Chapter 114: Roger: I came just in time [Customize].

For Lu Chen and his party, the pirate air cavalry on the island waterfall is just a piece of cake.

Easily solved these pirate sentries who stood in the way, and the warship drove full power towards the waterfall against the current. At the same time, in the domestic waters of Wazhi, pirate ships with different flags galloped across the sea, all heading towards Jiuli. You can see that not far from the coastline, a considerable number of pirates have landed.

“Damn it! How can these bastard pirates not finish killing. ”

Jinweimen roared loudly, raised his hand and released a sword qi to cut off a pirate ship close to the inner coast.

Receiving the news that the pirates had gathered in Jiuli, the Red Sheath Nine Heroes all set out to stop the pirates who invaded Wano Country.

As one of the nine heroes of the red sheath, although Jinweimen looks very unreliable, his own strength is not weak. On the contrary, he ranked relatively high in strength among the nine heroes.

“Hana no Shuriken!”

Lei Zang threw out his shuriken and severely injured several pirates who attempted to sneak up on Jinweimen.

“Hey, there are too many of these pirates.”

And the number of pirates is growing, and the battle is becoming more and more unfavorable to us. Ichidenjiro said. Before the words fell, a huge mace fell from the sky and smashed down on Denjiro’s head with great momentum.

“Let that timid guy from Mitsuki Mitsuki get out!”

“Hand over the clues of the big secret treasure and let him die a happy death.”

A burly pirate captain drinks and waves a mace to finish off Denjiro who is blocking his advance.

“Dare to insult the general, I will now carry out the death penalty for you in the name of the general’s escort!”

A cold voice sounded, and a tall figure wearing a goose yellow samurai suit suddenly appeared above the pirate captain’s head. The cold sword light shone, exuding a killing intent that made people feel cold.

The pirate captain’s eyes widened, and the next second with the sword lightning, the corpse separated in the air.

But this did not stop the crazy pirates, and there was still a steady stream of pirates rushing to the shore at sea, which greatly increased the pressure on the nine heroes of the red sheath.

“General, there are too many pirates gathered on the Nine Mile Coast, and the Red Sheath Nine Heroes are about to be unable to support it.”

There was a frightened voice from the conch on the call.

“These bastards, can’t even resist Jinweimen?”

Hearing the report of his samurai, Mitsuki Mita’s heart sank. I didn’t expect these pirates to be so fierce that even a powerful samurai like the Red Sheath Nine Heroes couldn’t completely block it.

“And these pirates also said to let the general hand over some big secret treasure, and they couldn’t understand what they were saying at all.”

The conch continues to sound from the call.

“So it is, HH55”

“It’s for the clues of the big secret treasure, and the news of these pirates is really sensitive.”

Mitsuki Mita frowned and muttered to himself. When he looked at his wife Tengetsu beside him, Momonosuke and daughter Hiyori shivered in her arms.

During the call just now, the screams and fighting did not hide the ears of the two children.

This sudden battle not only made Mitsuki Ota defenseless, but the menacing pirates also made Mitsuki Mita’s wife and daughter feel afraid and nervous.

Tianyue Shi looked at her husband worriedly and said, “Is there really no problem?” ”

“Don’t worry, it’s just some pirates.”

“The samurai of Wano Country are not so easy to defeat, but as a great general, I can’t sit in the rear.”

Mitsuki Mita laughed and said comfortingly.

“Why did these pirates suddenly learn the news of the Great Secret Treasure, could it be that Kaido guy is behind the ghost?”

Mitsuki Ota thought as he hurried towards the inner coast.

If anyone knows his details, Kaido is undoubtedly one of them, and he is the most likely force to take advantage of this matter to attack him.

When Mitsuki Mita came to the coast, the samurai who saw Wano Country at a glance were almost drowned in the crowd of pirates.

No wonder the Red Sheath Nine Heroes can’t hold on, this situation is estimated that even the big sword hero here is estimated to be unable to resist the siege of thousands of pirates.

“Mitsuki Mitsuki is there! Catch him and be sure to ask for the news of the Great Secret Treasure. ”

“Don’t let him run, the big secret treasure is mine.”

The pirates flocked to the site, and the defense line of Jinweimen and the others did not last long before they were dispersed by the pirates’ offensive. Mitsuki Ota shouted, holding his sword in both hands while exhibiting a sword qi.

The sword qi condensed into a cross, swept across the battlefield, and the pirate who rushed to the front in an instant was surrounded by the sword qi, blood splattered, and the corpse was separated.

“It was the great general who made a move!”

“Protect General Mita, you can’t let these pirates succeed!”

When Jinweimen and the others saw Mitsuki Ota making a move, they also used their full strength, fighting with the pirates while rushing towards the location of Mitsuki Mita.

The samurai of Wano Country were also inspired to fight when they saw the great general’s courage to destroy hundreds of pirates with one sword.

But the high meaning did not improve the combat power of these samurai, and despite their best efforts, they could not stop the steady stream of pirates.

As a last resort, he could only shrink the defense line and retreat towards the castle of the Mitsuki Ota family.



It wasn’t until the defense line contracted to the periphery of the Ota family castle, taking advantage of the favorable terrain, that the pirates’ offensive was barely resisted. Nevertheless, surrounded by thousands of pirates, it is already a matter of time before they fall.

“General, you leave through the back door with the lady, we will block these bastards.”

Jinweimen said.

“Don’t worry, Shi and the child have settled in. As a general, I am not going to be a deserter. ”

Mitsuki Mita said resolutely.

He originally thought that these pirates were seduced by Kaido and that the other party was plotting to defeat the Mitsuki family.

But the truth was somewhat unexpected to him, in the battle just now, he had learned that these pirates did not learn about the Great Secret Treasure from Kaido’s mouth.

Even the flower capital where the black carbon snake is located is also too busy to take care of itself because of the invasion of pirates.

“General, you can’t support it outside!”

Kiku Zhicheng said eagerly.

Seeing that the defense line was about to collapse, when the pirates rushed into the castle, a terrifying aura suddenly came.

Boom–An incomparably huge sword qi crashed down, the dust and mist were filled, the sand and stone rushed into the sky, and a crack hundreds of meters long buried a group of pirates who rushed to the front.

The smoke and dust cleared, and a great figure in a red coat greeted Mitsuki Mita’s eyes.

“Aha, Brother Mita, it seems that I came just right.”

Marked smile, and black curly beard. That’s it.

Roger, known as One Piece.

Mitsuki Mita’s pupils widened, his face became uncontrollably excited, and the familiar voice made his body tremble.

“Brother Roger!”

Mitsuki Mita shouted excitedly, tears welling up from the corners of her eyes.

The man who suddenly appeared was none other than the legendary pirate known as One Piece, Roger.

“Luo… Roger, it turned out to be Roger the One Piece! ”

“The legendary sea thief who traveled all over the world, even the navy is helpless strong.”

“Just exuding momentum is so terrifying, it’s simply a monster.”

Roger’s appearance shocked a group of pirates, whether it was the title of One Piece or the strong strength shown by his sword, it made the pirates dare not act rashly.

This is the power of One Piece.

Even if their target was originally One Piece.

But when it really appeared, these pirates from all over the world were stunned for a while.

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