Chapter 118: Wang’s qualifications, shocking the audience [Seeking Customization].

If you want to enter the Guangyue family’s mansion, Boluo Town is a must-pass place.

In the original, this is the area ruled by Kaido’s men.

But now Kaido has not joined forces with the big snake to get rid of the Mitsuki family, which is naturally the base of the warriors of the Mitsuki family.

“Lord Lu Chen, there are traces of samurai activities in the town ahead.”

Katakuri said.

Although his sightseeing and hearing has not yet been cultivated to the extreme, his perception covers the entire Boluo Town, and it is still very relaxed.

“Well, there seems to be a lot of people, there should be thousands of people.”

Lu Chen said lightly.

He saw that his appearance was many times stronger than Atakuli, and the situation in the town naturally could not hide it from him. When everyone heard this, their faces also changed.

Sakaski’s eyes were full of high war spirit, although the other party was a samurai of Wano Country, but since they dared to block the footsteps of the navy, he would not be relentless.

Couzin looked indifferent, while Porusalino was helpless, as if this kind of “cleaning up the garbage” made him feel very troublesome.

“It seems that these guys are still undead and want to do the final struggle.”

Klokdal said with a grin.

“Worthy of being Lord Lu Chen, such a powerful and domineering appearance…”

“Even the number of enemies can be fully seen, it is simply terrifying.”

Katakuri said in amazement. Led by Lu Chen, the naval team stepped neatly on the streets of 947 Boluo Town.

But when they entered the town, they found that the whole town was empty, and there were no residents on the streets.

“There is an ambush?”

Gion looked left and right with wide eyes, trying to find clues. Before the words fell, a loud shout came from the head, and I saw a samurai jumping from the roof of the street and launching a sneak attack towards the road dust in the front.

“Sneak attack, sneak attack, but shout to remind the enemy.”

“Is it to embody your samurai spirit?”

Lu Chen scoffed.

There was no need for him to make a move, and when this samurai launched a sneak attack, Katakuri instantly appeared in front of the samurai. The halberd danced wildly, and a cold light swept across the samurai’s neck.

The two passed each other, and the samurai fell from the sky, his head and body suddenly separated. At the same time, heaven-shaking shouts were heard from the empty streets, and countless samurai and no kuni samurai rushed out of the buildings on both sides of the street wearing samurai uniforms.

Rough estimates put these samurai in the hundreds.

And from the distant streets and alleys, there is a steady stream of samurai coming towards their location.

“Take out these navies! Protect General Mita. ”

“Damn the navy, dare to invade the territory of Wano Country, watch Lao Tzu chop you into minced meat.”

“Even if the navy dares to provoke Wano Country, you will bear the wrath of the samurai of Wano Country.”

Inside the town, samurai rushed out from all directions, encircling the navy like a tidal wave.

They carried katanas, their eyes fierce, their expressions fierce, and they rushed forward with a fierce and deathless posture. Seeing the samurai of Wano Country, Akainu and the others who were several times their own, their expressions were slightly nervous.

Although they did not know the strength of the samurai of Wano Country, the other party had already gained the upper hand in terms of momentum. For a while, Lu Chen and the others were immediately surrounded by samurai from all directions.

“As the Guangyue family, it’s too embarrassing to let them protect at this time”

Mitsuki Ota stood on the top of the mountain and gritted his teeth and said resentfully.

“It is worthy of the kingdom of samurai, each of them is very powerful!”

Roger raised his hand and patted Mita’s shoulder and grinned.

He had dealt with Lu Chen more than once, and he knew the horror of that naval man.

But at this time, the big war was imminent, and the samurai were also very strong, and naturally they could not lose to each other in morale.

“Not bad, enough to stop those little naval guys.”

Renly said. And far away.

Sakarski saw these samurai, and just about to make a move, he saw someone moving faster than himself.

Katakuri walked in front of everyone, his calm eyes with a faint disdain, scanning the approaching Wano Kuni samurai.

“Give me a roll!”

Katakuri gulped, and a strong and domineering aura suddenly advanced from his body, as if the red flashing instantly swept through the surrounding dozen streets.

The samurai of Wano Country, who were enveloped by this terrifying aura, fell into a coma, and in an instant, more than a third of the samurai were stunned by this extremely domineering aura.

The samurai who was not unconscious also felt a huge shock in his heart, and the young naval officer in front of him seemed to be a terrifying beast.

They looked at Katakuri in horror, unable to understand what kind of move such a terrifying aura was.

“Overlord color domineering!”

Sakaski looked at Katakuri in surprise.

There are countless strong people in the navy who cultivate armed color domineering and see and hear domineering, but the navy with overlord color domineering is extremely rare.

This power, called the qualification of the king, mostly appears on powerful pirates.

“It seems that things are a little unexpected! The students recruited by Lu Chen are really not so easy to deal with. ”

Roger said with such an expression.

“I didn’t expect that in addition to Lu Chen, there were figures with king qualifications in the navy. That guy Lu Chen is a monster, and a group of small monsters have been cultivated under his hands. ”

Renly said with a headache.

Katakuri unleashed the overlord domineering power and instantly eliminated a third of the samurai, making him the focus of the audience immediately. Whether it was the samurai of Wano Country or the navy such as Sakasky, their eyes all fell on Katakuri.

“No wonder Lord Lu Chen is very optimistic about this guy, it turns out that such power is hidden.”

Sakaski said secretly in his heart.

However, although Katakuri’s domineering shock has solved many samurai, there are still many samurai who did not fall into a coma under his overlord domineering.

These samurai are all masters of considerable strength.

If everyone is placed in the outside world, it is definitely the combat cadre of every pirate group.

“There are actually obstacles, then let Uncle Ben solve these guys.”

Klokdal, who was holding a cigar and dragging wildly, shot with an unhappy face.

Under the dim sky, a sandstorm suddenly appeared, quickly turning into a hundred-meter-sized yellow salon roll. The yellow salon roll swept through the streets of the town, destroying the buildings on both sides of the street like a ruin.

The ground is constantly shaking, and yellow sand is constantly gathering under the masonry, turning into a tornado that will rush into the crowd gathered by the samurai of Wano Country.

Screams erupted, and the samurai were caught off guard by Klokdal’s attack, and hundreds of samurai lost their strength. Previously, in the battle on the beach, his abilities were limited, and he could only stare at the three of Sakaski.

Now that I finally have a chance to get out of the phone, I naturally have to show my skills.

“Hee hee, I can’t be behind.”

Gion grinned, drew his long sword at his waist, and instantly rushed into the samurai crowd.

The sword light sent to it flashed quickly, and the weapons of the samurai who passed by Gion broke one after another, and blood splattered at the vital point of their bodies, and they fell to the ground.

Not to be outdone, the three Sakaski led the navy in a ferocious counterattack against the surrounding samurai. In an instant, the battlefield fell into chaos, and only Lu Chen stood in place with a leisurely attitude.

“Well, should this level of combat be included in the assessment score?”

He looked at the battlefield around him and said to himself.

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