The roots of the tree wrapped around Renly’s body and limbs, hanging him up and hanging him in mid-air, gently swaying with the sea breeze.

His body was hit by Lu Chen’s soft fist many times, if he was replaced by an ordinary person, he would have fallen down an unknown number of times.

It is also the right wrist of the future One Piece that can persist until now.

However, in the face of the endless emergence of road dust, the unimaginable ability is finally impossible to deal with.

And the other side.


Roger had already arrived at the other end of the island, but suddenly stopped and turned to look back.

With the ability to listen to all things, the voice of his companion suddenly sounded in his heart.

No, more than one!

It’s one voice after another!!!

“They are crying for help, they are in crisis!”

Roger reacted, his black curly beard shook a few times, and his face couldn’t help but change drastically: “Who happened to Renly and Jabba in crisis?” ”

I have to say, it’s incredible.

As the future One Piece, his own crew strength is no less than that of Locks’ pirate group.

Even Shanks, an intern twenty years later, can grow up to be on an equal footing with Whitebeard.

What’s more, the crew members who are still young and strong today.

Not to mention the arrival of four warships, even if the air general is close to him, he has the ability to calmly break through and leave.

But now………….

“It’s these strange plants!”

And at this moment, Roger’s eyes suddenly froze and he noticed the flowers blooming on the roots of the tree.

The fragrant pollen wafted out, causing his movements to be slightly delayed.


In the next moment, the domineering energy was violently released, dispelling the discomfort in the body.

“Who the hell is actually using this means to ambush my partner!” Me

Roger was furious, his eyes sharp and terrifying.

He held the Ace Western Ocean Sword, turned around and swung out a sword, directly smashing the plants behind him, and forced a path to open.

“Wait for me, everyone!”

Thought silently in my heart.

Roger did not dare to delay and immediately dared to go to the original shore.

However, right now.

Two dull loud bangs smashed to the ground.

“Roger, this is the end of your sailing days!” Sengoku drank with a cold face.

Before that, he still wondered what Lu Chen had to do to leave the Roger Pirates.

Now, finally, it is understood.

While amazed at the crazy growth of the island’s plants, now is clearly not the time to be curious.

This time when Roger Pirates are unprepared, the opportunity is rare, if you miss it, when the other party is prepared, it will not be like now.

I have to say that to this extent, even Karp was surprised.

But he only had Roger in his eyes, and the rest didn’t bother to pay attention.

“Are you going to stop me?”

Seeing the two appear, Roger’s expression was more solemn than ever.

Today, it seems that it is difficult to be kind!

“This is what our Navy should do!”

With a calm face, Sengoku pulled the big gun with one hand, waved and threw it aside.

Next to him, Karp is the same.

The two exuded strong bodies, and the terrifying momentum was like two mountains oppressing the past.

“In that case, let’s fight!”

Roger grinned, and the Ace Western Ocean Sword in his hand was wrapped in a wisp of domineering.

The violent momentum erupted from his body, opposing the momentum of Karp and the Warring States, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be crushed.

This is the character of the future One Piece.

If there is no retreat, it can only keep moving forward, just like his life galloping through the sea.

“Hahahaha, Roger, looks like you’re in big trouble!”

But at this moment, a wanton laughter came from the sky.

The next moment.

The two wild roaring momentum collapsed overwhelmingly, and squeezed in from the three people who were confronting.

“Golla-la-la, you look embarrassed Roger!”

Whitebeard stood on the edge of the floating island, looking down with cold eyes and laughing.

The appearance of the two made the Warring States look slightly changed.

Even Karp’s eyes became slightly solemn.

These two guys, actually haven’t left yet?

“If it’s just to talk about the wind and cold, you don’t have to!”

Roger shook the Ace Western Ocean Sword and said in an unkind tone.

As a legendary sea thief, he has no penchant for letting his enemies see his embarrassing side.


The answer of Whitebeard and Golden Lion made the three people present a little unresponsive.

“Leave it to us here, you go back to your partner!”

Jumping down from the floating island, it fell to the ground like a meteorite, and the huge body of Whitebeard blocked Roger directly.

“Hahaha, although I really want to kill you, if you fall into the hands of the navy, it will insult us pirates!”

The golden lion slowly floated down, a grim smile on its face.

The reasons are absurd and bizarre.

But Roger just grinned, very decisively, and just turned around and left.

Karp and Sengoku wanted to pursue, but were intercepted by the Golden Lion and Whitebeard.

“Lion Wei Ji Roll!”

As if given life, the earth turned into two huge lion’s heads and flew towards the navy with their teeth and claws.

The size is no less than that of a warship, covering the sky and the sun, and smashing down.

“Buddha’s Impact!”

The Warring States body soared in an instant, and the skin flowed with a golden luster, like a golden cast Buddha, releasing a shock wave and directly destroying the lion’s head in the air.

“If you are allowed to mess around, it is a trampling on justice!” He said coldly.

Next to him, Karp also followed suit, covering the iron fist of armed color domineering, invincible, and bombarded straight towards Whitebeard.


The silver-white aperture-covered fist was raised, blocking Karp’s iron fist.

The terrifying shock force was released at this moment, directly bouncing the two of them apart.

“Gol-la, can you stop it?”

Whitebeard sneered, and Cong Yunche cut down in turn, sweeping across a large area of mountain forest.

This battle affected half the island.

Roger, who had already walked away, could feel the movement of the landslide behind him.

“This kindness, I Roger remembered!”

He gritted his teeth and muttered to himself, then raised his gaze and stared coldly in the direction of the coast.

“No matter who you are, if you dare to make a move against my partner, you will be buried in the sea!”


The domineering friction of the air burst into lightning.

The speed was so fast that it directly broke through the road covered with plants, like a sharp knife, cutting through all the obstacles that blocked his advance.


PS: I have received the first tip since the opening of the book, and I am grateful !!! Thank you also for your flowers and monthly ticket support, thank you all!!!!!!!

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