Chapter 126: Life and Death, Roger Kneels in Despair? 【Customizable】.

The chaotic and anxious battlefield, after the appearance of the road dust doppelganger, this situation was completely changed.

No samurai of Wano Country could resist the power of Lu Chen’s doppelganger, and no sword could stop the blade of Thunder Condensation.

The balance of victory, quickly tilted towards the side of the Navy.

Looking at the samurai who kept falling, one by one struggling in a pool of blood, Mitsuki Ota felt despair. It was as if he saw those dying subordinates, clutching their sleeves with blood-stained hands.

In an unwilling tone, he let out a desperate roar.

At this moment, the defense line in Mitsuki Mita’s heart completely collapsed.


You bastard, why are you doing this?

Wano Country has never provoked the navy, why do you want to enlist us.

“Damn the navy, why do you have to target me!”

Mitsuki Mita roared angrily, frantically waving the Tenyu Feather Slash and Yama Demon. One after another, the sword qi full of anger was continuously released, and for a time, the strong strength of the Guangyue Ota Great Sword Hero level was undoubtedly displayed.

He roared madly, as if cathartic, abandoning his defense to attack Lu Chen with all his might. This crazy gesture, even Roger felt moved.

“Oh, what an idiot.”

Lu Chen sneered and said, “You kind of waste, if you weren’t born in the Guangyue family, what qualifications do you have to become the ruler of Wano Country?” ”

“Although the guy from the black carbon snake is hateful, at least his brain is much better than yours.”

“You… You talk nonsense! ”

Guangyue Yu 11 Tian’s eyes showed a hint of panic, as if he was hurt by Lu Chen.

“As a general of a country, leader of this country, HH55”

GG You have arbitrarily abandoned your own national subjects and ignored your own responsibility and mission. Willing to fall, reduced to become a pirate.

“If a person like you can inherit the country of peace, it seems that your country has long been rotten.”

Lu Chen scoffed.

To be honest, if you put aside the so-called love between pirates.

Looking at the life of the original general’s heir in front of him, he could not see any bright spots. Intelligence quotient? Strength? Friendship? Liability?

Sorry, none!!!

The enemy who has the ability to kill, but because of the idiotic mind of the Mother, he is played around. So to speak.

Mitsuki Mita’s life was a failure. Overmatch!

Never, put hope in an ethereal future. Apparently.

Mitsuki Ota is empty and powerful. However, there is no strong heart!

In terms of heart alone, it is not as good as Lu Chen’s future nephew!!!

“I’ll kill you!”

Mitsuki Mita’s attack was even more frantic, and he didn’t seem to want Lu Chen to continue talking. But with his strength, how can he block the road dust?

A sword in his hand shattered the second sword flowing sword qi, and the thunder flashed, and Lu Chen appeared behind Guangyue Yutian. At the same time, Mitsuki Mita added another wound to his body.


“What is this bastard Navy talking nonsense!”

“Mita-sama has become the leader of Wano Country by virtue of his own strength.”

Jinweimen roared angrily. He could no longer care about the injuries on his body, and wanted to rush forward and slash this nonsense navy.

“The Mitsuki family is the general of Wano Country, and it is reasonable for Lord Mita, as the heir of the Mitsuki family, to become a great general.”

“If it wasn’t for the Black Carbon family’s rebellion, how could it have fallen here!”

“Dare to insult our lord, even if I die in battle, I will definitely not let you go.”

The warriors of the Frost Moon family also shouted loudly.

“You a navy, what qualifications do you have to dictate to the heir of Wano Country? Isn’t it a little too high to think too highly of yourself! ”

Denjiro roared loudly.

If it weren’t for the serious injury and inability to move, he would have rushed up to fight Lu Chen to the death.

Hearing the resentful rebuttals of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes and the warriors of Wano Country, the smile on Lu Chen’s face became even brighter.

“You irresponsible waste, there is a group of loyal subordinates to follow.”

“It seems that this Wano Country has long been rotten. This kind of country… Don’t do it! ”


Lu Chen grabbed Mitsuki Mita’s head and smashed him into the ground.

“After today, I want this country of peace… No more monarchs! ”

Lu Chen said word by word.

The air pressure of heaven and earth instantly sank to the extreme.


As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar, and everyone looked at Lu Chen in shock. Shocked, all the samurai of Wano Country felt extremely angry.

This is not only contempt for them, but also an insult to Wano Country, and a step on the dignity of Wano Country and the Mitsuki family.

“This guy, really as terrible as the rumors, is simply a demon.”

Roger secretly said in his heart, and was also extremely shocked by Lu Chen’s words.

“However, did the Draco really allow him to mess around like this?”

Roger knows the delicate relationship between Wano Country and kingdoms, and naturally knows that the Draco people deliberately maintain the status of Wano Country in the world.

On the other hand, on the navy side, after Sakarski and the others were shocked, they were in a good mood and looked at Lu Chen with fiery eyes. They knew that the navy’s mission this time was not to overthrow Wano Country, but to arrest Mitsuki Mita.

Now, Lu Chen has openly announced that he wants to abolish the monarch of this country. This is undoubtedly an open declaration of war on a country!

“Worthy of a legend, this is the domineering spirit of Lord Lu Chen!”

Sakaski looked at Lu Chen with adoration. The battle had gotten to this point, and Roger had seen that the situation was irreparable.

The numerical superiority of the samurai of Wano Country did not bring the desired results. And he once again appreciated the strength of Lu Chen, the strength of this vice admiral is definitely the most terrifying figure in the world.

Roger looked back at Renly. Eye contact.

No words needed, but, Renly understood his thoughts.

In the battle with Sakaski and others, as well as Lu Chen’s doppelganger, the members of Roger’s pirate group quietly gathered towards Roger’s location.

Because of the power of Kaido and Sakaski’s lava fruits, the Flower Tree Realm has long been burned out, and it is impossible to stop the pirate group’s retreat.

Roger will force Lu Chen back with a full blow, looking at the pirate group members who have gathered around, and immediately give the order to retreat. Everyone fled as quickly as they could towards the seashore while hearing the order.

“Want to escape? Are you leaving! ”

Lu Chen sneered and turned into an afterimage and chased after him.

Mitsuki Ota shouted, using his last strength to exert the power of the Double Sword Flow Sword Art to the extreme, wanting to block Lu Chen’s pursuit. Lu Chen also slashed out with a sword, and the two astonishingly powerful sword qi instantly collapsed.


Lu Chen smashed his fist in the face of Mitsuki Mita, and Mitsuki Ota turned into a stream of light and smashed the family mansion into ruins. Seeing this, Roger knew that sooner or later he would be caught up.

“You guys go first!”

Roger said in a deep voice.

He turned around and decided to stop the monster behind him.

“You think too highly of yourself!”

Lu Chen saw Roger who was stopped in front of him and snorted coldly. The thunder sword was unsheathed and instantly turned into a thunder that enveloped Roger.

Not to be outdone, Roger also released an incomparably powerful sword qi. The two overlord-colored forces hedged, turning the entire mountain range into ruins.

But in the face of the serious road dust, even Roger is still not an opponent.

After dozens of sparring moves, he was finally cut down by Lu Chen’s sword, and a huge pit was smashed into the ruins. Looking at the approaching road dust, the members of the Roger Pirate Group felt a sense of despair.

Sakaski and the others were already very difficult, and if they were chased by Lu Chen again, they would definitely not be able to escape.

“You guys go, I’ll stop this guy!”

At the critical moment, Jabba stepped forward and left the hope of escape to his companions.

“You bastard, don’t underestimate us!”

He roared angrily and rushed in the direction where Lu Chen flew from.

In the face of Jaba’s obstruction, Lu Chen’s complexion did not change at all. A sword blocked the opponent’s attack, and then the sword instantly swept through the 443 opponent’s body.

In the next second, Jabba fell from mid-air, and the corpse was separated! The picture, bloody and terrifying!

Everyone in Roger’s group who fled had red eyes. Watch.

Lu Chen approached them step by step.

Despair haunts everyone’s heart. Right at this moment.


An angry roar came from the mountains in the distance.

It turned out that Roger, who was smashed into the ground, rushed out, and his whole body was shrouded in an extremely powerful overlord domineering. Such a terrifying overlord color domineering impact, even Sakasky and the others who were in the distance were shocked. Lu Chen looked at Roger who rushed towards him, smiled indifferently, and thunder flashed above the blade.

Condense the strongest thunder sword and prepare to deliver a thunderous blow. But the next moment.


Just when everyone thought that Roger was ready to fight back desperately, the legendary sea thief, the only one piece in the world, actually abandoned his saber and knelt in front of Lu Chen.

Knees, land! Blocked the way of road dust.



Everyone’s eyes widened, and they couldn’t believe what they saw. One Piece, who is a grand man, actually knelt down to a navy.


Shanks shouted in a lost voice, trying to go back but was stopped by Renly.

The remaining members of Roger’s regiment, one by one, were full of anger and wanted to return. But.

Renly, who gritted his teeth and wept, endured his grief and forcefully led them out of Jiuli. And the naval side.

The brave and incomparable people unconsciously stopped at this moment, stunned.

“This guy, it can’t be fake, right?”

The halberd in Katakuri’s hand almost fell, and he looked at Roger kneeling on the ground in disbelief. Not only him, but anyone present couldn’t believe what really happened.

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