
After defeating Renly, Lu Chen, who just wanted to strike again, suddenly raised his sword eyebrows.

In his domineering and electromagnetic induction.

It can be clearly perceived that on the other side of the island, four violent momentum are colliding, erupting into fluctuations that are almost devastating to the world.

The island was shaking, and the sea in the distance was undulating, setting off huge waves of tens of meters.

One of the breaths rushed back.

You don’t need to look to know that it must be the future One Piece Roger.

“I still underestimate these pirates, they can put aside their prejudices and rescue, and they are worthy of being good friends in the future!”

Lu Chen said to himself lightly, and immediately tilted his head to look at the nearby area, and a sneer gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Then let’s see if yours arrived first, or your crew fell first.”

Words fall.


Road dust burst into lightning, and the whole person turned into lightning in the sky, disappearing in place in an instant.

The huge and boundless plant-covered islands, dividing the land into areas, are plant trunks, which seem to grow endlessly, like dragons circling, changing the topography of the island all the time.

The people of the Roger Pirates who originally gathered.

At this time, the crew members gathered around Spark Jabba were extremely cautious.

With the partner who disappeared before as a warning, everyone dared not be careless.


“Damn, what the hell is this thing, why does it keep growing!!!

Using a pair of axes to split the obstacles ahead, Jabba rushed over with the crew.

Behind, the destroyed plants, visible to the naked eye, grew rapidly, and then closed the island again.

It can be said that because of the huge trunk covering, in the eyes of everyone, it is like walking into a huge maze, and even the direction cannot be discerned.


At this moment, a huge thunder light descended, enveloping the pirates who were walking at the end, directly submerging it.

The blazing light and electric arc were released, and the heaven and earth were dazzling.


Everyone in front turned their heads and shouted.

Jabba rushed forward first, sweeping around the domineering axe, shattering the thunder lightning, and the arc filled the void.


Perm’s figure disappeared.

The ground was scorched with black smoke, and the huge tree trunk was slowly sliding like a spirit snake, and the strange picture made the scalp numb.

“Damn, who the hell is it, come out!”

“Abominable bastard, come out to fight if you have a kind, don’t be sneaky!”

“Is the navy this kind of hidden goods?”

It has to be said that under continuous attacks, the crew disappeared one by one.

The mentality of the people gathered together almost collapsed.

At this time, he couldn’t help but roar to the sky and vent the endless anger in his heart.

But their anger, there was no response.

As long as these pirates are a little careless, the thunder of heavenly punishment will appear out of thin air and knock down one crew after another.

After the electric light disappeared, the fallen figure disappeared strangely.

This torture lasted for half a minute.

At this time, the crew gathered around Jabba was already less than five or six.

The left wrist of this future One Piece, holding a pair of axes, is vigilant around, but he can’t see a trace of the enemy, and can’t help but be incompetent and furious.

Even if you see and hear domineering, you can’t see that there is the slightest enemy aura nearby.

No, be prepared to say.

The smell spread all over the island, and the crazy growing plants were filled with a vigorous breath of life.

So much so that the breath perceived by everyone seems to be everywhere.


Just when everyone was about to despair, a familiar and fierce momentum came from a distance at great speed.

It’s fast!

Almost instantaneously, the distance of 100 meters was crossed.


The domineering lightning sword aura destroyed the wall-like plants.

Roger flew out holding the Ace Western Sword.


Jabba and the others exclaimed, their faces showing joy.


Roger’s face was full of anger, his eyes crossed Jabba and the others, and looked behind everyone.

“You are not allowed to shoot at my partner!”

An angry roar fell.

His speed did not decrease, and the Ace in his hand swung around the domineering lightning and slashed violently.

“God avoid!” 

Carrying the sword qi that is invincible, the blood lightning is dense, causing the sky and earth to change.

This blow has the power to wipe out all things.

Even Jabba and the others, who are crew members, have changed their faces drastically.

It was also the first time that they saw the captain make such an angry move, it was as terrifying as the anger of the gods.


The sword energy passed over Jabba and the others and shot towards the distant tree trunk behind everyone.

Feel the angry slash of the future One Piece.

The road dust that was originally hidden in the trunk of the tree, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his hands quickly sealed.

“Psychic Fivefold Rashomon!”

As the voice fell.

Five giant grimace iron gates broke through the earth, blocking Lu Chen’s body with a thumping sound, and also cutting off the path of sword qi.

The next moment.

Loud and vibrating.

The sword qi forged forward, shattering four giant grimace iron gates in a row, and finally burst out, releasing earth-destroying fluctuations.

The last grimace iron gate could not withstand the fall.

The fierce wind blew and lifted the big gun on Lu Chen’s shoulders, but he stood still, standing on a high place, overlooking the pirates below.

“Oh, the captain is finally here?” His face was grim, and his sword eyebrows were raised slightly.

“Actually blocked it?”

In the distance, a trace of surprise appeared on Roger’s face, and he immediately looked at Lu Chen with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: “With this kind of strength, no wonder you are so arrogant!” ”

He held Ace up, pointed the tip of his sword at him, and said coldly: “But if you treat us as ordinary pirates, you will definitely pay the price!” ”

“Ordinary pirates?”

Hearing Roger’s words, Lu Chen couldn’t help but laugh: “When will the scum also be divided, it sounds like you still despise your peers!!! ”

Not to mention what Roger Pirates did before, with him, the future One Piece, he opened the Age of Exploration before he died, causing the world to fall into chaos, which is enough to die.

Since you chose to become a pirate, you are standing on the opposite side of naval justice.

This kind of guy, even if he kills, there will be no psychological burden!!!!!


PS: Asking for some flower ticket data, everyone’s support, is the motivation of the author’s code word!!!!

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