Chapter 128: The Self-Touched Idiot [Seeking Self-determination].

“Lord Lu Chen, be careful!”

Sakaski stood in front of Lu Chen, preventing this woman from plotting anything.

There were only these two people in front of him in the entire mansion, which made Sakasky feel a little uneasy.

“It’s okay.”

Lu Chen patted Sakaski on the shoulder and motioned for him to get out of the way.

Sakarski then reacted, if there was really some conspiracy against Lu Chen. With Lu Chen’s strength, he couldn’t use his shot at all.

“You’re late!”

Tianyue laughed miserably and said weakly.

Lu Chen and Tianyue Shi looked at each other for a long time, slowly withdrew their gaze, and said: “You are much smarter than Mitsuki Mitian, Mrs. Tianyue Shi. ”

“So what, after all, it can’t change the ending.”

Tianyue sighed and said.

When Lu Chen said her name, a trace of imperceptible change flashed on her face. This navy was even more terrifying than she expected.

The secret of the fruit of time should not be hidden from his eyes, right?

“Where’s Mitsuki Mita?”

Lu Chen asked.

On the way to lead Sakaski and the others to the mansion, he found no trace of Mitsuki Mita. That guy was severely injured by road dust and basically had no strength to escape.


Lu Chen’s gaze fell on Tianyueshi’s body.

This woman came from eight hundred years ago, traveling through time and space.

“I hope you will never find him!!”

Tianyue Shimei 263 Li’s face bloomed with a happy smile.

Tianyue’s breath became weaker and weaker, and even Guangyue Rihe in her arms felt that her mother’s situation was not good.

After saying these words, the breath of her life gradually disappeared, until the last trace of life force completely dissipated, she still maintained an innocent and happy smile.

“Mother, wake up…”

“Mother… Don’t you want Riwa? ”

Guangyue Ri and Tianyue shook Tianyueshi’s arm uneasily, and the childish voice echoed in the room.

But Tianyue was completely silent, and he could no longer answer his daughter.

Witnessing this brutal war, Mitsuki Hikazu didn’t know that his mother had died. But she still tried to wake her mother up in her own way.

Until her voice was hoarse, Tianyue still failed to respond to her crying. Seeing this woman who died safely, Sakaski and the others were moved. However.

Comparing the expressions of everyone present, Lu Chen’s face did not show the slightest emotion. In his eyes, a strange light faintly appeared.

“Has the power of the Fruit of Time exhausted life?”

“Sure enough, idiots who only touch themselves.”

In the end, Lu Chen shook his head and sighed.

He glanced at Mitsuki Hichiwa, who was still lying beside Tianyue Shi and sobbing quietly, and said to Gion: “Take her with you, the consequences of war should not be borne by her.” ”

After giving the order, he turned straight around and left, not wanting to stay here for a moment. Situ.

Sakaski and the others all looked at each other.

Momoto walked in cautiously, picked up young Hiyo, and then silently retreated. Not for long.

Back to the battlefield of ruins.

When Roger saw Lu Chen returning with the admirals, but did not see the figure of Mitsuki Mita, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“It seems that your capture plan has failed, Vice Admiral.”

Roger laughed, without the slightest awareness of being a prisoner.

“Don’t be too happy, that guy from Mitsuki Ota hasn’t left Wano Country yet.”

In the face of Roger’s mockery, Lu Chen said lightly.

Roger was stunned when he heard this, and he didn’t seem to understand the meaning of Lu Chen’s words.

Lu Chen did not pay any more attention to him, but ordered the navy to imprison Roger on the ship.

This action attracted the angry scolding of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes and the samurai, and the navy was not to be outdone, and some grumpy navies beat the most arrogant Leizang and Asura boys.

If it is really in terms of strength, these naval soldiers are not the opponents of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes.

But at the moment they are just fish on a chopping block, and they simply cannot resist the Navy’s fists and feet.

“Bastard Navy, what do you want to do again?”

Looking at the road dust coming towards him, Frost Moon Niumaru shouted loudly.

He now has a terrible impression of the Navy, especially the vice admiral in front of him.

If possible, he would be eager to cut off the other party’s head and hang it on the honor wall of the Frost Moon family.

“You guys, do you only have the Guangyue family in your eyes?”

Lu Chen automatically filtered out the disrespect in the other party’s words and asked.


Hearing this, Frost Moon Ushimaru was stunned, and the surrounding daimyo and samurai also looked at Lu Chen suspiciously, not understanding the meaning of his words

“What the hell do you mean? To be clear, don’t let Lao Tzu bother guessing what your navy thinks. ”

Frost Moon Niumaru’s tone was still not good.

“I should have said it before, after today, the monarch will disappear from the country of Wano.”

“If you only have the Frost Moon family in your eyes, and the ruler who stands high.”

“I don’t mind following the procedure.”

He paused and continued, “However, if you want to contribute to the people of Wano Country. ”

“I can return your freedom and let you continue to retain your status as a samurai of Wano Country.”


The samurai of Wano Country looked at Lu Chen in surprise, as if they wanted to find traces of a deception plot from his face. But Lu Chen’s face was calm and his eyes were sincere, which was completely his heartfelt thought.

“Why are you doing this? Aren’t you afraid that we will regret it after we agree? ”

Frost Moon Ushimaru asked.

Although they lost the war, it was not easy for the Navy to deal with them.

If they scatter to all corners of Wano Country, create chaos, or find trouble with the navy on the sea. Lu Chen’s move is tantamount to lifting a stone and shooting himself in the foot.

“The responsibility of the navy is to protect the weak on this sea.”

“Both independent islands and maritime states are protected by the navy.”

“What’s more, I have no interest in extending the butcher knife to the weak.”

Lu Chen said.

“So it is, HH55”

“Are we just weak in your eyes?”

Frost Moon Beef Pill felt bitter in his heart.

As a famous samurai in Wano Country, the powerful sword hero was actually said to be a weak person to his face. This is undoubtedly a difficult thing for him to accept.

But he also knew that what Lu Chen said was the truth.

I’m afraid that only a legendary pirate like Roger is a slightly comparable opponent in his eyes.

“I promise you, but I don’t represent the will of others.”

Frost Moon Niumaru was silent for a while, then raised his head and said to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at the other Wano Country samurai and asked, “How are you guys?” ”

“I… We agree to your conditions. ”

The samurai hesitated for a long time and chose to agree to Lu Chen’s conditions.

“We are subjects of Wano Country, and even samurai grew up in the land of Wano Country.”

“Contributing to the construction of this country is not a betrayal of the original intention.”

Frost Moon Niumaru said with emotion.

However, there are still a small number of samurai who are stubborn and maintain absolute loyalty to the Mitsuki family. These people accounted for only a very small part, and were identified by Road Dust as extremists and sent directly to the ship. Anyway, there is a place in the advancing city, and the fierce beasts there can also improve the food.

At this moment, Kuzan and Porusalino led the squad to capture Kaido and rushed back. At the head of the captive line was an unusually tall and burly pirate, none other than Kaido, the beast. However, he was now scorched and black, sitting in a prison van looking half-dead. It seems that he was not lightly slashed by a heavenly thunder from Lu Chen, and now he has little ability to resist.

Behind the team were members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, roughly estimated to be several hundred people, one of them was fat and tall, six or seven meters tall and wearing glasses.

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