Chapter 115: The Shadow That Dominated Kaido’s Fear [Customized].

Looking at the moonlight Mita crying with joy and being very excited, the Red Sheath Nine Heroes was the first time to see this look of Lord Mita.

“This is the legendary sea thief?”

“The name that Mita-sama often hangs on his lips, the man who is called One Piece.”

“It looks very strong, I don’t know who is stronger between him and Lord Moonlight Mita.”

Jinweimen and the others’ understanding of Roger is basically from the moonlight Mita. Every time the captain was mentioned, he was extremely praised, and almost always hung Captain Roger on his lips.

But at first glance at this legendary figure, they still felt a little uncomfortable. Roger looked at Jinweimen and the others behind Moonlight Mita, and took the initiative to greet with a smile: “You are the retainers of this guy Mita, you all look very good.” But now, it’s not the time to catch up with the old days…”

Roger snorted coldly, and the Western sword Ace in his hand instantly split out in the back, cutting a pirate who wanted to sneak attack away

“Everyone rush, the secret of the great secret treasure is hidden in these two people!”

“What about One Piece, what are we afraid of.”

“Finish off Roger, the big secret treasure is ours, give it to me the little ones!”

After a brief shock, the pirates realized that Roger was the only one with reinforcements.

Under the temptation of wealth, even the legendary pirates cannot completely deter the already crazy pirates. In the face of the fierce and death-defying pirates, Roger and the two masters of Moonlight Ota could not all be repelled. Moreover, there are still pirate ships on the inland sea that continue to storm the coast, scrambling to kill the castle. In such a battle, even the most powerful strong people will be consumed by the sea of people tactics.

Unexpectedly, just as countless pirates flocked to the Moonlight Family Castle, a pirate ship traveling in the inland sea continued to attack the surrounding pirates.

But everywhere they passed, the pirate ships were cut off by powerful sword qi.

Even the pirates, who are not weak, were easily defeated by the members of the ship when they tried to block this pirate ship.

“The captain is also true, he actually ran here first alone.”

As the boat approached the shore, a red-haired teenager jumped from the bow.

“Don’t waste time, get rid of these obtrusive guys first.”

The man with glasses and a scar on his right eye with blonde hair mixed with a hint of white hair said.

The members of the ship responded and took up weapons to kill the pirates around them.

Their number is less than one-thousandth of that of other pirates, but this seemingly inconspicuous ship of pirates is all powerful masters.

In the blink of an eye, there is no more boat on the coast that can go ashore.

“Hahaha, it’s that guy from Renly, he’s here too!”

Roger saw the situation on the coast in the distance, looked startled, and then said with a hearty laugh.

“Ah, it’s really a feeling that has been lost for a long time, I couldn’t imagine being able to fight with everyone so quickly.”

Moonlight Mita’s face was full of excitement, and he seemed to return to the old days in the pirate group.

The unexpected appearance of the members of Roger’s pirate group surprised all the pirates.

Roger and Renly fought back and forth, and the pirates besieging the Moonlight family became the swept side. In less than half an hour, all the pirates that landed were swept away.

Some pirates, who saw the bad opportunity, retreated into the sea in advance and chose to retreat temporarily.

Those pirates who tried to land also temporarily dismissed the idea of siege. In front of a big sword hero like Renly, no ship can get close to the coast.

Although these pirates retreated temporarily, they did not completely die, but only stopped on the sea a few miles away.

They are bating their moment, and as long as the Roger Pirates relax a little, they will launch a crazy attack again. And this time.

Headquarters of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

After hearing the information of the navy’s attack, Ember was full of trepidation.

Especially when he thought of that man’s face, a chill immersed in the bone marrow filled his body, making him can’t help but shiver.

“Lord Kaido must be told as soon as possible.”

Ember knew that this matter had reached the level of a hundred thousand urgent.

Without waiting for him to report, the phone bug rang again.

“Hey, how did you guys let the Roger Pirates enter the country of Wano!”

The serpent’s angry voice sounded in Ember’s ears.

“Roger Pirates?”

Ember’s pupils shrank, and then he heard the serpent’s angry and unbearable roar.

“Who do you think you’re talking to?”

Ember’s voice carried cold killing intent.

If it weren’t for the fact that this snake was still useful, he would have gone to slaughter this guy who dared to yell at himself now.

“Ah… Sorry, I was just so excited. ”

The serpent’s attitude changed instantly, and he kept apologizing.

“You also know the relationship between me and the Moonlight family.”

“Now that Roger’s Pirates have appeared in Wano Country, if Moonlight Ota uses the power of the Pirates, I can’t resist it.” You don’t want to lose an ally like me, do you? ”

The big snake said.


Hearing this, Ember showed a trace of disdain in his eyes, and said perfunctorily: “Well, I will report this matter to Lord Kaido.” ”

After ending the call, he walked out of the cave and suddenly spread a pair of black wings behind his back.

The black wings shook, and the embers soared into the sky, flying quickly towards a cave in the depths of the Ghost Island.

“Lord Kaido, I have two important pieces of news to report.”

Ember came to this wide cave and saw Kaido carrying a wine altar and drinking with hazy eyes.

“Huh? What an important thing. ”

Kaido asked as he poured his wine.

“Roger entered Wano Country and helped Moonlight Ota repel the invading pirates.”

Ember reported.

“Aha! Roger, this guy, actually came to Wano Country? ”

Kaido’s eyes widened, and then he burst out laughing.

“This scene is really getting better and better, and I’m looking forward to what he will do.”

A playful look flashed in Kaido’s tiger eyes.

“By the way, didn’t you say there was one more thing?”

Kaido asked.

“This thing… Perhaps more serious than Roger’s matter. ”

The cousin on Ember’s face became very solemn, and said with some trepidation: “The sentry found a naval warship heading in the direction of Jiuli from the island waterfall. ”

Hearing this, he did not wait for Kaido to speak.

“I didn’t expect the navy to be mixed in, just a warship, so you are afraid of this.”

“Ember, your guts are getting smaller and smaller.”

Another treacherous voice suddenly came from behind.

A fat man wearing 3.8 black eyes and black and white striped bib pants came from outside the cave. He is about the same height as Ember, officially one of the three plagues of Quinn.

“It’s just a warship, don’t care.”

Kaido also said nonchalantly.

“But that ship has many wonderful young navies on board, at least two supernovae of the rank of rear admiral. And…”

Ember glanced up at Kaido and continued, “Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment, Lu Chen is also on this ship. ”


The wine altar in Kaido’s hand shattered, his palms trembled, his pupils contracted, and his bloodshot eyes shot crazy and terrifying eyes.

“Road dust…………. I will definitely not let him go this time! ”

Kaido roared angrily, and instantly turned into a dragon form and rushed out of the cave.

The shadow of fear that was dominated back then, he wants to regain all the dignity he once lost today!

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