The Chambord Islands, also known as the Soap Bubble Islands.

It is the Chambord Islands formed by the world’s largest mangrove tree, the Yalchman Mangrove, because its roots are constantly exposed to the water.

The biggest feature of this island is the root of the Yar Qimang sweet potato, which is secreted by the special natural resin secreted by respiration, which is swelled by the air to form bubbles.

If you ignore the dark underground forces hidden under the sun, this is an island full of childlike fun and dreams.

And just when the warship where Lu Chen was located was about to approach the island port.

The scene of the shelling and sinking of a merchant ship in the sea just now was still captured by some people, and from the lookout, I could clearly see the figure wearing a big gun and flying in the fierce wind, and the black hair of a waterfall dancing in the wind.

Since it is a necessary route to the new world, many pirates and underground forces are often gathered, and even bounty hunters and so on.

And these people usually dare not make excessive trouble.

But hidden in the sun, the corners always hide dirt.

Generally speaking, as long as it is not too excessive, the navy stationed on the island will not make an easy move.

After all, it is the territory of the Draco people.

Over time, the garrison navy and those forces that could not see the light formed a tacit understanding, did not provoke each other, and tried to restrain the determination to make trouble.


This situation has changed in the last two years.

“Sleeping, it’s Vice Admiral Lu Chen, everyone run!”

“What kind of stuff? Just the vice admiral wants us to run the Blood Knife Pirates? ”

“Hehe, Lao Tzu is a sea thief with a reward of 90 million, a lieutenant general, what is he afraid of?”

“You arrogant garbage, don’t joke, if you don’t leave now, you won’t have a chance to wait for the meeting!”

“Made, who provoked this disaster star, how did you think of coming here!”

“It was him who came to the Chambord Islands every once in a while, and then he would always clean up a group of wanted criminals.”

“This guy hasn’t been here for half a year!”

“Don’t say so much, run, don’t look back!”

“Nani? A vice admiral, does it make you so afraid? ”

“This guy is the younger brother of the legendary Lieutenant General Tekken Karp, and he is also the ability of the Devil Fruit of the Nature System and the Fruit of Thunder!”

“So what?”

“Leave this arrogant rubbish alone!”

All over the dock, the pirates and gangsters who were quite familiar with the road dust were shocked.

The news spread out, alarming the pirates and gangsters and other forces all over the region.


The Chambord Islands, which originally looked peaceful on the surface, jumped in an instant, and many of the pirates who dragged up to the sky from all over the world were frightened and fled.

And right at this moment.

Boom –

The sky over the Chambord Islands was clear, but a thick thunder light suddenly fell, and it fell directly on the ship of the Blood Knife Pirates, and the terrifying power directly penetrated the hull.

Endless thunder flashes, enveloping dozens of crew members.

Even the captain of the blood knife who offered a reward of hundreds of millions could not resist, and fell down all over his body in scorched black, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt.

“Crouch, appeared, appeared, he must have heard us!”

There were many pirate ships hiding canvas on the dock, and many people were frightened and their faces changed drastically.

The guy who was still arrogant and dragging just now immediately reacted and turned around and plunged into the infinite vast sea.

But the next moment!


Boom –

Boom boom !!!

Thunder, like a waterfall, smashed down from the firmament, engulfing the most vicious wanted criminals all over the Chambord Islands.

The sight is spectacular, like heavenly punishment.

The thunder fell, no matter where they hid, directly drowned these people, almost instantaneously.

The inhabitants of the Chambord Islands, from the beginning of their surprise, quickly felt relieved.

This phenomenon, in the past two years, has been occasionally discovered.

So the residents are already surprised.

Only some tourists will feel shocked and frightened.

Especially when he knew that all this was done by a certain vice admiral of the navy, he was even more shocked.


The port where the naval garrison is located.

“Area One, two teams go.”

“Area three, a team of people go!”

Falling with Lu Chen’s orders.

On the deck, the soldiers who were already armed with firearms and ready at all times, under the leadership of the general, left the warship and went straight to the depths of the Chambord Islands.

With the cooperation of the navy stationed at the base, they went to various island areas to capture the prisoners who had long since fallen.

“After processing, everyone rest for half a day, and come back in the evening to gather!”

Lu Chen converged on his sights and smells, and the electric light on his body gradually extinguished, and then he took his nephew off the boat and went straight in the direction of the amusement park.

“This island is famous for its amusement park facilities, so I’ll give you permission to visit for half a day today, and then we’ll head to the Navy headquarters!” Lu Chen took out a cigarette and lit it with electric light.

The teenager who had been immersed in the blank brain that had been highly affirmed by his uncle just now and was excited by the whole person, couldn’t help but be full of wild disdain when he heard Lu Chen’s words at this time.

“I want to become a subversive of the world, how can I rare such a childish idiot amusement park, that is what children like!”

The dragon waved his hands a few times, and his five fingers turned into dragon claws, tearing the air with a sigh.

When he said this, the whole person was full of energy.

The corners of Lu Chen’s mouth twitched and he shook his head.

Ten minutes later.

Within the amusement park area.

The leader of the future revolutionary army riding a bubble cart got carried away with excitement, and his blood-red tattooed cheeks were filled with excitement.

“Uncle, look at me, haha, it’s amazing, I’m actually riding a bubble bike…”


Lu Chen leaned on the chair in the amusement park, holding his hands around him, with several black lines on his forehead.

A faint slanted glance at the past.

Then, without a trace, he turned slightly sideways, directly ignoring his nephew’s shouts, when he didn’t know this guy.

Looking at the appearance of playing crazy, it is similar to Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden in her previous life.

“Hello big brother! My name is Nicole Orbia! ”

Suddenly, a crisp voice came.

Lu Chen turned his head to look.

I saw a bench next to it.

A little girl about ten years old, with long snow-white hair, healthy wheat-colored skin, delicate and cute face, and big eyes as clear as a spring, sat beside Lu Chen without fear.

At a young age, he has the wisdom and calmness of an adult.


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