Nicole Orbia?

She is still young, with long snow-white hair and wheat-colored skin casually spilled, but at a young age, she has a wise and bookish intellectual temperament.

Lu Chenjian raised his eyebrows, sat up straight, and responded politely: “Hello little sister, my name is Lu Chen!” ”

“Well, the full name is Monchi · D. Road dust! ”

One more addition.

In my heart, I felt puzzled.

In his memory, he didn’t seem to have any intersection with this little girl.

But for some reason, I felt that the other party’s name was somewhat familiar.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen finally gave up.

After all, after more than twenty years of rebirth, the memory of the previous life is also limited to a major event, so naturally there is no impression.

It can only be boiled down to the fact that because the little girl is so cute, she looks very familiar.

“Are you a vice admiral?”

At this time, the little girl’s big eyes looked at Lu Chen curiously, and her face was very curious.

“Why do you use a question mark?”

Lu Chen glanced at the past, and asked in a rather helpless tone.

But as the youngest vice admiral the Navy has ever seen, he’s used to such skepticism.

It is obviously hard to believe to those who do not know him, or strangers.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen was too lazy to calculate, turned to look at her delicate face, and asked, “What about your parents?” It can’t be sneaked out by yourself, right? ”

“I have no parents, I was raised by the teachers on the island!”

The girl said lightly, as if what she said was not her own business.


Lu Chen was a little surprised and said, “What about you now?” ”

“Follow the teacher to the sea and travel around the world!”

Olbia’s small face was serious, and her big eyes flashed with wisdom and intellectuality.

But when Lu Chen heard it, he thought that the girl was homeless and could only wander around.

It must be said that as a righteous vice admiral.

Have a righteous and kind heart.

If the girl is really left unattended, seeing that she is a little younger than her nephew, she may be sent to the Naval Academy, at least without the danger of wandering around.

“Okay, I’m going back, otherwise those old men will be anxious again!”

Just as Lu Chen was thinking like this, the little girl stood up and smiled sweetly at him and said goodbye.

Then, without waiting for Lu Chen’s reaction, he turned around, like a butterfly jumping and flying away.

Until the other party was far away, the small back flew like a flower butterfly, and disappeared from sight after a while.

Come suddenly, farewell suddenly!

For a long time, Lu Chenjian’s eyebrows frowned, revealing a look of bitter thought.

“She…….. What is it called Ol? ”

Memory is not very sensitive to personal names, and it also inherits one of the excellent genes of the Monchi family.

“Forget it, since she has a family, then life should be good!”

Sure that he can’t remember, Lu Chen is too lazy to be attached to it.

But in the bottom of my heart, I always feel that a sense of familiarity emerges from the vague memory.


In the evening, the sunset falls.

Marin Fando, the huge naval headquarters building, the building wall where justice is written, is solemn and sacred in the light of the sunset.

From a distance in the port, you can feel the majesty that rushes towards you.

On the warship, the leader of the future revolutionary army, awakened from the amusement park, looked at the naval headquarters in the distance, and his vision and heart were shocked.

“Good…….. Cut, my future headquarters will be larger than the Navy! “Childish comparison, but you can’t let the little one accept defeat.

“Oh, why is it so big?”

Seeing the soldiers busy disembarking, Lu Chenjian frowned and warned: “You can compare justice with the navy, you can also compare law enforcement with the navy, and you can also compare with the navy to maintain order, but don’t compare anything in the material sense with the navy!” ”

The tone is very stern.

The dragon’s neck shrunk and asked timidly: “Why can’t you compare matter…”


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Uncle Lu Chen raised his hand and slapped him, hitting him with pain in the braincase.

“Before you subvert the world government, don’t compete with the behemoths that rule the whole world for material and financial power, that will only be boring!” Lu Chen glanced over lightly and warned.

“I see!”

Long covered his braincase with both hands, grinning with painful teeth, he just said casually, but he didn’t expect to find a severe beating.

“Are you going to meet your old father?” Lu Chen asked again.

“Hmph, I’m not going!”

The dragon turned his head and said angrily.

It can be seen that for the father who has not seen him for seven or eight years, the little one is still very resistant.

Lu Chen thought about it, then don’t meet first, and then let the old brother go to find his son by himself.

“Then you follow the colonel first, he will take you to the Naval Academy, which is the future cradle of the navy powerhouse, you should take a good look!”

After speaking, he turned to Colonel Rick and ordered, “Please take a trip!” ”

“Yes, Your Excellency, Lieutenant General!”

The deputy saluted, then turned and left the dock with the dragon.

After a while, it was completely dark.

Only then did Lu Chen jump off the warship, put his hands in his trouser pockets, hold a cigarette, and go straight to the naval headquarters building.

On the way, when you meet some naval soldiers, you will attract surprised and curious eyes.

In fact, he has only been in the Navy for three years.

The time he stayed in the headquarters of the navy was not even two months, even if he was extremely prestigious inside, but there were still very few navys who had seen him in real people.

After all, in order to score justice points, he ran all over the four seas and the first half of the Great Voyage.

“Brother Lu Chen, why did you suddenly come back? Is it because of the recent events in the New World that it was urgently recalled by the Air General? ”

Suddenly, on the other side of the dock, a clear and sensual voice came from a warship that had just docked.

Lu Chen was slightly stunned, his eyes rose, and when he saw each other, his face couldn’t help but show a smile.

One of the lieutenant generals of the main department, Tsuru!

She stood at the bow of the ship, a little more than two meters tall, extremely tall and slender, wearing a navy uniform, her long dark blue hair was tied up casually, her face was very full of vinket, facing the sea breeze, the cape on her shoulders flew, and she looked heroic.

“Sister Crane!” Lu Chen turned around, smiled and greeted politely, and then his heart moved, and he asked curiously: “I’m just on vacation over, what do you mean by the emergency recall you just said?” “

“The strong people under the Locks Pirate Group, they must contact Roger!”

This statement came out.

Lu Chen’s eyes flickered, and he was very surprised in his heart.

The soldiers around them gasped one after another, thinking that they had heard wrong.

“Oh, such confidential information, I shouldn’t say it casually, cough, everyone should not hear it!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru glanced at the soldiers on board with a smile, and everyone nodded in agreement with cold sweat on their foreheads.

After receiving a satisfactory answer, she slowly walked off the warship, taller than half of Lu Chen’s head, too slender and tall, came to the front, and directly invited Lu Chen to leave together.

“Let’s go, let’s go back together, there will be a meeting later!”


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets to take care of !!!!

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