Chapter 129: Isn’t this a white-eyed wolf? 【Customizable】.

“Tsk, it’s really a bonus, even the bastard Quinn was caught.”

Lu Chen said in a low voice.

Unfortunately, no ember was seen.

After questioning, it was learned that Ember should have taken advantage of the chaos to escape, and was not killed by road dust.

“It’s really a guy with a big life, count him lucky.”

Lu Chen didn’t care, sooner or later he would lock up all these guys in the city.

“Lord Lu Chenzhong, there is a very special pirate here, and you need to deal with it yourself.”

Porusalino carried a petite figure and walked towards Lu Chen.

Looking at the white-haired little girl carried by Porusalino, she had a pair of demonic horns on top of her head, and a pair of big strange eyes were looking around, and finally her gaze fell on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen showed a surprised expression on his face after seeing this little girl, but he didn’t expect that this little girl was also on the boat.

“Oh, isn’t that a white-eyed wolf?”

Lu Chen said with a smile, his tone quite amusing.

“Adult, do you know this little ghost?”

Porusalino was also surprised.

The little girl stared at Lu Chen with big eyes and curiosity for a while, and then asked excitedly: “Hey, Navy, did you defeat Kaido?” ”

Lu Chen nodded, pointed to the imprisoned Kaido and said, “As you can see, he is now a prisoner of the navy. ”

“Are you really so powerful?!”

The little girl asked.

“Of course, at least a little better than everyone you’ve ever met.”

Lu Chen said with a smile.

“Wow… Can I follow you into the Navy? ”

“Hey, little devil, don’t go too far.”

Porusalino shook the little girl in his hand and warned.

Although Lord Lu Chen’s attitude towards this little girl is surprisingly gentle, she is also a pirate. As a pirate, it is simply a joke that he even thinks about joining the ranks of the navy.

“If the adults agree, I’ll pour a month’s worth of foot wash for the Kuzanna bastard.”

Porusalino muttered quietly.

“Okay, you can follow me in the future.”

Lu Chen bent down and looked at the little girl and said with a smile.

“Hello –!”

Porusalino’s hand shook and almost threw the little girl out.

Not only him, but the nearby navy all looked at Lu Chen with wide eyes, and then at this little pirate.

The strange way of communication between the two is puzzling, and Lord Lu Chen actually agreed to let this little pirate join the navy, which is even more puzzling.

Klokdal couldn’t help but ask, “My lord, what is the identity of this little girl?” ”

“Could it be that the captive who was robbed by the pirates of the hundred beasts is the princess of which country?”

Lu Chen shook his head and said, “Ah, I forgot to tell you that her name is Yamato, and she is Kaido’s daughter.” ”


As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent.

Everyone’s eyes widened in disbelief at the little girl with a middle comb and two demonic horns. Porusalino shook his hand even more and threw Yamato out.

Fortunately, Lu Chen reacted quickly and carried her to the ground.

“Kaido… of daughters? ”

Gion couldn’t believe that this strange and very cute little girl in front of him was actually the daughter of Kaido, the beast of Hyakuya.

“Is there a problem with that guy’s genes?”

Gion said incredulously, “I don’t look like Kaido.” ”

It took a long time for everyone to digest this staggering news.

However, the eyes of Sakarski and the others, occasionally looking at Katakuri, will become very strange.

“First BigMoom’s second son, and now he has adopted Kaido’s daughter, does Lord Lu Chen-sama have some kind of special collecting fetish?”

Everyone couldn’t help but think.

These thoughts are naturally unknown to Lu Chen.

After dealing with the prisoners, Lu Chen ordered the navy to set off in the direction of the capital of flowers. The samurai of the Frost Moon family, led by Frost Moon Ushimaru, are the guides of this operation at the same time.

When the navy marched towards the capital of flowers, Renly and the others had already left the Nine Mile Coast by boat.

However, as soon as they went to sea, they saw a small boat sailing in the same direction as them.

“Uncle Renly, what do you think it is?”

Suddenly, Shanks pointed to the boat on the sea and said.

“Could it be an ambush by the Navy?”

Everyone was shocked.

In an instant, the remaining crew of this pirate group immediately prepared to fight to the death. But the next moment.

When I saw the small sailboat that could only carry less than ten people, with only one large and one small people on it, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Moreover, as the distance approaches.

In sight, I saw a female ninja holding only a child.


Renly looked at the two people on the boat and said with some surprise. Don’t say it’s him.

Shanks and Bucky and the others were all stunned.


At this time, looking at Momosuke, everyone’s faces also showed a trace of guilt.

“Why are you here?”

After Shinobu and Momosuke boarded their ship, Renly couldn’t help but ask.

“This is what the lady meant, she asked me to leave Wano Country with the young master and find a safe place.”

Xiao Ren cried and said.

In fact, she wanted to go to Tengu Mountain Fei Che.

But then Kaido changed his mind after being suppressed by the flip. Apparently.

The enemy is stronger than ever. Wano Country, I’m afraid it’s over!

Unexpectedly, the decision to change was in this unexpected encounter.

“Uncle Renly…”

After seeing Renly and the others, Momonosuke cried even more, asking Renly and the others to avenge their father.

…… Hearsay.

Renly and the others only smiled bitterly at this, they had just escaped from the navy. It can be said that each of them feels bleak about the future.

And it is not safe to take Momonosuke with them, because they may be surrounded by the navy next.

“But I know there’s a safe place, at least the Navy won’t find it for the time being.”

After thinking for a while, Renly smiled bitterly.


Xiao Ren hurriedly asked.

“Where Brother Mita once stayed.”

Renly smiled faintly and said, “Whitebeard Pirates!” ”

To know.

Before the Roger Pirate Ship on Mitsuki Mita, he had been staying in the Whitebeard Pirates. Moreover, Momonosuke was born on Mobydick.

Compared with these remnant down-and-out guys, the Whitebeard Pirates are obviously Momonosuke’s best choice. After this big operation, the navy will be relatively calm for some time to come.

And, Renly knows Roger’s dream.

Vaguely knowing, in the future, this sea may become more restless. So, send Momonosuke to the Whitebeard Pirates.

The best choice today!!!

“Woohoo, is it Uncle Bai?”

Hearing Whitebeard’s words, Momonosuke directly collapsed and cried.

The weak and helpless young lord of the former Hezhi country became an orphan under the fence, and there was nothing except for the foolish courtier, and the Mitsuki family was by his side.


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