Chapter 111: Filial Piety [Asking for Custom].


The soaring green dragon roared angrily, stirring the clouds and darkening the sky. But the next moment.

The green dragon’s figure swayed, and then fell from above the clouds, smashing out a huge pit, and the dust flew and filled the air. The huge skeleton building on the island of ghosts immediately flew out several figures.

One of them, turning into a pterosaur, took off into the air, and instantly came to the position where Kaido fell.

“Boss Kaido!”

Standing at the edge of the pit, the iron mask shouted as the ember wrapped only one pair of eyes was exposed. A rhythmic snoring sound came from the bottom of the pit.

At this time, the cry of Ember is heard.


Kaido burped and climbed to the ground, sitting directly cross-kneeled on the ground.

“The wine is awake!”

He raised his hand and shook his head, with an embarrassed expression.


The fat Quinn also came closer, his face full of horror.

“Boss Kaido, the outside world is full of rumors, we have obtained the clue of the Great Secret Treasure, or let’s leave Wano Country first!”

“Cut, apart from Whitebeard, is there anything we are afraid of in this sea?”

Ember’s only exposed eyes glanced slanted, his tone full of disdain. This contemptuous gesture made Quinn very unhappy.

“That Mita used to be Roger’s crew, although this 10 guys have disappeared, if you see the newspaper, I am afraid that I will not sit idly by!”

“For now, evacuate first!”

Quinn yelled in exasperation.

I have to say that even if I say it because I am afraid, there is some truth in this. Even Ember didn’t refute, his eyes twinkling.

Turning to stare at Kaido sitting cross-legged on the ground. Go, or stay?

“Go fart!”

Kaido’s face was full of anger and he grinned, “Since there are so many people who want the clue of the Great Secret Treasure, let them all come.” ”

Standing up, his rugged face showed a sinister smile.

“Find someone to go out and guide the guests in, it’s okay if Roger doesn’t come, we can still control the situation.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if it came? The guy who wants the big secret treasure will naturally go to Roger. ”

“Oh laa

Kaido untied the gourd around his waist, raised his head and poured a few sips of strong wine, and said with a smile: “We’re on the island of ghosts, take a good look at this big drama, shake your burly huge body, and walk straight towards the skeleton building.” ”

Loomingly, you can still hear the voice of cursing.

“That bastard is aimed at Lao Tzu, it’s really very ugly, and the country of peace is good, and he will be messed up with a miasma in the future.”

Hearing the words of his own admiral, Ember and Quinn looked at each other.

However, the tension and apprehension just now infected them because of Kaido’s dashing. No doubt.

The method of promoting one’s own governor is the most suitable for the Hundred Beast Pirate Group. After all, I have been cultivating in Wano Country for so long.

The effort and time put in can’t just go.

“Aha! It’s really awesome that someone can provoke Daddy! ”

Outside the skeleton building, a small figure jumped out of the grass. She looked at Kaido’s back, her little face showing thoughtfulness.

“In this world, is there really someone who can make Dad suffer? I really want to meet such a powerful character! ”

Small body, clenched small fists, cheeks are very excited.

New world, a certain sea.

A huge beluga-like pirate ship sails through the wind and waves.

“Daddy, something big has happened!”

The pineapple-headed Marco glanced at the new newspaper and couldn’t help but exclaim, and instead shouted at the burly giant sitting on the throne in the center of the deck.

“Gollum-la-la, what’s the big thing that can compare to Roger’s influence!”

Whitebeard put down the barrel and grinned.

Having experienced the days when Roger became One Piece, he was somewhat immune to the so-called big events. Therefore, Marko’s words naturally did not take it to heart.

But the next moment.

One after another, the crew members looked at the newspaper and exclaimed.

“It’s about Brother Mita!”

“What, is it His Royal Highness Mita?”

“Damn Kaido, actually dare to offend Wano Country.”

Many crew members, all exuded, angry faces. Then.

Hearing everyone mention Mita, the burly giant sitting on the throne suddenly became solemn.

Took the newspaper handed by his son next to him.

Whitebeard glanced at it a few times, and his face changed slightly. At this time, he realized the seriousness of the matter.


Gritting his teeth and coldly spitting out two words, containing a strong killing intent.

The former trainee crew actually caught his brother’s attention at this time.

“Dad, while Kaido hasn’t formed the climate yet, let’s lead everyone to fight Wano Country, right?”

Marco looked up at Whitebeard and shouted angrily.

At that time, Mitsuki Mita, on this ship, had a great popularity.

Naturally, everyone wanted to help Mitsuki Mita and his Wano Country.

“Your Highness Mita, what kind of pressure are you under now!”

Eizang gritted his teeth and roared. I can’t wait to stop and immediately plug in my wings, fly to Wano Country, and fight Kaido to the death. Pity.

As a member of the Pirates.

Any decision can only be made by the captain.

That is, the will of everyone on board.


“Dad, if we don’t make a move, Mita……….”

“And peaches, and ahhh

“He alone is difficult to fight against Kaido!”

Many filial piety and grandchildren said one after another.

No doubt.

If Whitebeard nodded, everyone on the ship would definitely not say anything. But alas.

Face everyone’s expectant eyes.

Whitebeard frowned, but finally shook his head.

“We can’t go!”

Words fall.

Including Marko, everyone’s faces were shocked and incredulous. Affectionate daddy.

Actually, did not lend a helping hand to the former brother! This, so unexpected.

However, everyone did not question this.

Because Dad made this decision, there must be his reasons. Really.

Whitebeard grinned and said in a deep voice.

“Since he chose to get on Roger’s boat, he must choose to trust the partners on the ship, rescue this kind of thing, we can’t break the rules!”

Hear this.

Many filial piety and grandchildren are slightly more comfortable. However, there are still people who are not at ease.

“Daddy, Roger has been gone for months…”

Without waiting for this son to finish speaking, Whitebeard waved his big hand and interrupted directly, “No matter where Roger is, as long as he is alive, as long as he sees the news, he will definitely appear.” ”

Must be two words, the tone is slightly aggravated. This is recognition from the enemy.

….. 947….South China Sea!

Batriilla Island.

A European-style house yard.

Roger, who has just been called One Piece by the world, sweeps the weeds in the yard like an ordinary person. Suddenly, snowflakes fell from the sky.

One of the newspapers landed right at Roger’s feet.

The eye-catching title instantly caught his sight. Roger’s curly beard shook, and his face became slightly ugly. Squeak – behind, the door of the house opens.

A girl with curly blond hair in a loose dress walked out.

When she noticed Roger’s abnormality and the newspaper spilled on the yard, she immediately bent down to pick it up.

“Mitsuki Mita? Isn’t that your former crew? ”

Lu covered her small mouth and exclaimed, surprise and unease appearing on her freckled cheeks.

“Hahaha, yes!”

Roger laughed loudly, but his smile was a little far-fetched, and said, “This guy is very strong, it shouldn’t be a big deal.” ”

“You’re leaving, right?”

In this regard, Lu Jiu did not answer rhetorical questions.

Roger was stunned, and a smile solidified on his face.

After a long sound, he exhaled a heavy breath and said with a bitter smile: “He is my former partner, I can’t sit idly by and ignore this..”

“Then you go!”

Without waiting for Roger to finish speaking, Lu Jiu said with a faint smile. The tone, full of empathetic tenderness.

But Roger was stunned, his eyes full of entanglement and pain.

“Don’t worry, I will take care of myself and my children!”

Luchen looked at Roger, her eyes were more gentle than ever, and raised her hand to touch the slightly bulging abdomen. At this moment, her body is full of maternal brilliance!.

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