Chapter 122: Overlord-colored Top-Up Incarnation Buddha [Customized].

Click–The biting ice froze the earth, Kuzan slowly withdrew his hands, and the two samurai in front of him turned into ice sculptures with frightened expressions.

“Damn the navy, give me death!”

A samurai of the Frost Moon family, stimulated by panic, finally chose to fight to the death.


With the sound of flesh and blood being penetrated by sharp weapons, Kuzan pulled out the ice spikes condensed in his palm from the samurai’s body. A samurai of this level was simply not enough to threaten him.

But the extent of this battle is not only that, he is facing not a samurai, but a samurai of the three major families of Wano Country. Although under the siege of pirates, the three major families suffered heavy damage, they still have not weak combat strength.


On the other side, Sakaski was split a hundred meters by Renly’s sword qi, but before Renly could pursue, the fist condensed by lava turned into a rain of fire, blocking his desire to pursue.

“Worthy of being the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, the combat strength is completely above the average vice admiral.”

Sakaski wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

His strength has long surpassed most lieutenant generals, and even elite lieutenant generals may not be able to suppress him.

But this One Piece deputy in front of him can repel him with a sword, and I am afraid that his strength has infinitely approached the level of the admiral.

At present, the battle between the two sides is at a stalemate, and although the strength of Roger’s pirate group is strong, Renly is a great sword hero with a level close to the strength of a general.

However, in a short period of time, it was impossible to break through the defense line formed by the navy led by Sakasky and others.

If the members of Roger’s Pirates want to support the captain, they must first defeat young naval officers such as Sakaski. And when the two sides were fighting fiercely, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, led by Ember and Quinn, had approached the edge of the battlefield.

“The Hundred Beast Pirates are also here… The situation is really getting more and more troublesome. ”

Renly frowned as the two difficult characters, Ember and Quinn, joined, and also felt the pressure multiply.

Who knows if the Sea Beast Pirates will stab them in the back at a critical moment.

And after Sakarski and the others saw the Hundred Beast Pirates, their faces also became a little solemn, but their thoughts were similar to those of Renly and others.

They are the navy, the other is a pirate, and the meeting between the two will naturally not be a friendly hello.

“We don’t have enough manpower, only a thousand soldiers, and the other side is at least ten times as many as us.”

Gion said worriedly, with a pale face.

Dealing with the Roger Pirates has made them use all their strength, and now there is no time to deal with the Hundred Beast Pirates.

The situation suddenly fell into a delicate situation, and everyone in the navy such as Roger Pirates and Sakasky were on guard against the Hundred Beast Pirates with scruples.

But the next moment, the battlefield in the sky changed again.

The earth-shattering sword energy and the mace containing terrifying power stirred the wind and clouds, constantly shattering the sky with thunder. When the two of them gradually suppressed Lu Chen, an even more terrifying aura suddenly entered from him.

“What happened? Such a terrifying aura…”

Renly looked at the sky in amazement.

The pirate group members behind him changed colors one after another, almost breathless under this terrifying aura, as if they were carrying a mountain. But seeing that Chen’s hands were folded, his eyes were slightly closed, and an extremely dangerous and terrifying aura emanated from him.

Roger and Kaido felt an extremely dangerous aura approaching, but the attack of the two had already been shot, and it was obviously too late to retract it, and the earthquake shook, and the scope and amplitude of this vibration were far beyond any previous collision.

The entire territory of Wano Country was affected, as if an earthquake had spread throughout the country.

The shock is like the end of the world, and it makes people wonder if Wano Country will be destroyed by this violent shock.

Boom – In an instant, an incomparably tall giant broke through the earth, as if the great god who opened the heavens and the earth stood behind the road dust. This giant has its head in the sky and its feet on the ground, almost as high as heaven and earth at a glance.

Although the giant’s body is extremely tall, its movements are not bulky at all, but have an amazing speed that does not match the size of Roger and Kaido’s attack has not yet fallen, and the huge palm has approached the two.


The attack of the Western sword and mace instantly twisted and landed on the giant’s two palms. The giant’s palm trembled slightly, and the movement of the palms together was blocked for a moment, and the two took the opportunity to quickly retreat and escape the attack range of the giant’s palm.

“What kind of monster is this!”

Shanks looked at the incomparably huge Buddha statue in the sky and widened his eyes.

“I’ve never seen this trick, is it also the ability of the fruit?”

Mitsuki Mita frowned and said.

In the distance, the group of hundred beasts and pirates who were preparing to join the battlefield immediately dismissed the idea of fighting when they saw this giant that broke through the ground.

“What kind of trick is this, the strongest killing skill hidden by the Heavenly Punishment?”

Ember unconsciously retreated back some distance.

Only after Kaido saw this giant, his pupils suddenly contracted, and the next second, his face became distorted, as if he saw something that made him extremely angry.

“It’s this trick again…”

“Lu Chen, don’t you have a little fresh tricks?”

Kaido’s eyes were red, and he looked at Lu Chen with murderous intent and said. At the beginning, in the battle of the Valley of Gods, Lu Chen used this move to hit him hard.

Let Kaido take it as a shame and vow to defeat Lu Chen.

“Hey, but your trick is useless to me.”

My current strength has long surpassed the past, and you can’t stop me with this move.

“Today, I must smash your head!”

Kaido roared angrily and attacked Lu Chen with an even more ferocious and arrogant attitude.


Lu Chen opened his eyes, and his black pupils turned golden for some time.

And on his face, red-gold lines stretched from the corners of his eyes and spread to his sideburns, like two soaring wings. Immortal mode, on!

“You look confident, give you a chance over there.”

Lu Chen stood in the air, looking down at Kaido below and smiled indifferently. At the same time, the golden domineering rush in, and the entire sky was rendered in gold.

The overlord-colored domineering aura surrounded the giant behind him, and the next second the giant actually grew thousands of arms. On each arm, there is a domineering overlord color, as if it is a mysterious tattoo engraved on the palm of the Buddha.

“Oh my God! It’s also terrifying. ”

Gion saw the giant suddenly grow countless huge arms, and he couldn’t close his mouth in shock. Sakaski and the others were already speechless in shock, only the young lieutenant general who looked at the sky in awe.

Thousands of Buddha palms fell at the same time and smashed towards Kaido. Each Buddha hand contains an extremely terrifying power, the Buddha palm grazed the mountain peak, and the kilometer-high mountain collapsed in an instant and turned into ruins.

Seeing this scene, Kaido’s eyelids jumped, and panic spread from the bottom of his heart. In the next second, this intern who used to be the evil party of Rocks suddenly felt numb with fright, and then in front of everyone’s eyes, he actually transformed into a green dragon and fled towards the distant sky.

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