Chapter 105: Born? A new member of the Monchi family [ask for customization].

After dealing with his nephew’s revolutionary cause, Lu Chen returned the same way and directly caught up with the warship. A few days passed.

The warship is docked at this military base in the West Sea, and the supreme commander of the branch is the giant vice admiral Sauro. The arrival of Lu Chen once again plunged the navy of this branch into inexplicable excitement and excitement.

“This is the second time that Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment has arrived.”

“Yes, yes, legendary characters, come to our branch twice.”

“What a great honor!”

“Look, the scarf behind Vice Admiral Lu Chen is one of the Navy Supernovas, Katakuri!”

“Shhh! It is said to be a student of the lieutenant general of heavenly punishment. ”

“It’s terrible, I feel oppression before he looks at it.”

“It’s rumored that Katakuri is Auntie’s son!”

“Crouch, really fake, son of a pirate?”

“Shh, shut up, such a boring thing as being raptured.”

“Yes, it is said that someone once laughed at him by the name of the pirate son, and finally angered Katakuri and was knocked unconscious by a punch”

“I have also heard this rumor, because he is the son of a pirate, he cares more about justice than everyone else.”

“Yes, in order not to let the justice of the cloak behind his back be stained, I would rather sleep standing than land on my back.”

“Real man Katakuri!”

“Who is the one next to you with the big back?”

“You don’t know? It was a sand crocodile with the ability to produce natural fruits, and he was also one of the students of the Lieutenant General of Heavenly Punishment. ”

“It is said that this guy also has the potential to become a new generation of monsters!”

“Invincible in the desert is an evaluation of this monster!”

Compared to the first arrival of road dust.

Now his appearance, the person who has received the most attention is not himself. It’s behind Katakuri and Klokdal.

The admiral of the branch looked at the two with envy in his eyes. What a supreme honor to be favored by the Lieutenant General of Heavenly Punishment!

So to speak.

For many new soldiers in the Navy, it is an even more honorable achievement than becoming an admiral!

“It seems that we are very popular in the navy!”

Klokdal held a golden cane, his eyes looked around, and his face unconsciously caused a touch of pride.

“Instead of bathing in the aura of the teacher, it is better to use your true strength to win the respect of everyone!”

Katakuri said lightly.

“Damn, didn’t you hear, my evaluation is not much lower than you!”

Klokdal growled in exasperation.

“That is, the evaluation and strength are not equal, you can’t afford this honor!”


“When to draw with me, you are qualified to be proud!”

Without waiting for Klokdal to finish speaking, Katakuri interrupted lightly. In a word, it directly left Klokdal speechless.

Although Katakuri is a few years less old, the gap in strength is still difficult to accept.

“Hmph, your advantage is just staying by the teacher’s side for a few more years.”

“Don’t use your superficial eyes to dismiss my efforts.”

The scarf wrapped around Katakuuri’s mouth and said lightly: “In order to catch up with the real monster, I have to work harder than everyone else.” The tone, very indifferent. ”

But anyone can hear the great determination contained in this.

The word monster, in Katakuri’s view, was a negation of the value of his efforts. Outsiders don’t know, but understand.

But Klokdal, during this time together, and so negate the value of his efforts, it is insulting.

“Sorry! But I won’t lose to you! ”

Klokdal stiffened, but finally apologized.

The real monster naturally refers to the three of Kuzan and Sakaski. So to speak.

During this time of getting along, he saw what it means to work hard. And because of that.

Katakuri is known as a monster with the same name as the yellow ape, the green pheasant and the red dog.

“Anyone’s efforts deserve respect, Xiaosha, your domineering and physical skills, you still need to strengthen penance, don’t rely too much on the ability of the fruit.”

Lu Chen, who was walking in front, said with a faint smile without looking back.

“Yes, Sensei!”

“Teacher rest assured, I will strengthen the penance of Lao Sha!”

Klokdal nodded heavily.

Katakuri, on the other hand, squinted slightly, flashing with a hint of cunning. Lao Sha next to Ling suddenly turned ugly.

This is, wanting to announce a personal feud!!!

After staying at Lieutenant General Sauro’s branch for half a day, Lu Chen couldn’t wait to take his leave. Then alone, leave in a small ship.

“Hey, I haven’t paid attention these days, and the life card has shrunk again.”

Lu Chen took out the life card and looked at it, and couldn’t help but gasp.

The life card that was originally palm-sized is gradually burning at this moment, and only less than one-fifth remains. This represents:

Olbia’s physical state at the moment has almost reached a state where his life is in danger. Something you’ve been worried about.

This legendary hero of the navy was confused.


The current rushed in, surrounded its body, and poured into the speedboat under its feet, bursting out the strongest power. The next moment, the speedboat was like a sword, breaking through the water and flying by at great speed.

Less than half an hour.

It spanned hundreds of kilometers, relying on the guidance of the life card, and faintly saw a small black dot at the end of the sea level. It was an island.

With the distance approaching, Lu Chen’s sight was impressively seen by an ancient tree standing as huge as a mountain. The canopy is like a parasol that spreads out, casting a large shadow.

“O’Hara, the Tree of Omniscience?”

Sure enough, it was her!

Although Lu Chen had expected it in his heart.

But when I really have to face it, there is still a trace of apprehension and nervousness in my heart. The Lieutenant General of Heavenly Punishment, who was famous for shaking the sea, also showed mixed feelings at this moment.


It wasn’t until the speedboat came to the dock and gently touched the shore that Lu Chen woke up.

“I’m a lieutenant general of heavenly punishment, how can I be afraid?”

Lu Chen whispered to himself.

Then jump on the dock and walk straight in the direction of the Tree of Omniscience.

“Is this the tree of omniscience? A library that claims to be large enough to hold all the books. ”

Standing under the huge ancient wood, Lu Chen looked up and looked at it with another illusion of insignificance. This library holds the most precious books of this sea.

A lot of them are already unique.

It has a long history and is full of heavy historical traces.

“Although I would love to see the history of this sea.”

Slowly withdrawing his gaze, Lu Chen bypassed the library and walked straight away: “But I don’t have time now!” ”

After talking to himself, he left alone.


When he went deep into the island and arrived at the town, Lu Chen was dressed in a navy uniform, but it caused a huge shock.

“Ah, it’s the Navy!”

“What, what is the Navy doing here?”

“It’s terrible, look at his epaulettes, at least a vice admiral!”

“Vice Admiral, how terrible is that?”

“Mom, is this the Navy? My brother is so handsome! ”

“Shut up daughter, don’t cause trouble!”

“Is there someone on the island who committed a crime?”

Along with the discussion of the townspeople.

They looked at Lu Chen’s eyes, full of horror and apprehension, as well as thick uneasiness. Especially.

Some men and women wearing hats, dressed neatly, and full of scholarly temperament. In his eyes, a trace of vigilance and jealousy loomed.

Some people turned around and ran.

I can’t hide the panic at all!! As if, Lu Chen was not a lieutenant general. But demons from hell.

It will bring endless disasters to this island. To this.

The road dust is unheard.

His mind fell on the life card in his hand.

Guiding out, out of town to a lush suburb.

Medieval European-style chalets lining the road, women and children, laughing and playing. Men, carrying tools, go out hunting.

It looks like a peaceful scene.

Even, when a child saw Lu Chen, he jumped and followed him curiously. Big eyes, full of innocence and curiosity.

However, this phenomenon was quickly pulled away by the woman in the family.

Standing quietly in the distance, his eyes slightly confused, looking at Lu Chen, an uninvited guest. Click–At this time, Lu Chen’s footsteps suddenly stopped.

In the palm of his hand, a burning life card, as if endowed with life force, slowly glided in his palm. The direction is exactly ahead of him.

A medieval European chalet.

The yard is clean and tidy, the grass is verdant, as magnificent as jade, full of vitality. Wow wow wow — not close yet.

Loomingly, you can hear the cry of a baby inside the wooden house. It’s very loud!

The look on Lu Chen’s face suddenly flooded, and he was shocked and apprehensive. Seeing and hearing domineering perception.

It can be clearly felt that two faint breaths of life are snuggling close together. Strange though.

It has long been reached, foreseeing the future of seeing and hearing domineering, but unable to accurately perceive who these two breaths are. I have to say, it’s so strange.

However, in the bottom of Lu Chen’s heart, there was a burst of uneasiness and restraint. Because, this feeling.

Just like when I met Olbia. Squeak!

At this time, the door of the wooden house suddenly opened.

I saw that the other two breaths of people inside the house were coming out of it. At the same time, there are constant complaints of nagging.

“Damn, what happened to your sister, suddenly had a child, and didn’t say who’s it.”

“I don’t know what she did.”

A freckle-faced woman vented her displeasure to the man beside her.

“So what can I do? He’s my sister, can’t he just leave it alone? ”

The man frowned and roared.

“And this kid?”

“How do I know, if I don’t even have a father, then it’s better to give it to someone else.”

The couple nagged in a disgruntled tone.

But when he turned around and saw Lu Chen standing quietly outside the yard, he was immediately stunned. Dressed in a naval attire, full of majesty and righteousness.

Just standing there is enough to make ordinary people feel the shock of justice.

“You… What do you want? ”

It took a long time before the man reacted, and stammered in cold sweat on his forehead.

“Find someone!”

Lu Chen responded calmly.

“Looking for whom?”



The voice of the boom all the way to the dust fell.

The man looked panicked, and immediately pushed open the closed door, and the whole person stumbled, smashing a lot of furniture and making a noisy noise.

Outside the door.

The woman also reacted, and couldn’t help but shrink her pupils. His face turned pale, and he cried on the spot.

“It must be that Orbia has broken some law, and I have heard that she has been engaged in things that violate the law.”

“This Lord Navy, she has nothing to do with me!”

To the woman’s cry. The road dust was unheard. Because.

Inside the dim wooden house, a weak figure gradually walked out.

She wore loose pajamas, held her infant baby, and staggered out. The sun shone on, reflecting her pale cheeks without blood.

But a pair of big eyes, but blooming with blazing light.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a smile as bright as the sun. Beyond the fence.

Lu Chen stood like this.

Looking at it, the air is full of indescribable charm. In sight, the world disappeared.

Only Olbia and the swaddling in her arms remained. Dudang – just then, the man went and returned, knocked over the chair, and came out embarrassed.

“Sister, who is this?”

After sensing the atmosphere of the scene, he couldn’t help but ask. Words fall.

Lu Chen smiled.

A bright smile rose at the corner of his mouth. There is infinite warmth in the eyes.

“It’s Robin’s dad!”

Olbia held the swaddling baby in both hands, her white neck raised slightly, like a proud white swan. Click!

The words just fell. 1.4 The couple outside the door were stunned and directly petrified in place. Squeak!

Lu Chen pushed open the small door of the fence and walked straight in.

When he came to Olbia, he glanced down at the infant baby. Pink face, it’s cute to be asleep.

“Boy or girl?”

Lu Chen asked.

Then he took the swaddling baby in Orbia’s arms and looked closely at the sleeping baby who was still wrinkling his nose.

“It’s a girl!”

“Inherited from you, very cute, when you grow up, you must be an incredible heroine among girls.”

“I don’t like what hero she has become, girls should be beautiful!”

“Heroines can also be beautiful!”

The two chatted casually while walking into the wooden house. A harmonious picture, like a couple who have lived for many years.

Each other, without saying much, they know each other’s thoughts. Half an hour later.

After settling Olbia and Little Robin to sleep, Lu Chen walked out of the yard. The little couple just now disappeared.

In this regard, Lu Chen was too lazy to deal with it.

He took out a phone bug and quietly placed it in his palm.

“I need to retreat for a while, and if you have a mission, you can leave the West Sea first.”

The first phone bug was made to Katakuri.

After hanging up. Dial the phone bug again.


“We have a new member of the Monchi family!”

Without nagging Karp to complain, Lu Chen directly interrupted his words, and said in a tone that could not suppress joy. Words fall.

The phone worm fell into a dead silence.

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