Chapter 124: Time Fruit Ability [Customized].

Face the formidable combat power of the members of Roger’s Pirates, as well as a steady stream of Wano Kuni samurai who continue to rush to the top of the mountain.

Even the monsters in the navy, Sakarski and others, who have no less strength than the strong, feel very strained. Especially in the face of a strong man of the level of a great sword hero such as Renly, it was not easy for the red dog to barely contain his actions.

After all, today’s future generals have not fully grown up. Of course.

If it is contemporary, let alone Renly.

I am afraid that Roger himself will not get any benefits in the face of these three future generals. If you are careless, the winner is not yet known!

“It’s really difficult to deal with, but this kind”

“It’s not enough.”

Renly said with a solemn expression.

With one sword, he tore the earth apart, and the amazing sword energy slashed countless lava fists to pieces.

“You have too much nonsense!”

Sakaski gritted his teeth and said, releasing the power of the fruit with all his might.

The two collided, and the air rushed into the sky, and the scorching magma splashed out, igniting the surrounding buildings and trees. No one dares to approach this battlefield.

And the other side.

Kuzan relies on the powerful ability of frozen fruits to constantly freeze the samurai of the three major families that rush up into ice sculptures. However, the strength of the samurai of the three major families is also quite strong, and the power of the sword qi combined with the flowing cherry blossoms is not weaker than the level of the sword hero.

“Wow, these samurai are really difficult enough!”

Gion picked out the weapons of the two samurai with one sword, and after the slender jade legs whipped the two samurai away, he said a little manically.

All this was seen by Roger, he stared at Lu Chen, grinned, and said: “I admit that your strength is very strong, but the situation of these little guys under you is not very good.” ”

“Oh, that’s why it’s interesting.”

Lu Chen smiled indifferently. In the next second, his gentle gaze suddenly became fierce.

“Flower and Tree Realm, bloom!”

The towering giant trees that covered the entire Jiuli area bloomed without flower buds. The buds bloom quickly, and the strange fragrance of flowers mixes into the air, permeating the entire flower and tree world.

At the same time, countless huge ancient trees broke through the ground, dividing the battlefield into countless small areas. Many samurai who rushed towards the crowd were disrupted by the instantaneous change of battlefield.

Many reinforcements were blocked by ancient trees and could not be supported on the battlefield in time.

Smelling this fragrance of flowers, all the samurai of Wano Country and the members of the Roger Pirate Group felt dizzy, and the little naval monsters who became loose and scattered in an instant did not miss this sudden opportunity and immediately launched a counterattack.

Sakaski screamed angrily, and the elemental fist smashed into Renly’s face.

“Give me death!”

The blazing and domineering flames were close at hand, and Renly sensed something bad the moment he felt dizzy.

But he was worthy of being the big sword hero second only to Roger, and this discomfort was forcibly suppressed by him in an instant, and he immediately raised the long sword crossbar. But it was still too late.

Sakaski’s magma fist fell, pressing the longsword to bounce back, magma erupted, and fire splashed everywhere.

Boom one!

Renly was punched into the ground, leaving a huge pit in the ground.

This scene made everyone in the pirate group in the distance tremble, and they looked at the young major general who was panting in disbelief.

“Actually… Hurt Renly head-on, this guy is really powerful. ”

Barrett said in a stunned tone.

In the next second, his muzzle was already aimed at Porusalino in front of him, and he did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

The bullet passed through Porusalino’s body without causing him the slightest damage, as if his body were completely illusory.

“Tiancong Cloud Sword!”

Porusalino clasped his palms together, and a lightsaber seemed to grow out of his palm.

A sword fell, and Jabba, who was about to take the opportunity to sneak attack, was blasted away by the power of the lightsaber explosion.

The originally suppressed naval side, under the effect of this strange flower fragrance, actually withstood the joint attack of Roger’s pirate group and the samurai of Wano Country.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly formed a delicate balance.

“You two don’t have time to watch a show.”

The thunderous blade suddenly appeared in front of Roger, and Lu Chen’s attack came in an instant. On the battlefield, the battle between the strongest two broke out instantly.

Lu Chen’s offensive was extremely ferocious, a sword fell, and the earth in front of him shattered and a bottomless abyss appeared. Roger snorted coldly, and the Western sword surrounded the domineering power of the armed color, and the same sword energy slashed out.

The two sword qi collided, forming a chaotic sword qi storm, shattering the earth within hundreds of meters of the surrounding into countless fine sand and stones with the two of them as the center.

“Damn fellow, don’t ignore me!”

Mitsuki Ota let out a loud sigh and instantly appeared behind Lu Chen. The second sword stream released an amazing sword qi, and the cross-shaped sword qi wanted to cut off Lu Chen’s head.

“Oh, is this the samurai self-esteem?”

Lu Chen said lightly, and the thunder sword instantly blocked the sneak attack of Guangyue Yutian.

At the moment he made a move, he had already predicted this attack. Thunder erupted, and the power of the violent lightning was like countless claws, tearing the sword qi to pieces. Immediately Lu Chen jumped up and kicked Mitsuki Mita’s chest in mid-air. Block, counterattack, in an instant!

Roger and Mitsuki Ota cooperated with their tacit understanding for a long time, and it was so simple to be resolved by Lu Chen.

In the Mitsuki Ota Mansion, a young and beautiful young woman watched the earth-shattering battle outside the mansion. A look of deep concern appeared on her face, and it was Mitsuki Mita’s wife.


This woman, who came from eight hundred years ago and has traveled in the long river of time, found herself completely unable to see through the results of this battle at this moment.

“Can’t even the fruit of time capture the trajectory of this navy?”

Mitsuki whispered to herself. With the power of the fruit of time, she can briefly glimpse the future scene.

But when she was using the fruit ability just now, she found an indescribable force hanging over Lu Chen. He is like a fog, completely unable to capture his figure in the long river of time.

Mitsuki had a feeling that this battle was going in the worst direction. In fact, the situation is now very bad.

Once again, she unleashed the power of the Devil Fruit, trying her best to see the outcome of this battle.

Because of the excessive use of the power of the fruit, her beautiful face became very pale.

“How is it possible!”

A drop of blood and tear flowed from the corner of his eye when the light moon was shining, and the mirror of time suddenly shattered.

At the moment when the mirror of time shattered, she seemed to have something unbelievable.

“Is the power of this navy already so terrifying?”

Guangyue looked sad. Squeak – The door to the room opens and a young female ninja in a pink ninja suit appears outside.

“Madam, I am a ninja of the Fulu Shou team, you can call me Xiao Shinobi.”

“The situation outside is very bad, and I am here to guard your safety on the orders of the general.”

The female ninja knelt down on one knee and said respectfully.

“Fulu Squad… Can I trust you? ”

Mitsuki looked at Xiao Shi seriously. Seeing Xiao Shi’s resolute and loyal gaze, Guangyue seemed to have made some kind of decision.

“Please, please get out of here with Momosuke!”

Mitsuki suddenly said to Xiao Shinobi.

“What! Mother, I don’t want to leave you. ”

Momonosuke, who was beside Mitsuki, grabbed his mother’s sleeve tightly and said in a panic: “Mother-sama, did I make some mistake.” ”

“Please punish me, but please don’t drive me away!”

Mitsuki looked at Momosuke’s crying appearance, and suddenly hesitated.

But in the end, he resolutely said: “Xiao Shinobu, please take Momonosuke out of here.” Tengu Yama Hitoru is my husband’s friend, please ask him to take care of Momonosuke. ”

Although Momonosuke continued to struggle and cry, he was finally unable to resist Shinobu’s strength, and in despair he was caught in the arm by Koshinobu and left through the back door of the mansion.

But just as Xiao Ren was about to leave through the back door, the sky above his head suddenly darkened, and a cyan dragon swooped down from the sky towards the battlefield.

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