Chapter 106: Karp’s niece, Dragon’s sister [Customized].

Navy headquarters.

Inside the Admiral’s office.

As a close friend for many years, Karp will come to the Warring States to nag here if he has nothing to do. Bickering and hurting each other every day is also the fun of these two old guys.

Staff Officer He, who was sitting next to him, looked at the noise of the two with a speechless expression. Purr – but at this moment, the phone worm in Karp’s arms suddenly vibrate. Moment.

Sengoku and Karp stopped and stared at each other wide-eyed.

“Hmph, this stinky brother of the bastard should be regarded as the first time to take the initiative to call the elder brother.”

Taking out the phone bug, Karp was stunned for a moment, and then complained angrily.

It can be said that this is the first time in the world. No wonder Karp was so surprised.

The Warring States and Crane Staff Officers who knew Lu Chen also knew it, so they all looked surprised.

“Brother Lu Chen has never taken the initiative to contact you, but now he actually stays in contact, I think, he has encountered a problem.”

Sengoku analyzed a little, his tone became solemn, and said, “It’s still a big problem, so much so that he needs to take the initiative to contact you.” ”

“Yes, according to Brother Lu Chen’s personality, he will not take the initiative to contact people, even if it is Mr. Marshal Kong.”

Lieutenant General He next to him also frowned and said in a deep voice: “What’s more, it’s your brother, if he takes the initiative to contact you, there is obviously something he can’t solve.” ”


Karp, who was originally grinning and complaining, was immediately dumbfounded when he heard the words of the two old guys. He wasn’t as complicated as he thought.

At this time, it really seems to be so.

For a time, Karp was shocked, and immediately couldn’t wait, and didn’t shy away from the two old guys to connect the phone worm. However, due to his personality, he still opened his mouth to complain.


Before the younger brother could say either word, on the other side of the phone worm, Lu Chen interrupted directly.

“We have a new member of the Monchi family.”

With a hint of surprise and an irrepressible excitement came. The phone worm turned into road dust, and his expression was slightly excited.

Neither Karp nor the Warring States had ever seen Lu Chen show such a rich expression and emotion. Combined with the sentence 10.

The answer is imminent.

The office fell silent and became dead silent. The atmosphere is a bit dull.

Karp took the phone worm, opened his mouth wide, and the snot flowed out, and the whole person was directly petrified in place. The staff officer of the crane and the general of the Warring States next to him were all stunned and did not react for a while.

However, the two were not from the Monchi family after all, so after being stunned for a while, they quietly left the office. At this time.

Karp reacted.

“Stink… Stinky brother, you………. What the hell are you talking about? ”

There was already some guess in his heart, but he still couldn’t believe it, and said incoherently. It was so sudden!

So much so that this admiral could not digest it for a while. I thought that Lu Chen was joking.

“I have a baby.”

The phone worm heard Lu Chen’s voice, and his tone was more serious than ever. At this time, Karp was convinced that the smelly brother was not joking.

“Is it a man?”

He asked in a trembling tone.

“It’s the little princess!”

Lu Chen said with a smile.

“What? It’s actually a girl? ”

Karp’s eyes widened with a look of shock.

But then, the shock on his face gradually turned into uneasiness and apprehension.

“Smelly brother, it’s actually a girl, what can I do?”

64 Road Dust was speechless.

What is and what is this?

Of course, he naturally didn’t know.

However, for Karp, most of the Monchi family is manly, so when it comes to education, it has always followed a crude simplicity. If it’s a girl.

In Karp’s mind, whether it is himself or Lu Chen, I am afraid that he has no ability to educate. Therefore, it will appear apprehensive and uneasy.

Girls, naturally, can’t be like men, thrown into the deep mountains and old forests to practice hard since they were young. You can’t just make a move……… Education of Love!!!

“Brother, can you really teach girls well with your personality?”

Karp asked in a rather solemn tone.

“An impulsive reckless man like you doesn’t have the patience to teach a girl!”

“Mangfu is very apt to describe you brother!”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile,

“Don’t worry, I know how to teach a child.”

“If you don’t believe it, you can just look at the dragon.”

It’s fine not to say that.

As soon as he mentioned it, Karp was annoyed.

“How’s that kid? Now that he has a younger sister, he has to take on the responsibility of being an older brother. ”

“Don’t worry, I just sent him a big gift, it will be a while and a half, it should be no problem.”

Lu Chen smiled and said, “I’ll inform him of the fact that he has a sister later.” ”

“Good, what’s the name?”

Karp asked at this point.


Lu Chen smiled and said, “Mengqi· D. Robin! ”

“No matter what the problem, if you have anything, just look for me, and, when you come back, remember to show me little Robin too.”

“Got it!”

Hang up the phone bug.

Lu Chen looked at the quiet environment around him, and his face showed a warmth that he had never felt before. And then.

He pulled out Long’s phone.

Unlike Karp.

Lu Chen not only informs Robin of his existence, but also informs him of the existence of his aunt Olbia.

Moreover, even O’Hara, where he was located, also informed the leader of the revolutionary army, who already had a little bit of leadership demeanor.

“What a joke, uncle, we’ve only been apart for a few days!”

Dragon was shocked.

I just met a few days ago, how in the blink of an eye, there is an additional sister. The word sister is undoubtedly a sudden and confusing existence for this revolutionary army leader.

“Just tell you, so be it!”

For Long’s doubts, Lu Chen was too lazy to explain anything.

Trusting the information he provided, with the intelligence capabilities of the revolutionary army, it soon became known whether it was true or not. Hang up the phone bug.

Standing outside the door of the cabin, Lu Chen took out a cigarette and took a cigarette.

Just about to light it, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, then threw the cigarette casually into the trash.

“Well, when the protagonist child of the dragon is born, then it will be called Aunt Robin.”

As soon as he thought of that picture, Lu Chen’s heart was filled with evil taste.

I have to say.

Little Robin’s appearance direction is completely inherited from the excellent genes of his mother Olbia. In terms of physical fitness, it is inherited by Lu Chen.

Therefore, this is the best love gene crystallization of both parents.

Lu Chen because Robin was just born, so he lived directly in O’Hara. Anyway, now this sea, it’s not time yet!!!

He took off the righteous attire of the navy and, like ordinary people, took Robin and Orbia and lived safely on this island.

Every morning.

Lu Chen pushed the stroller, and Orbia took his arm and went out. When you get to town, buy daily necessities, and go home.

Occasionally, he would go to the library of the Tree of Omniscience with Olbia. Life during this time.

Lu Chen can be said to be fully integrated into it.

If you don’t know, it’s hard to imagine that this is the Heavenly Punishment Lieutenant General of Megatron Sea. But.

On O’Hara Island, there are still many people who know Lu Chen’s identity. In particular, O’Hara’s scholars.

Every time he arrived at the Library of the Tree of Omniscience, Lu Chen had to deal with not an earth-shattering battle. It’s the lips of scholars.

To this. Road dust said it didn’t matter.

This world, this sea, whether it is pirates, scholars, even within the navy, most people are extremely paranoid. In particular, in their respective fields, the higher the achievements.

Therefore, Lu Chen expressed neutrality to the complaints of scholars and their persistence in pursuing historical truth. But if you open a hundred years of blank history, it will lead to this sea storming.

He is inclined to block.

“However, as archaeologists, unearthing the true idea of history is what we should do.”

On the way home, Olbia lowered her head and said softly.

“I know!”

Lu Chen nodded in understanding.

However, he changed his words and said with a smile: “I know a great country, and the primary goal of archaeological excavations in it is not to obtain the truth of history. ”

“Rather, scholars in this country are more willing to protect the traces of history than to pursue the truth of historical years.”

“This kind of behavior is called salvage archaeology!”

“If knowing a truth will bring disaster to the world, I believe that scholars of that great country are more willing to let the truth be buried in history.”

“After all, history represents the past, and we represent the future.”

Lu Chen’s tone was very indifferent, with a hint of a smile.

But when you hear it in Orbia, it is undoubtedly like thunder and explosion.

The unprecedented understanding of history can be said to have greatly shocked the heart of this proud scholar.

“But if we know the truth about history, can we make the world a better place?”

However, Olbia has been pursuing history for many years, and naturally will not be convinced.

“History doesn’t make the world better.”

In this regard, Lu Chen directly shook his head in denial.

“What if buried in the blank truth of a hundred years of history is a way or a tool to make the world a better place?”

Olbia retorted with puffed out cheeks.

“Instead of relying on the empty historical truth, it is better to make yourself stronger with the motivation to pursue.”

Lu Chen glanced down at the sleeping Robin and said with a faint smile: “So change the world.” ”

The tone, very gentle.

However, his attitude is very firm.

“A peaceful and beautiful world, a world worthy of our daughter’s life.”

This sentence, if it is someone else’s words.

Orbia may not take it seriously, but from the mouth of Lu Chen, that meaning is different.

“The world government has ruled the world for hundreds of years, but it is not so easy to change.”

But she still couldn’t believe it.

It is not that he has no confidence in Lu Chen, but he knows the power and terror of the world government.

“If you want to achieve things, just step by step, you can’t be impatient!”

Lu Chen pushed the stroller with one hand, held Olbia’s slender waist in the other, and said lightly: “So, first smash the faith of the pirates of this sea.” ”

Calm days always go by very quickly. Unconsciously.

From a sleepy baby, gradually grows up, a toddler little girl. This year.

Lu Chen took off his military uniform and always accompanied the mother and daughter.

It can be said that from Robin’s birth to now, every time he grows, Lu Chen has not been absent. Duration.

Dragon also secretly came to O’Hara, and with the permission of Lu Chen 220, he secretly glanced at Robin, and then was kicked away by Lu Chen with red eyes.

And since Robin learned to speak, Brother Karp has often called the phone worm over. The magic is.

Brother Karp and Robin can actually communicate for a long time.

Although neither knows what the other is saying, every call can be accompanied by a quick laugh. And the sea during this period can be described as changeable.

But even so, every time Karp called the worm over, he did not mention the pirate to Lu Chen. And Lu Chen, though knowing, is what happened.

But he didn’t want to talk about it.

Because, it’s not time yet.

“Ba Ba… Dad……..”

Robin snorted, opened his hands, and staggered towards Lu Chen. The round body is clumsy and full of cuteness.

“Hehe, girl!”

Lu Chen squatted down and picked up little Robin and kissed her fiercely on the cheek.

Seeing this, Olbia who followed behind her, her fair cheeks showed a happy smile. Suddenly, there was movement in the sky. Countless seagulls, flying from a distance.

Densely packed, covering the sky, the scene is incomparably spectacular.

“What’s going on? Is there big news? ”

“It must be big news!”

Seeing this, the residents of O’Hara began to talk. Inside the yard.

Lu Chen and Olbia also noticed the movement and couldn’t help but look up.

“The sea has changed!”

Olbia said with a surprised look.

Such a terrifying flock of seagulls flying here can be said to be very rare. I’m afraid that the newspaper has not yet fallen.

But everyone has already felt the huge shock caused by the content of the news report.

“Oh, it seems that there is a big incident!”

Lu Chen hugged Robin, and a meaningful smile raised at the corner of his mouth.

The time, it seems, is approaching. Just thinking.

Newspapers all over the sky, like snowflakes, were sprinkled by seagulls. Orbia bent down to pick up a newspaper.

With just one glance, her cheeks turned pale. Gaze, followed by Lu Chen.

There is a strong reluctance and attachment.

“Roger’s Pirates circle the world and are called One Piece by the world!”

Orbia gritted her teeth and said the headline of the newspaper.

Such an unprecedented event, as a naval hero, obviously cannot stay here any longer. Therefore, Olbia will feel so reluctant and sad.

“Is it? What a feat! ”

But Lu Chen, without looking, hugged little Robin and became amused. However, in my heart, I was faintly looking forward to it.

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