gently.

"Hmm~~~" Yao Mengjun hummed.


A night of lingering.

Yao Mengjun felt an unprecedented happiness and enjoyment... and felt Lin Yu's power even more.

It's also thanks to the fact that I'm pretty good, otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to do that for a long time...

Opening and closing, the night passed like that.

[Ding dong, do you want to start checking in for a new day? 】

In the early morning, Lin Yu slowly woke up after hearing the sound of the system.

Yao Mengjun in her arms was full of spring.

Suddenly you can feel it more clearly, and Yao Mengjun becomes more feminine.

"Sign in!" Lin Yu muttered silently in his heart.

[Check-in started...Sign-in in progress...]

[Sign-in is completed, congratulations on getting the sign-in reward: the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things! 】

Just by hearing the name of this reward, you know it must be a supreme treasure.

[The Cauldron of Mother Qi of All Things is made of the Mother Qi of all things. As long as you have enough power to activate the Cauldron of Mother Qi of All Things, even a trace of breath can be enough to destroy a world! 】

Hear an introduction to the system.

After Lin Yu heard this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. This Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things was much more powerful than he imagined!


After a while, Yao Mengjun slowly woke up.

She opened her beautiful eyes and saw Lin Yu's extremely handsome face at first sight.

When thinking of last night's scene, Yao Mengjun's face turned red again.

However, she also sensed her own level of cultivation and improved a lot.

More importantly, the skills she practiced reached the highest level overnight...

What is said above about the practice is good. It really requires the help of Yang Qi... to enter the highest state of the practice with love! ! !

"Wake up." Lin Yu smiled and said, "No matter what, you are now my woman, and I will be responsible for you in the future."

A few words.

Yao Mengjun was particularly moved.

Chapter 146 The sect is fully upgraded

Walking out of Yao Mengjun's boudoir, looking at the beautiful scenery of the sect, the whole person felt even more happy.

Lin Yu seemed to have nothing to do. He walked around the sect and checked the training status of various disciples. For example, Ning Mengran, who has the disaster poison body, has completely mastered her disaster poison body.

Jun Xiaoyao, who belongs to the ancient holy body, has explosive combat power and is invincible at the same level. He can even fight across levels with ease...

The other disciples of the sect have all made significant progress.

Seeing Tianxuanzong getting better and better, Lin Yu felt more and more accomplished...

Finally, Lin Yu returned to the courtyard he built.

In the next day, especially at night, I enjoyed playing with the three beauties! ! !


[Dingdong, congratulations on completing the new sign-in and receiving the sign-in reward: Sect Upgrade Order! 】

[Ding dong, after using the sect upgrade command, your sect can be upgraded to a higher level! 】

On this day, after Lin Yu completed the new sign-in, the system's voice sounded, and a special token condensed in his palm.

This token allows him to clearly perceive that it contains a very powerful force...

"Tianxuan Sect is already pretty good now. If it can be upgraded again, it will definitely be better!" Lin Yu smiled and nodded, looking forward to it.

The next second, Lin Yu directly used this sect upgrade order!

[Dingdong, congratulations on using the sect upgrade order, your sect is starting to upgrade...]


A series of purple thunders burst out, and mysterious visions appeared in the sky above. A series of strange colorful rays of light appeared, covering the entire Tianxuan Sect.

"Oh my God, what a dazzling vision of heaven and earth. Which senior brother or sister created this?"

"What a warm feeling, as if the avenue is caressing me..."

"Look, the sect building seems to have changed..."

"What happened?"

"I don't know, but looking at the situation now, it probably shouldn't be a bad thing!"


The disciples of the sect were stunned and extremely surprised when they saw such a mysterious vision of heaven and earth!

[Ding Dong, the sect has completed the upgrade, and your sect upgrade order has been used successfully! ]

In a short time.

Lin Yu looked around again, and the entire Tianxuan Sect was absolutely brand new, as if it had been sublimated in all aspects.

The sect buildings became more magnificent than before.

Even the thatched huts in the sect exude an extraordinary aura...

The level of spiritual energy in the world within the Tianxuan Sect has also been improved.

The most important thing is that the three towers of the Tianxuan Sect have also been upgraded.

The training in the training tower was originally ten times that outside, but now it has been upgraded to twenty times... In this way, the disciples of the sect can break through the realm faster.

The martial arts tower can now not only point out the problems of the disciples' martial arts training, but can even deduce martial arts, making martial arts stronger and more powerful.

The rewards of the challenge tower have become better.

Today's Tianxuan Sect has truly become the top sect in the world of immortal cultivation.

Even those top sects are not comparable at all!

"Dear disciples, the sect has completed the upgrade, you can feel it for yourself!" Lin Yu's voice resounded in the ears of each of them.

At this moment, the disciples realized that the mysterious vision just now was created by the sect master.

No wonder it is so powerful!

Now think about it, such a terrifying vision can only be created by the sect master.

"Look at the training tower, martial arts tower and challenge tower, they have become more magnificent!"

"The sect master said that the sect has completed some upgrades, and it is estimated that these three towers should have changes..."

"What are we waiting for! Let's try it out!"

"Yes, during this period, I have accepted many sect tasks. It's time to practice well."

Many disciples entered the training tower, martial arts tower or challenge tower.

Everyone's passion is high!

No matter what they are doing, every disciple is very serious and dedicated.

Lin Yu taught them before.

If you can't do two things at the same time, then you must first be single-minded, so that you can improve better.

For Lin Yu's teachings, they will never forget a word even if they die!

Seeing that the sect has been upgraded, the disciples have worked harder. Lin Yu nodded: "It is worthy of my super-bumping and top-level invincible sign-in system!"

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