Chapter 113: Heavenly Punishment Comes, Ember Pees [Please]

“Alas, this kind of troublesome thing is really a headache.”

Lu Chen rubbed his forehead and said a little helplessly.

Although the tone sounds helpless, how to look at the smile at the corner of this guy’s mouth, there is a creepy dangerous atmosphere

“Lu Chen, this mission will be led by you. As for the other candidates…”

“Sakaski, Porusalino and Kuzan are good young men.”

Cypriot empty eyes swept over the many officers, and then said to Lu Chen with a smile: “The rest is up to you to personally choose.” ”

“In that case, I will not be polite.”

Lu Chen turned to look at everyone.

Feeling Lu Chen’s gaze, all the naval officers couldn’t help but straighten up their waists and look serious and accepting the review. Who wants to miss an opportunity to fight alongside the strongest navy?

“Katakuri, Gion and Klokdal, you three together.”

Hearing this, the three of them immediately got up from their seats excitedly to meet Lu Chen’s gentle gaze.

Kataku clenched his fists and secretly swore in his heart: “It’s wonderful to be able to go to sea with my teacher, and I will definitely live up to my teacher’s expectations.” ”

“Lord Lu Chen, I will definitely work hard!”

Gion made a small face and assured very seriously.

The candidates for the mandate have been identified and this concludes the meeting.

“Time is urgent, you guys go now.”

Cymbal Air commanded.

Steel Bone Air led everyone all the way to the headquarters port, which was regarded as a naval send-off for this operation.

After all, this mission is very difficult, not only the samurai of Wano Country obstructed, but also many powerful pirate group 380 people did not wait long.

A specially shaped battleship appeared in sight. The battleship did not have a mast and sails, but had two more main turrets. On the aft deck is an additional square box more than two meters high and very conspicuous.

Overall, the warship has one-third more available space than a normal warship.

This is a warship specially built by Bergapunk for road dust, not only the bottom is inlaid with sea floor stones, but also carefully improved, and the whole is powered by electricity.

Both speed and practicality are far above ordinary warships.

“This warship looks so grand, much more spacious than our warship.”

Sengoku said.

“Brother, what kind of new thing are you, it looks quite powerful.”

Karp rubbed his palms and said a little covetously

“It’s just a slight improvement of the warship, more firepower, faster speed, more available space, and no other advantages.”

Lu Chen said with a smile.


Everyone looked at the young lieutenant general speechlessly. Are you sure this is just a slight improvement?

As Lu Chen boarded the warship, the young officers and a thousand navies behind him also boarded one after another. In the envious eyes of everyone, the warship quickly headed towards the sea outside the port.

Ten days later. New World Seas.

The sci-fi warship broke through the sea and quickly sailed on the calm sea, with naval soldiers on deck carefully guarding their posts.

After ten days of continuous sailing day and night, the warship has entered the waters of Wano Country. There is almost half a day to go before you can set foot on the territory of Wano Country.

Gion and the others on the deck are also looking at the sea level in the distance expectantly, and the long-awaited moment is coming. Just when everyone was expecting it, a cold sea breeze blew in front of them.

They were shocked to find that a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the sea ten nautical miles away.

“Something is wrong, the speed of the current is obviously accelerating!”

Katakuri was the first to sense that something was wrong.

“Look at the sea ahead, the current is completely chaotic.”

Couzin pointed to the sea ahead and reminded. In the distance, Optimus Pillars broke through the sea, and towering mountains plunged into the sky.

Gloomy black clouds oppress the sea, kilometer vortex sets off huge waves, and the icy wind is like a sharp blade, constantly cutting through every navigator who approaches this sea area.

This seems to be the apocalyptic zone at the end of the world.

This is a forbidden area for ships, and any ship that enters this sea area will only end up crushed to pieces.

“No wonder Wano Kuniwa is so mysterious in the outside world, ordinary ships simply cannot cross this forbidden area.”

Gion said with a solemn face

“There are other ships approaching, it should be pirate ships.”

Sakaski’s eyes burned, looking at the ships approaching this area on the sea not far away.

There is more than one pirate ship, and the news of the big secret treasure is enough to drive the entire sea crazy. In just a few moments, hundreds of pirate ships appeared on the sea.

Click! Right at this moment.

In the captain’s room, a pale electric light was shining.

In an instant, everyone felt that the warship under their feet suddenly accelerated, and rushed towards the turbulent area at twice the speed of before. Sensing this situation, everyone’s faces changed.

Once this speed encounters turbulence, it will inevitably lead to the destruction of the ship.

“That’s crazy,” Klokdal cried out frantically.

At the same time, the ship had entered the turbulent sea, and the imaginary capsizing of the warship did not occur.

Instead, because of the strong and savage speed, he directly broke through the obstacles of the huge waves, and smoothly accelerated along the edge of the vortex towards the hazy island hidden in the fog in the distance.

But other ships were not so lucky, and those pirate ships that did not have enough power were swallowed by the vortex.

Some were torn to pieces by the terrifying turbulence before they even entered the vortex, and the ship thieves were dragged into the depths of the vortex by the heavy seawater. This sight made all the navies on the warship feel palpitations, even Rear Admiral Katakuri and others broke out in a cold sweat.

Passing through the turbulent sea with whirlpools, soon a towering cliff appeared in sight, and the deafening sound of a waterfall was heard. A surprisingly wide waterfall cascades from the cliff and splits into two sections, pouring into the sea surrounding the island.

Wano Country is the inland sea above the waterfall.

However, those hundred beast pirate groups patrolling the air also discovered the warship at the same time.

“It’s the Navy! Only one warship. ”

“A warship also dares to come here, this captain is really a fool.”

“This is a good opportunity, let’s take out these navies, Lord Ember will definitely reward us.”

“Do you want to report it to adults?”

“This little thing also has to trouble adults? When these navies are solved, it is not too late to report them to adults. ”

When the words fell, dozens of pirates rode birds into the air, attacking the warship with air superiority.

“It’s the sentry of the pirates.”

I don’t know when, Lu Chen appeared on the deck of the warship.

He looked indifferently at the air riding pirates who rushed in front of him, and smiled lightly at Katakuri: “These miscellaneous fish just give you the opportunity to exercise, and this kind of sandbag sent to the door is rare.” ”

Several people immediately understood what Lu Chen meant, and Sakasky took the brunt of it, jumped up from the deck, and instantly punched out a cloud of blazing magma with his fist.

Not to be left behind, Katakuri stood in place, but his arm quickly extended and lengthened, blasting the two pirates who tried to approach into the sea and freezing the iceberg. The light shone, and countless light bombs shrouded the sky.

The sword qi is broken, and the yellow sand covers the sea.

The offensive of Gion and Klokdal was equally sharp and ferocious.

In just a moment, the pirate air cavalry that rushed to the vicinity of the warship was wiped out by several people. Ghost Island.

The monitoring room of the headquarters of the hundred beasts.

The phone worm suddenly rang, and the tall figure sitting in the animal skin chair answered the phone worm.

“My lord, the big thing is not good… We are under attack! ”

The voice on the other side of the phone bug was particularly frightened.


Hearing this, this man’s whole body was shrouded in a black suit, and his face was also covered with a black mask, revealing only a pair of eyes, flashing with a cold coldness.

“Which pirate group, Lao Tzu will destroy him now!”

Ember asked lightly.

The tone, with endless killing intent.

“Not a pirate, it’s… It’s the Navy. ”

The phone bug cried. Navy? Ember’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He expected the sea thieves, but he did not expect that it was actually the navy. To know.

In order to divert the Hundred Beast Pirates group into focus, the people they send out to patrol will deliberately guide those pirates who come in pursuit of the great secret treasure to land in the country of Wano.

Unexpectedly, it was actually the navy that appeared this time. And also attacked their people.

Very good!

No matter who dares to offend the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, then you must be prepared for the consciousness of death. Ember just thought of this.

In the monitored picture, a clear picture clip is transmitted.

On the screen, a warship full of sci-fi is parked under the waterfall, and the flame ice blade, light and various fruit abilities of yellow sand are constantly shooting out from the warship to kill the pirate cavalry.

On the deck of the warship, a young figure stood with his hands in his hands, and behind him were young navies with different faces.

Ember’s gaze swept over several people on the screen, and finally stayed on the figure at the bow of the ship at the front, looking at the other party’s indifferent smile, his eyes suddenly widened.

Looking at the familiar face on the screen, Ember’s whole person seemed to sink into hell, and an indescribable sense of fear welled up in his heart.

“This is… Heavenly punishment. ”


“How did you provoke that monster!”

Ember’s voice trembled and shouted uneasily at the phone bug.

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