Chapter 117: The Future of the Navy, the Highest Combat Power [Seeking Customization].


Sakaski’s eyes were instantly filled with fiery battle intent, and with his extremely hateful character for pirates, he undoubtedly liked to fight pirates the most.

Katakuri and the others were also gearing up, this was a task to be carried out with Lord Lu Chen, and they were ready to go all out in their hearts.

At least, Lord Lu Chen should not be disappointed.

The first to strike was not Sakarski, who rushed to the front, but Kuzan, who jumped off the deck and fell towards the sea.

It looks like I can’t think of jumping into the sea.

This scene also aroused everyone’s doubts and exclamations.

“What does that navy want to do?”

“Jumping into the sea? It won’t be that we are scared and stupid, it is really a shame. ”

“With such idiot men, it seems that the legendary navy does not seem so terrifying.”

Kuzan’s sudden fall into the sea made the pirates seem to have found a trace of confidence to resist. But in the next second, at the moment when Kuzan made contact with the sea surface, a pale color quickly spread out, and spread out in an instant. At this moment, the sea surface solidifies, the waves freeze, and the temperature of the sea surface drops sharply at an alarming rate.

By the time the pirates reacted, all the pirate ships moored on the sea surface had been frozen by the ice. If you look at it from mid-air, you will find that the coastline of Jiuli has completely turned into a white dragon.

In just a short moment, Kuzan actually froze the entire sea surface of thousands of meters near Jiuli.

“How can it be! Is this something that a rear admiral can do? ”

“Just cold ice, let the old man break your ice!”

An old pirate who looked very strong roared loudly, raising the huge axe in his hand and smashing it towards the sea.

But before the giant axe in his hand fell, the direction of the warship suddenly shone with red fire.


With a roar, after Kuzan, Sakaski also made a decisive move.

His whole body was shrouded in flames, and his arm turned into a huge lava fist composed of lava, and then instantly launched hundreds of lava fists.

Lava fists shot towards the sea below, like a meteor falling, but this red

“Meteors, but they contain unimaginable power.”

Continuous roaring explosions pounded the eardrums, shattering the ship’s frozen ice under a huge fist of flames, and the waves rushed out of the sea again.

At the same time, there are countless pirate ships fixed on the sea, as well as pirates on board who will have time to escape in the future.

“Oh yo…….. What two awesome guys~”

“The rest of the pirates, let me give you a ride.”

Porusalino spoke lazily, but did not show any mercy.

Countless golden rays of light separated from his body, turning into a rain of light and rain of light and rain falling continuously. Each light cluster will cause a violent explosion after touching an object.

The light rain covered almost the entire sea, and in an instant, some pirates who managed to escape to the edge of the coast were seriously injured by Porusaliro’s methods.


Kuzan looked up and exhaled softly.

Two ice spears appeared out of thin air in his palm and suddenly threw towards the pirate ship. Click-one!

The moment the ice spear penetrated the pirate ship, the entire ship was covered with a layer of transparent ice crystals, and the pirates on the ship solidified into ice sculptures.

“These three guys are simply monsters, and they don’t give us a chance to shoot at all.”

Klokdal said as he looked at the sea where the sea of fire and icebergs existed at the same time.

The strongest of the three, Katakuri, had a solemn face, and the strength displayed by the three of Kuzan made even he feel great pressure.

“No wonder Lord Lu Chen said that the three of them will be the strongest pillars of the navy in the future.”

“This terrifying talent and ability is really terrifying!.”

Gion pouted depressedly, and the good-looking Joan’s nose wrinkled.

The naval soldiers on the warship stared one by one, their jaws almost hitting the instep.

It was the first time they had seen that the rumored naval monster had attacked, even if it was only a rear admiral, it was no worse than any vice admiral.

Oh, except for the vice admiral standing in the bow!!

“Even a lieutenant general can’t be stronger than that, right?”

“Except for Lieutenant General Lu Chen, there should be no lieutenant general who can be more powerful than these three monsters.”

“Worthy of being the strongest monster in the navy, it is really terrifying combat effectiveness.”

This one-sided battle is no longer necessary for them to shoot, and the three of Sakaski can completely cope with it. They even suspect that even if only one person strikes, it may not be able to solve the battle.

It’s not that they are stronger than the Roger Pirates, but the fruit ability of the three is really too suitable for the current group battle.

The battle did not last long, and at the cost of thousands of pirates, most of them finally escaped from the fire bombardment zone of the three of Sakaski.

In the face of such a terrifying navy, the pirates no longer have the slightest intention to fight.

They have not forgotten that there is still a strong man on that army who has never made a shot and is regarded as the most terrifying man of naval legends.

“The power pod should also be almost fully charged.”

Lu Chen recalled the unfinished Sakarski and others and issued a landing order.

Led by Lu Chen, the navy set off towards the castle in the deepest part of Nine Miles. People, not much!

A thousand soldiers guarded the battleship.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, landed with Sakarski, Porusalino, Kuzan, Katakuli, Klokdal and Peach Rabbit.


It is the Guangyue Mansion in Jiuli Town.

Although the number of people is small, the sense of oppression that can bring everyone is unprecedented.

On the mountain road far away from the Jiuli Coast, Roger Pirates and others felt the shock of the seaside, and their faces showed different colors one by one. When the warship appeared, it had already evacuated towards the Mitsuki Family Castle.

“Is this the strong man in the younger generation of the Navy?”

“It’s a bunch of monsters!”

Renly said with a grin.

“Ah-la-la, don’t underestimate the young navy, those little guys in the future are difficult opponents.”

Roger said, his tone also a little serious.

Although it is far from the sea, a strong person of their strength can still clearly perceive what is happening on the coast. The momentum that rushed to the face like a vast ocean had surpassed most of the navy’s older generation of powerhouses.

Shanks said a little unconvinced: “I am no worse than these navies!” ”

Speaking of this, he seemed to remember something, and added: “At least no worse than those three young navies, sooner or later they will be defeated.” ”

As for the man who made him change his words, even if he just remembered the other person’s face, Shanks would feel a fear from the depths of his soul.

I don’t know when, the sky was shrouded in dark clouds, and the entire Wano Country was covered in endless darkness. The fierce wind blows the forest, and the dark clouds seem to be lowered a little, as if the end is coming. Roger and the Red Sheath Nine have withdrawn to the mansion.

In the Guangyue Mansion, everyone who felt this oppressive atmosphere felt like a stone was pressed against a stone.

Lu Chen’s arrival awakened the fear in the hearts of Roger and Renly and others, and they couldn’t help but recall their experiences when they had encountered each other.

The samurai of Wano Country, who saw naval power for the first time, were even more frightened, and their faces were pale and bloodless.

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