Chapter 110: Kaido: That Bastard Yin Laozi [Asking for Custom].

Others don’t know.

But Marshal Sora, naturally, has a very human understanding of the country of Wano. In an instant, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

“It is a country that belongs to the samurai, and if you rashly ask for it, I am afraid it will cause a bad impact.”

Marshal Kong was not confident enough to say: “This matter, I need to report to the Holy Land to make a decision.” ”

The meeting dispersed.

To be honest, Lu Chen’s plan can be described as counted in one fell swoop.

Recently, the Navy’s scientific research department, in order to develop warships that can sail without wind belts, the consumption of sea floor stones is very large, and the country is rich in 99% of the world’s sea floor stones.

Whether it is the headquarters of the navy or the world government, if you want to obtain the sea floor stone, you need to trade with Wano Country from different channels, indirectly or directly.

Therefore, if the country of Wano falls into the hands of the navy.

The production of the sea floor stone will be controlled by the headquarters of the Navy.

Secondly, if Mitsuki Ota can be arrested, he can get some news about Roger from it. Then it is a great help to hunt down Roger.

At last.

Wano Country has a peculiar terrain and is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

If the navy can be stationed in it, it will be like a needle prick, deep into the heart of the new world, affecting the sea area of the new world.

Whether it’s sea thieves or other forces.

At this time, if you want to be unscrupulous in the new world, you need to weigh it.

But the country of the samurai, the outside world knows very little, but Marshal Kong still knows from various channels that there is a powerful force there. So.

The conquest of peace is a very important military operation. If you act rashly, I am afraid that the naval power will be compromised.

Moreover, the mysterious samurai kingdom is inextricably linked to those big figures in the Holy Land. This is the reason why the Marshal of the Sky needs to report to the Holy Land.

And before that, he still listened to Lu Chen’s opinion on this. When the meeting dispersed, the road dust was deliberately left behind.

When everyone left, Marshal Kong turned his head to look at Lu Chen.

“Since you can propose this plan, you must have deduced the process, and the old man needs to listen to your opinion.”

After a pause, he continued: “This is the key to whether the world government allows the action. ”

“If you fight, I’ll guard it!”

In this regard, Lu Chen only said this. And this sentence is enough!

With a heavy responsibility, Cyborg left the headquarters building again and headed straight for the holy place of Marijoya. No surprises.

The plan to attack Wano Country and arrest Mitsuki Ota was directly vetoed by the Five Old Stars.

“A rash crusade against a country may cause uneasiness among all countries.”

“Even if Mitsuki Ota is guilty, as the heir of the general of Wano Country, he can only be arrested in secret.”

“Moreover, it will be a heavy loss to conquer a country with the power of a samurai!”

“If the navy loses any more, then it can only start other plans.”

“Even if you are allowed to attack, if you don’t have enough strength to defend the town, sooner or later it will fall into the hands of other forces.”

Hearing Marshal Kong’s proposal, the five old stars almost did not hesitate to object.

As they say.

The navy at this stage does not have enough strength to penetrate deep into the belly of the New World. That would only disperse forces and make it difficult to maintain stability in other seas. Of course.

Most importantly, the world government does not want to change too much. Maintain the existing balance.

That’s what the five old stars want.

Find Roger, execute publicly, and eliminate the impact! As for how to find the first step.

This is not what the five old stars need to consider. Get this answer.

Marshal Kong had already prepared in his heart, but he still felt full of anger and resignation. Before leaving.

He dropped a word and turned away directly.

“It is better for the country of Wano to fall into the hands of the navy than to fall into the hands of other forces, moreover, Lu Chen has promised to garrison the country of Wano country.”

After speaking.

Without waiting for the five old stars to respond, the person walked away. A palatial council hall.

The five old stars looked at each other, their expressions were complicated, and there was solemnity in their eyes. However, it still did not let go.

Time flies. Three months later.

Roger’s whereabouts, still not found.

The number of pirates emerging from the sea is increasing day by day, showing a geometric increase. So to speak.

The impact of the birth of One Piece is more far-reaching and significant than that of Locks back then. The forces of the navy deployed everywhere in the sea are now stretched thin.

Shh Porphyry!

O’Hara, who had just finished coaxing little Robin to take a nap, walked out of the cabin alone. Take out a small phone bug and dial it out.

“Lord Lu Chen….”

In less than three seconds, after the phone worm was connected, it turned into a slightly aged man with a surprised look.

“How are the recently trained personnel?”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile.

“Those children, did you find them?”

“Found it, one step ahead of the world government, and was selected by me from the orphanage.”

The voice of the phone worm was slightly excited, and said, “Thank you Lord Lu Chen for your guidance, let me know the true heir.” ”

“In the future, we will continue to be loyal to Lord Lu Chen!”

In the first half of the Great Voyage, on the deck of a sailing merchant ship. The man with gray hair and a hint of old age in his eyes, holding the phone bug in both hands, shouted respectfully. On the deck behind him, there were several boys, curious to look over.

One of the boys.

Only a few years old, but calmly frightening.

“Luqi, who are you contacting the adults?”

The child next to him asked suspiciously.

The boy named Luqi looked cold, and did not hear about it, but walked to the side and sat down, quietly looking at Kariku’s back, not knowing what he was thinking.

And this time.

Kariku is full of respect and gratitude.

“If it weren’t for Lord Lu Chen’s salvation, I would have been executed by the Draco people long ago.”

“Aha, did you suddenly start stirring?”

The phone worm turned into a road dust, and said speechlessly: “Don’t gossip, this time I am looking for you, I need you to pass on the news.” ”

“What news?”

Kariku was shocked and asked in a solemn tone.

“News from Wano Country!”


Kariku’s eyes suddenly widened, and he nodded heavily, indicating that he would arrange it as soon as possible.

Since the end of the Valley of the Gods incident, he has been incognito and walking in the darkness of the former CPO spy leader Kariku. Now, as a diehard loyalist of the lieutenant general of heavenly punishment, he is well aware.

What to do next. Hang up the phone bug.

Kariku turned to look at the children, his eyes shining with hope for the future. Three days later.

Morgan News, the World Economic Journal, once again issued a blockbuster news that shook the world. Newspapers, flying like crazy all over the world.

It caused an unprecedented uproar.

[The samurai on the ship of Roger Pirates, the heir to the general from Wano Country, is about to face a tragic future of the destruction of the country and the death of the family at this moment! ] 】

[Hundred Beast Kaido entered the Kingdom of Lordship and became the Protector of the Ming King! ] 】

[The end of the Guangyue family is coming, and the joint suppression from the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Black Carbon Family is coming! ] 】

[What is the future fate of Wano Country, which is caught in the flames of war?] The exaggerated news headlines have attracted the attention of countless people.

“Wano Country? What is Wano Country? ”

“Heir to the general of Wano Country, what is that thing?”

“Hey, hey, is it time to dwell on these issues? That’s the samurai who used to be on Roger’s ship! ”

“Doesn’t it mean that this samurai must have followed Roger and reached the Ultimate Island?”

“Hahaha, Roger disappeared, I didn’t expect his crew to immediately usher in other pirates to suppress.”

“It is rumored that Kaido began planning the country of peace a few years ago, but damn it, let him get a head start again.”

“What is the future of Wano Country, who should pay attention to these things.”

“Lao Tzu wants to know, what kind of information did Kaido get in the country of Wano?”

“That’s about the existence of the Great Secret Treasure, you can’t let Kaido be beautiful in 1.7!”

“Chong, go to the country of Wano and find the clue of the great secret treasure!”

The emergence of heavy news shook the sea. Countless people are talking about it.

Newcomers from all over the world leap out to sea to chase the legendary great secret treasure.

Similarly, the major forces and pirates are also gearing up.

In order to get the big secret treasure.

The strong people on the sea began to act. Target, sword pointing to Wano Country!!

And as a party. Ghost Island.

“That bastard yin old man!”

An angry roar shook the inland sea of Wano Country.

The huge green dragon body rushed out of the skeleton building in an instant, disappeared into the clouds, and let out a burst of dragon roars. Apparently.

For this sea thief, he has been low-key for many years, and he has not accumulated enough strength. Unexpectedly, Wano Country was exposed.

And he was also pushed above the mouth of the storm.

Before he got anything, he was detained by the world and knew the clues of the great secret treasure. That grievance is completely indescribable.

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