Chapter 107: Uncle, Hug [Please].

“Aren’t you worried?”

Olbia noticed Lu Chen’s subtle emotions and asked with big eyes and doubts. This is a mega event about the future of the sea!

It is not difficult to imagine that the birth of One Piece will have a profound impact on this sea, which can be described as unprecedented. Lu Chen, on the other hand, showed a gesture of indifference.

Orbia was speechless.

If you don’t know, it’s hard to associate Lu Chen with the legendary heroes of the Navy.

Although she knew this man very well, for some reason, she always felt that there was a mysterious light veil in the depths of Lu Chen’s soul, which always made her unable to covet it.

But even so.

But Orbia’s woman instinctive, still very sure, is not a malicious secret. At least.

For her mother and daughter, not only is there no malice, but it is full of thick and deep love.

“Worried about what?”

In this regard, Lu Chen hugged Little Robin and said with a faint smile: “The birth of One Piece means that the pirates of this sea finally have a new pursuit, which is very good!” ”

“Compared with the previous pirates who are about to conquer the world at every turn, the new pursuit can reduce the pirates’ ambition to conquer the world!”

I have to say, these words are too reasonable.

So much so, that for a while, Olbia didn’t know how to refute it.

“But the birth of One Piece will also have a greater impact, and many people will go to sea for this and become a steady stream of pirates.”

Olbia smiled wryly.

That’s what she calls a concern.

As the number of pirates increases, the balance of the sea will gradually tilt. Then.

Justice will take care of itself, so what dignity is there for ordinary desperation?

“I know, but in the same way, the navy will expand accordingly, always maintaining a delicate balance.”

Lu Chen said with a smile.

There is really no need to say much about the balance deliberately created by the world government. In particular, for the top of the Navy.

“Then will you leave?”

Olbia bao hugged Lu Chen, his white neck raised, and his eyes were rippling with autumn water, containing strong reluctance and attachment. The company of these days has made this archaeologist feel unprecedented happiness.

If she could, she would rather give up all archaeology in exchange for Lu Chen’s company. But.

She also knows that as a naval hero, at this time, she must not back down. Therefore, the tone is reluctant though.

However, no request for retention will be made.

Because, that is irresponsible for the sea!!

“I’ll leave!”

Lu Chen nodded directly in response. Words fall.

Orbia’s big eyes darkened, and her cheeks were full of reluctance and sadness.

Even the little Robin in Lu Chen’s arms raised his fleshy little hand, held Lu Chen’s handsome cheek, and stared at him with dark eyes.

“Dad…….. Dad, don’t go, don’t go…….. Robin shouted milkily. ”

Obviously, although the little girl didn’t know what her parents were talking about, she at least knew what it meant to leave.

“What I said about leaving may be a little different from what you understand.”

In this regard, Lu Chen couldn’t help but explain: “As long as I get off work, I’ll come back!” ”

In his heart, he hated this sea, the custom of often abandoning his wife and abandoning his children. And as a child who grew up under the red flag.

Naturally, it will not do such an inhumanizing thing.

“Come back from work?”

Olbia was stunned.

“Okay, Dad, come back from work, hugs……..”

Little Robin was pleased, opened his hands, and let out a triumphant cheer.

Although I don’t know what it means to get off work, I can just know what it means to come back.

“Do you want to go to the headquarters of the Navy?”

Suddenly, Lu Chen smiled and looked at Olbia and asked. Hearsay.

Olbia was stunned.

However, she instinctively shook her head and refused, “Robin is still young, this time back and forth, time in the sea…….. The words are not finished. ”

1 Luchen held Little Robin in one hand, held Olbia’s waist with the other, and said with a faint smile: “Let’s go play with the uncle”

“Uncle, good!”

Hearing the words of the uncle, little Robin was even happier, and his hands danced excitedly.

Olbia looked puzzled. But the next moment.

The look of doubt on her face turned into thick horror.

The picture of the sight became blurred in an instant, and the colors of heaven and earth were like scrolls, re-transformed into watercolor, forming streams flowing around them.

Being in it seems to put people in the void of the origin of time and space. Even the flesh-and-blood nerves of the body cannot be perceived.

But, this feeling. Come fast. Disappears faster. As if in the blink of an eye.

It seems like a long time has passed.

In an instant, the powerful palm of the waist came with a burst of warmth. Picture in sight.

It also transforms from a turquoise wilderness countryside into a spacious office interior.

“Lu Chen, what’s going on?”

The sudden change made Olbia shocked, holding Lu Chen’s hands, and working harder.

“Arrived, this is the scientific research department of the headquarters of the Navy, well, my office!!”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile. This statement came out.

Olbia thought that he had misheard, and his face became confused.

However, looking at Lu Chen’s evil smile, she quickly reacted, this is true.

“We came from O’Hara to the headquarters of the Navy?”

“The first half of the West Sea to the Great Voyage!”

“I…….. How much time did we use? ”

“How is it possible, what kind of ability is this, even the fastest ship, from O’Hara to the headquarters of the Navy, takes more than ten days to sail.”

“I must have fallen asleep and then you brought me here.”

“But my mental state is not like I have slept for more than ten days……….”

The teleportation of the Flying Thunder God Art directly made this knowledgeable archaeologist become divine.

“Wow, Dad… Dad, oh are you swollen, magic? ”

But at this moment, little Robin’s exhilarating shouts directly made Olbia break the defense. Didn’t expect it.

Instantly came to the headquarters of the Navy from the West Sea, it turned out to be true.

However, she still couldn’t believe that this was the headquarters of the Navy.

It was even suspected that it was just a research institute hidden in O’Hara, and Lu Chen used some kind of ability to let them shuttle over.

“Brother, I’m back, you come down!”

In this regard, Lu Chen was too lazy to explain, carried Robin to the back of the desk and sat down, and unplugged Karp’s phone worm. After finishing a sentence, without waiting for the other party to respond, he hung up directly.

Hear this.

Olbia’s fair face appeared red and nervous, and the whole person became restrained and nervous. It’s like being scared to see the daughter-in-law of the parents.

Big eyes looked at Lu Chen like help.

“Although my old brother is a little rough, he is still a good person!”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile.

Having said that, a naval admiral, with this name alone, is enough to shock everyone in the world. That’s afraid, it’s Lu Chen’s brother.

After all, Olbia had never seen it. At the bottom of my heart, I was naturally uneasy.

It was little Robin, his eyes wide in surprise, babbling happily. Click-Not long ago, there was a rush and dull sound of footsteps. Proximity to the office from near and far.

The man has not yet arrived.

The grievance-filled rough voice came through the wall.

“Bastard stinky brother, do you finally remember that you still have the identity of the navy?”

“As a man, you must have the mind of the sea, and the private feelings of your children will only… The words are not finished. ”

Bang–The door to the office was violently pushed open.

A burly man with white sideburns and black hair walked in.

However, when he saw the scene in the office, his originally angry face suddenly looked confused. Next second.

He reacted, and the confusion on his face instantly turned into a thick joy.

“Little……… Little Robin? ”

The tone, full of tremor and disbelief.


Little Robin in Lu Chen’s arms opened his mouth wide and looked surprised. Although I haven’t seen it.

But Cap’s voice was already imprinted in Little Robin’s mind. Hear it at the moment, confirm it immediately.

This is the big uncle who has always made her happy.

“Uncle, hug!”

Breaking free from Lu Chen’s arms, the little girl staggered, clumsily opened her hands, and walked straight towards Karp. The admiral, seeing little Robin coming, subconsciously took half a step back.

A hint of fear appeared in his eyes. But the next moment, he accepted.

Carefully squatted down and gently picked Robin, his old face was full of smiles, and there were tears at the corners of his happy eyes. That look, as if holding it, is a peerless treasure!

“Little Robin, you’re finally coming to see Uncle!”

Karp smiled happily.

The rough arms, but carefully held, did not dare to use force, the whole person was tense. Even the tone of speech was unprecedentedly gentle.

“Big uncle, beard!”

Little Robin giggled, chubby little hands, and went straight to pick Karp’s beard. It made Karp cry and laugh, and he didn’t dare to stop it.

This scene, if seen by outsiders, will definitely shock the world. Anyway, Olbia was shocked.

The admiral’s iron fist Karp actually has such a gentle and cute side. This big and small joke took a long time to calm down slightly.

“The stinky brother of the bastard, it’s really unforgivable to bring little Robin over now!”

Karp hugged Robin and turned to glare at Lu Chen and complained.

Then, he put on a smiling face and thanked Olbia: “These days, thank you for taking care of my bastard brother, you are busy taking care of little Robin, and you have to take care of this vulgar and rude guy, it’s too hard.” ”

“Ahhh The uncle is too polite, and Lu Chenjun is very patient with us! ”

Olbia was flattered and waved his hand and smiled bitterly.

“If you want to teach a girl as good as little Robin, his little patience is not enough.”

Karp’s face sank, and he stared at Lu Chen and said in a condensed voice.

“Yes… Uncle Great……… Little Robin, excellent, yes! ”

Hearing Karp’s appreciation, little Robin shouted excitedly waving his little hand.

In this regard, Lu Chen couldn’t cry and laugh. But he didn’t bother to say anything, so he slowly stood up and clapped his hands.

“Okay, let’s get here first!”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile: “The navy must be busy now.” ”


Karp nodded his head.

Then apologetically put down the little Robin and handed it to Olbia, and turned to leave the office with a reluctant face. Behind him, Lu Chen waved his hand and followed out.

For a time, his appearance made everyone in the science headquarters feel shocked. Everyone thought they were wrong.

After the two brothers arrived at the empty place, Karp turned to stare at him and asked.

“Why did you suddenly come back, you haven’t heard anything before!”

“I just suddenly wanted to come back, and I came back.”

Lu Chen spread his hands and said, “And little Robin has also mentioned many times that he wants to meet your uncle.” ”

Hear this.

Karp smiled brightly.

“Then you shouldn’t leave, Steel Bone Sora should be looking for you later, it’s better to stay in the headquarters, I can also play with little Robin often!”

Earlier, I thought Karp was focused on duty.

But in the end, it was to be able to play with little Robin.

“The child is still young, and it is not very good to stay in the headquarters.”

Lu Chen politely rejected this suggestion.

“Then can you rest assured that little Robin and his mother will go back alone?”

Karp was anxious.

“I’ll send them back and come back again.”

“This back and forth, it will take a lot of time!”

Karp said unswervingly.

Rare, well-founded and irrefutable.

Lu Chen didn’t refute, but slightly raised his hand on Karp’s shoulder.


The space fluctuated slightly.

The figures of the two people who were still alive just now instantly blurred, and then disappeared from the same place. As if it had never happened. Until ten minutes later.

Airplanes! The space shook again.

Lu Chen put his arm on Karp’s shoulder and reappeared here.

“What an amazing ability!”

Karp looked around in surprise, his face full of surprise and shock.

“Although your idea is flawless, I am afraid that for the world government, I am afraid that it will not be agreed.”

“But if it can be implemented, the Navy’s influence in the new world will reach an unprecedented level.”

Karp smiled, raised his hand and hammered Lu Chen’s shoulder,

“The admiral seems to be in a high position, but he cannot gallop the sea to fight pirates, and can only become the doorman of the powerful guards who protect those holy places.”

“With you, I believe that the future of this sea will be even more exciting!”

The tone contains unreserved trust and support for Lu Chen.

This disappears for ten minutes.

It can be said that Karp has a deeper and other view of the stinky brother in front of him. To this end, he is willing to do everything he can to assist!!!

After the two brothers finished talking about the business, they returned to the office together.

“Uncle, hug!”

The first time they met, this pair of big and small friends started to play like self-acquaintance. In this regard, Orbia is also happy to see.

At this time, the sea outside, because of the crazy content of the newspaper, has already set off a major storm that swept the world, and no one can stand alone in this storm.

That’s even if it’s the navy, it’s all like that!! Hungry!.

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