Chapter 123: Heavenly Punishment [Seeking Custom].

This dramatic scene was completely beyond everyone’s expectations.

Who would have thought that the boss of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, the so-called immortal Hundred Beasts Kaido, would flee without a fight? Lu Chen looked at Kaido who was fleeing in embarrassment with some surprise, and then a playful smile appeared on his face.

“Lord Lu Chen, Kaido is going to escape!”

Gion put his hands to his mouth and reminded loudly.

“Don’t worry, he can’t run.”

Lu Chen said softly.

In the next second, seeing that he had fled to the edge of the sky and was about to leave the nine-mile range of Kaido, a giant hundreds of meters high suddenly appeared in front of him. Unlike the thousand-handed Buddha statue behind Lu Chen, the giant is completely made of incomparably thick wood.

It is the Mu Duan Ninjutsu, the art of the wooden man.

The wooden man raised his palm and grabbed towards Kaido, trying to stop Kaido from leaving.

At this time, when Kaido panicked in his heart, he saw the wooden man blocking his mouth and spitting out a breath of dragon breath. The dragon tail flicked, trying to cut off the wooden man’s palm.

However, the art of wooden people is one of the most powerful ninjutsu of Mu Duan.

Especially when Lu Chen turned on the immortal mode, the defense was raised to a terrifying level. Bang!

The wooden man’s palm was unharmed, but Kaido’s dragon tail broke its tailbone under this huge impact, making a tragic sound. The wooden man’s huge palm grabbed Kaido in the palm of his hand, and 983 was like pinching a green worm, easily suppressing Kaido’s power.


Roger Pirates gasped, and Hundred Beast Kaido was suppressed so easily.

“What a terrifying strength, even Kaido can’t match it?”

The Red Sheath Nine Heroes were already numb, and from Lu Chen’s shot until now, they didn’t know how many times they were shocked by the strength he showed.

Kaido is the worst enemy of Wano Country and a boulder that weighs on the heart of Mitsuki Mita. But at this time, seeing Kaido being suppressed, Mitsuki Ota and the others were not happy at all.

Seeing that Kaido struggled to no avail, suddenly a black shadow quickly swept across the sky and rushed towards the wooden man’s palm.

“Lord Kaido, I’ll save you!”

Ember yelled loudly and slashed out with all his strength.

A hundred-meter-sized knife qi cut through the palm of the wooden man, and it actually cut off two fingers of the wooden man.

Kaido took the opportunity to use all his strength, broke free from the shackles of the wooden man’s palm, and tried his best to escape from Lu Chen’s attack range with the help of Ember.

“I really let him escape, HH55”

“But there’s always a price to pay.”

Lu Chen snorted coldly, and thousands of Buddha palms crashed down towards the location where the Hundred Beast Pirate Group was.

Quinn saw Kaido and Big Brother Ember withdraw, and already had the intention of retreating.

But he didn’t expect Lu Chen to be so decisive, and at the moment when Kaido fled, he transferred the attack to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group. In the extremely frightened eyes of the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, the Buddha palm completely covered the entire Pirate Group members.

With a loud bang, the earth trembled, and the whole army of the hundred beast pirates was destroyed.

“This… The Hundred Beast Pirates were just defeated? ”

Barrett and the others looked dumbfounded, completely unable to believe their eyes.

“Even Kaido can’t carry it, let alone these guys.”

“From today onwards, the Hundred Beast Pirates are afraid that they will become history.”

Jabba said.

“Now is not the time to sigh.”

The smoke and dust dispersed, and a gentle voice appeared with a figure, reaching the ears of the members of the Roger Pirates.

This gentle and pleasant voice made everyone in the Roger Pirate Group look at the people one by one with great solemnity. Lu Chen walked to Roger Pirates with a sword in his right hand and a naval sword in his left hand.

With a faint smile on his face, he stared at Roger and said, “Now that the obstruction has been cleaned up, it’s your turn.” But you have to be serious, otherwise you may be the next to be destroyed. ”

“Perhaps, HH55”

“But I think it may be you who failed.”

Roger said in a deep voice.

In the face of road dust, Roger was also under great pressure in his heart.

But as the strongest pirate, the man who bears the name of One Piece, even in the face of the most powerful enemy, will not retreat in the slightest.

“Captain, this guy is handed over to me.”

Mitsuki Mita stepped forward and said.

“Ha, you can’t kill this guy, he is the strongest navy.”

Roger refuses Mitsuki Mita’s request. He naturally knew that Mitsuki Mita’s plan was to create an opportunity for Roger’s pirate group to escape.

But in this case, Mitsuki Ota will inevitably become a prisoner of the navy.

“Then go together!”

“This is the country of Wano, even the navy does not want to get benefits!”

Mitsuki Mita said loudly. The big battle is about to break out, and the first to move is not Lu Chen and Roger, Mitsuki Mita, but Sakasky behind Lu Chen. He has only one goal, which is Renly, the deputy captain of the Pirates.

The previous battle, because Lu Chen was forcibly interrupted, now he has to continue to complete this unfinished battle.

“Let me see how much moisture the guy who is the deputy captain of the Pirate Group who is the One Piece King has!”

Sakaski’s eyes were resolute, and his whole body burned with hot lava, rushing towards Renly.

“Babbling, this kind of difficult opponent is really a headache.”

A bullet passed through the head, but the person who was shot by the bullet did not fall, but turned into a ball of light and quickly dispersed in all directions.

In the next second, Porusalino appeared behind Barrett, but there was a ruthless murderous intent under his lazy expression. Bang!

Barrett turned the sniper rifle in his hand to the head, resisted the opponent’s kick, and at the same time pulled out the pistol and aimed it at the center of the opponent’s eyebrows. But at the moment when the sub ejected the chamber, the other party had disappeared again.

“This rear admiral is simply even more difficult to deal with than a vice admiral.”

Jabba sneak attack landed in the air, looking at Porusalino, who appeared ten meters away, with a headache. At the same time, Kuzan faced the three major samurai families of Wano Country head-on alone, and blocked the samurai of the Frostmoon family, the Kazuki family and the Yugetsu family with the power of one person.

This is not because Kuzan is warlike, but this time the navy is really limited, in addition to the samurai of the three major families, there are also many wandering samurai who also participated in the battle.

However, the most stressed is Katakuri, whose strength is slightly weaker than the three of Sakaski.

This time, the opponent turned out to be the Red Sheath Nine Heroes, not one of them, but one person facing all the Red Sheath Nine Heroes.

If it weren’t for his superhuman domineering, even if he was a fruit ability, he would not be able to deal with so many samurai worthy of the strength of a vice admiral at the same time.

“Hey, these samurai are so annoying.”

Gion picks out the sword of a samurai, but faces the attack of six or seven samurai. Seeing more and more pirates and samurai joining the battle, the situation became very unfavorable for the navy.

Despite the top combat power such as Lu Chen, the difference in numbers is too great, and the result of this battle is still unclear. At this moment, suddenly countless towering giant trees became active, and the towering trees that originally shrouded the coast actually drilled out a lot from under the earth, constantly dividing the entire nine-mile ground into a narrow battlefield.

“Well, this degree should be enough to hone these little guys.”

Lu Chen looked at the divided battlefield and said. Then his gaze fell on Roger and Mitsuki Ota and said, “Next, it’s your turn.” ”

“Ready to face sanctions!”

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