Chapter 125: You have been surrounded by me [Please].

“That’s… Hundred Beast Kaido! ”

Xiao Ren looked at the black shadow that enveloped the sky, and the cyan dragon pounced on the earth like a peerless beast. She didn’t expect that Kaido, who had fled in embarrassment before, would come back again.

Not only did she not expect that anyone present could not expect Kaido to go and return.

“Wang Baba! Lao Tzu can’t beat you, and he has to make you feel bad! ”

Kaido’s pair of dragons burned with angry flames, and opened his mouth to spew out a mouthful of flames.

The flames pierced through the two mountains, the towering peaks were melted by the flames, and the scorching dragon breath flowed unrestrained. The Flower Tree Realm also quickly burned in the flames spewed by Kaido.

Although this is a powerful wooden escape cast by Lu Chen, the attributes of the Flower and Tree Realm itself will not change, and it will still burn when encountering fire. In the blink of an eye, the entire flower and tree world was shrouded in firelight.

“Lord Kaido, you slow down, don’t be targeted by that navy again.”

Ember, who changed into the form of a pterosaur, followed Kaido, carefully observing the battle on the ground.

Looking at the fierce sword energy that ravaged the earth, Lu Chen swept through the mountains with his hands and feet, tearing the sky with a terrifying offensive. Ember’s heart couldn’t stop trembling, and his eyes showed unconcealable fear.

“How can there be such a pervert in the navy, even if it is a naval admiral.”

Ember said from the bottom of his heart. The continuous eruption of magma on the ground accelerated the speed of burning and disintegration of the flower and tree world.

This is naturally a masterpiece from Sakaski, whose lava fruit has a burning effect on the flower and tree world.


A breath of flame shot out towards the center of the battlefield, and the air became distorted under the extreme heat of this flame. The target of this flame was Lu Chen, who was at the center of the battle and was fighting with Roger and Mitsuki Mita. One sword forced Roger back, and at the same time shattered Mitsuki Mitian’s second sword flow sword qi with one punch, and Lu Chen’s eyes flashed with icy coldness. He opened his five fingers, and there was thunder and lightning raging in his palm, instantly turning into a huge net to intercept the incoming flames.

“Heaven has a way you don’t go, hell has no door you want to break into!”

Lu Chen’s eyes flashed with undisguised murderous intent, and the overlord-colored domineering and cold killing intent were entangled, almost turning into substance.

Under this terrifying killing intent, the earth under his feet cracked, and the heavenly dome seemed to collapse, emitting a roaring tremor sound.

“What happened?!”

Everyone in the battle felt this earth-shattering killing intent, and they stopped fighting one after another and looked at the source of the killing intent.

“Such a terrifying killing intent is simply terrifying.”

Renly stepped back and distanced himself from Sakaski, his gaze behind his glasses thick with fear.

“Kaido, idiot, why provoke this guy.”

Roger’s face became extremely solemn.

“This guy’s murderous aura has almost turned into substance, and unless he is a strong man at the level of a great sword hero, he simply cannot bear this terrifying killing intent head-on.”

Mitsuki Ota wiped the blood from his face and looked at the vice admiral in front of him in shock. Although this killing intent was not aimed at him, it still made him feel fear from the bottom of his heart.

“Senior Lu Chen was angry, and it was the first time he saw such a strong killing intent from Lord Lu Chen.”

Sakaski and the others looked at Lu Chen in shock.

They couldn’t imagine that Lieutenant General Lu Chen, who had always been gentle, would also exude such a terrifying and strong killing intent.

Boom–The dark clouds churning on the sky quickly condensed, and in the thick dark thunderclouds, the blue-purple light continued to shine. Before Kaido could react, a giant palm condensed by thunder suddenly appeared in the dark clouds.

Purple thunder surrounded the giant palm and suppressed Kaido with the force of covering the clouds. Ang Yiyi!

Kaido let out a dragon groan, roared angrily and spewed dragon breath in an attempt to melt the thunder palm. But the power of this thunder giant palm was far beyond Kaido’s imagination, and the dragon breath was scattered by a palm.

In an instant, the giant palm descended, covering Kaido in the shadows.

Kaido’s body of hundreds of meters, under this thunder giant palm, was like a leather ball that was flapped away, turning into a charred black figure and falling diagonally towards the earth, smashing into a mountain range.

“Hmph, almost missed a fly.”

Lu Chen suppressed Kaido with one move, and Yu Guang glanced at the black pterosaur in the sky. With a flick of his fingers, the little remaining power of the Thunder Giant Palm fell entirely on Ember’s body.

In an instant, Ember also followed in Kaido’s footsteps and turned into a charred black figure and fell from the sky.

“Oh, it’s been wasted long enough, and this battle should be over.”

Lu Chen suddenly said.

“Arrogant! This battle has not yet been won. ”

The scarred Mitsuki Ota shouted and rushed towards Lu Chen again.

Lu Chen smiled indifferently and said, “You are really simple and cute, when I set foot on this island, you…”

“It’s already surrounded by me.”

“Ninpo Mu Duan doppelganger.”

Lu Chen sighed lightly, and instantly separated countless doppelgangers towards the surrounding battlefield to support the past:

“What’s that?”

A group of samurai were taking advantage of their numbers to suppress Gion to the downwind, and they were about to take her down, but they saw a figure flying in the distance.

The figure is extremely fast, and it enters the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

A punch blasted out, killing several samurai directly. Immediately after that, a whip leg whipped the remaining guys out. Gion looked at the figure that appeared in a daze, and the familiar navy gun fluttered in the wind.

“Lord Lu Chen?”

Gion shouted excitedly.

In the next second, the doppelganger appeared a hundred meters away and killed the place where the samurai gathered the most.

Not only the battlefield where Gion is located, in just a few moments, the entire battlefield can see Lu Chen’s doppelganger.

Although it is only his doppelganger, it is still quite a terrifying enemy for the samurai of Wano Country. Poof–Sakaski avoided Renly’s blade, but a cloud of blood still gushed from his shoulder the moment the blade passed by. Domineering winding, the ability to cultivate the armed color domineering to the extreme.

Just as Sakaski was a little slower to react, Renly’s slash fell again, this time straight to his point.

Seeing that this sword was unavoidable, Sakaski was ready to fight for injury, even if he died, he would severely damage Renly. A crisp clash sound came from overhead, and Sakaski’s eyes widened, stunned as he watched as a sword sealed Renly’s deadly blow.

“Little devil, don’t be distracted when fighting 1.0.”

The man slashed out a thunder to force Renly back, while looking at Sakaski.

Countless doppelgangers joined the battlefield, allowing the form of the battlefield to be reversed in an instant. Whether it’s a samurai from Wano Country, or a member of Roger’s Pirates.

When facing Lu Chen’s doppelganger, the first feeling was incredible, obviously the man was fighting with the captain, why did he suddenly appear in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, they discovered an even more terrifying thing, the figure of the terrifying vice admiral could be seen everywhere on the entire battlefield, and everyone who faced him deeply understood what was powerful and trembled from the heart.

For a time, they couldn’t tell whether they had surrounded the navy or whether they were surrounded by this vice admiral with a terrifying lake.

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