Chapter 130: From now on, I have the final say in Wano Country [Asking for Custom].

Capital of flowers.

When the warriors of the Frost Moon family entered the city with Lu Chen, the residents of the Flower Capital were all frightened and dumbfounded.

Everyone looked at the warriors of the Frost Moon Family who led the way for the navy with shocked faces, and they couldn’t imagine that such a thing would happen. And when this team came to the General’s Mansion, there was already chaos in the General’s Mansion.

“What! The Frost Moon family has surrendered to the navy and has already entered the city?! ”

The black carbon snake was extremely shocked, and then a sense of fear grew from the bottom of his heart.

“What is the Navy trying to do? Has the Mitsuki family been defeated by the Navy? ”

He didn’t have time to ask for details, so he immediately summoned the samurai in the general’s mansion.

When the black carbon serpent led hundreds of warriors from the General’s Mansion to rush out of the gate, he saw the navy waiting outside at a glance.

“Damn the navy, what are you trying to do!”

“Do you want to completely cooperate with Wano Kuni…”

Before the black carbon snake finished speaking, he saw Kaido in the prison car. He stumbled under his feet and almost fell to his knees.

Not only the black carbon serpent, but all the samurai of the General’s Mansion who came out with him were frightened and dumbfounded. Kaido, the invincible protector of Wano Country, was actually defeated by the navy…

The black carbon serpent stared at Kaido with an incredible shocking light in his eyes. Kaido… Defeated?

The navy not only defeated the Mitsuki family, but also recruited several samurai of the daimyo family. Not only the Guangyue family, but now judging by the situation, even the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is finished.

In other words, the backer behind him is gone.

These thoughts instantly popped up in the head of the black carbon snake, and quickly analyzed the situation in front of him.

“Ah, Lord Vice Admiral, I didn’t expect you to be so heroic.”

“Not only did you eradicate the Mitsuki family that harmed the country of Wano no Kuni, but even the demon Kaido was defeated by you.”

“The Black Carbon family welcomes the arrival of the navy, and if the navy needs anything, we will fully cooperate.”

The black carbon snake looked at Lu Chen respectfully and said.


Lu Chen looked at the black carbon snake, and the corners of his mouth curved.

Seeing that Kaido’s building collapsed, he immediately wanted to climb the navy with a big snake, worthy of being a natural anti-bone boy!

“Now the Black Carbon family is the most powerful family in Wano Country.”

“If you can cooperate with the navy, it will be easy to rule the entire Wano Country.”

“At that time, whether it was the Black Carbon family or the lieutenant general, you could get countless monetary wealth.”

Sensing Lu Chen’s smile, the black carbon snake thought that he had made the right bet.

At the bottom of my heart, I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. But right now.

Lu Chen shook his head and said with a faint smile.

“This will be the military mansion, just demolish it.”

The voice fell.

Sakaski and others led the navy to rush to the samurai of the General’s House.

Frost Moon Niu Maru also killed the Black Carbon Serpent, and the warriors of the Frost Moon family followed behind the leader and launched an attack on the Black Carbon Family.

“You savage fellows!”

The black carbon snake did not expect Lu Chen to be so decisive, and did not hesitate to launch an attack on the General’s Mansion.

“Kill them for me!”

The black carbon serpent roared, and a large number of samurai poured out of the general’s mansion.

The residents watching around fled the streets near the General’s Mansion with screams in panic the moment the battle broke out. Although the flower capital is the territory of the black carbon serpent, the number of samurai under him is not exaggerated as expected.

Moreover, these samurai were generally scattered everywhere, and only a few hundred samurai were stationed in the shogun’s palace.

Facing the fierce attack of the navy and the samurai of the Frost Moon family, the samurai under the Black Carbon Serpent did not last long.

Especially in the case of Sakasky and other naval monsters intervening in the battle, these samurai whose combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of the members of Roger’s pirate group quickly fell like a wind and wave.

In just ten minutes, the samurai of the General’s Mansion were only scattered by a few dozen people.

These people looked at the navy outside the gate with trembling, their eyes full of fear.

They did not expect that the combat power of the navy was so powerful, and those young navies were like monsters, with the power to kill samurai in an instant.

“Black carbon serpent, you shameless fellow!”

Frost Moon Niu Pill leapt into the air and drew his sword to slash at the black carbon snake.

Seeing that the sword had arrived, the black carbon snake had no intention of dodging at all. Oh one!

A buzzing sound fills the battlefield.

At the critical moment, the slash that the Frost Moon Ox Pill released with all his strength was actually resisted by a transparent barrier. The black carbon serpent behind the barrier was unscathed, and the sword qi did not hurt him at all.

“Hahaha, it’s impossible for you to hurt General Ben.”

The black carbon snake laughed arrogantly.

In an instant, countless sword qi slashed towards the black carbon serpent, and the warriors of the Frost Moon family rushed forward to attempt a close attack. However, the transparent barrier that suddenly appeared in front of the black carbon snake blocked the attack of everyone such as Frost Moon Niu Pill. No matter how powerful the sword technique they used, they could not break this seemingly weak barrier.

“Bastard, what a strange trick this is.”

Frost Moon Niu Maru yelled unhappily.

The black carbon serpent usurped the position of general of the Mitsuki family, making the Frost Moon family always regarded as a great enemy, and the Frost Moon Niumaru had long wanted to hack this hateful bastard to death.

Although he is no longer loyal to the Mitsuki family, for the future of Wano Country, he will definitely not allow the Black Carbon Serpent to live.

But right now… They can’t seem to help the black carbon snake at all.

“I’m sorry, we can’t seem to solve this hateful bastard snake.”

Frost Moon Niu Maru said to Lu Chen very apologetically. Not only the sword qi, but even the navy’s firearms were completely bounced off when they hit the barrier.


Lu Chen saw the defensive barrier in front of the black carbon snake, and his eyes flickered.

“Ha, the waste of the Frost Moon family, and you bastard navy, you will definitely not be able to hurt Lord Ben!”

The black carbon snake looked at everyone with disdain.

Lu Chen walked towards the black carbon snake with an indifferent face, but with each step, the momentum on his body would become stronger. When he was in front of the black carbon snake, even through the barrier, the black carbon snake’s face still became very ugly.

Lu Chenyuan stood in front of the big snake, and the invisible momentum seemed to penetrate the barrier, like a mountain pressing down on the black carbon snake.

The black carbon snake sweated coldly, but he still decided that the vice admiral in front of him could not help this defense.

“If you have the ability, you will break this barrier!”

“Bastard navy, no one in this world can break my defenses.”

The black carbon snake gritted his teeth and said.

Lu Chen’s gaze crossed the black carbon snake and looked at an old man behind him who was old and thinning hair.

“Barrier fruit?”

Lu Chen said lightly.

In the next second, he punched the barrier in front of him.

One by one, at the moment when the fist fell, it resisted the full attack of the Frost Moon Family, making the Frost Moon Niu Pill helpless defensive barrier, and at the same time as the barrier was broken, the terrifying fist wind came instantly, impacting on the black carbon snake.

Poof–In the frightened eyes of the black carbon snake, a cloud of blood mist burst out from him, and the huge body of the black carbon snake was destroyed in an instant. Seeing that the black carbon snake was not only broken in defense, but also bombarded by Lu Chen’s punch, Frost Moon Niu Maru and the others also felt a cold chill coming out of their hearts.

If it is they who are opposed to Lu Chen at the moment, it will be the same compared to the end.

The death of the black carbon serpent was faster than expected, and even the samurai of the navy and the Frost Moon family did not react. As soon as the black carbon serpent died, the remaining samurai of the General’s Mansion had no fighting spirit and were soon captured by the navy.


And the members of the Black Carbon family did not escape the doom.

However, they ended even worse, and they did not even have the opportunity to become prisoners, so they turned into the souls of Sakarski and others. After cleaning up the miscellaneous fish in the Shogun’s Mansion, the navy was no longer hindered in the footsteps of Wano Country.

The residents who came from afar were surprised.

In just a moment, the entire General’s Mansion completely lost resistance. The rule of the Black Carbon family announced that it had come to an end.

“From now on, Wano Country, I have the final say!”

Lu Chen’s eyes scanned the surroundings, as far as his eyes could see, no one dared to look at him, and he lowered his head one after another. Even the samurai bowed their heads slightly.

To this.

Lu Chen bowed his head in satisfaction, immediately waved his hand, and led everyone into the general’s mansion. Navy headquarters.

Admiral’s Office.

“Lu Chen, this guy, why hasn’t there been news back for so long.”

Sengoku sat on the sofa next to him, rubbing his forehead helplessly and said.

At his side, there are also Karp, Vice Admiral Tsuru, Zefa and other high-ranking naval officials.

When they learned about the landing of the navy in Wano Country, their hearts could not be calmed, so they simply waited for news here with the marshal. Although they know the strength of Lu Chen, they also trust Lu Chen’s ability.

However, it is Wano Country!

A mysterious and powerful country, rumored to have produced samurai who slay dragons, can be described as full of mystery. Not to mention.

There are also hundreds of beast pirates that have touched there.

and a steady stream of forces pouring in from all over the world. No doubt.

The current Wano Country is the eye of the storm.

“Maybe something is delayed.”

“After all, the samurai strength of Wano Country is also very strong, not to mention that Kaido’s lair can be in Wano Country.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

Words, although it is said so.

Everyone still felt that they had no confidence, even if they trusted Lu Chen, they did not take the initiative to contact the past. But the hanging heart is difficult to put down.


Suddenly, the phone bug on the desk remembered. The atmosphere of the office froze in an instant.

Vice Admiral Tsuru, Sengoku, Zefa and Karp almost wanted to rush to pick it up.

But Marshal Kong stared at a few people who were about to move, and only then did he look solemn and pick up the phone worm. 1.6 To know.

In addition to the admiral, the only people who could talk to him directly were the five old stars in the Holy Land. So, call directly to the office.

I guess there are no people left.

Sure enough, a familiar voice came from the Shen Talk worm.

“Sora-san, I’m sorry that the mission to arrest Mitsuki Mita failed.”

Road dust!

Everyone in the room was shaken, but then they reacted.

“What? Mission failed? ”

Sengoku’s eyes widened and he said in disbelief.

“No, did you really meet Kaido’s guy to make trouble!”

Karp scratched his head and asked in surprise.

The others looked incredulous, and no one expected that Lu Chen would personally make a move, and there would be a day when the mission failed. And this task is just to go to the country of Wano to capture a pirate.

But in the next moment.

Lu Chen’s voice continued to come.

“Mitsuki Oda escaped from being seriously injured, but Roger and Kaido are preparing to escort them back.”

Words fall!

The sound in the conference room was instantly silent, almost audible. Good half ring.


Everyone gasped in unison, staring at each other, unable to believe their ears. Click-one!

The teacup in Steel Bone’s empty hand suddenly shattered, and he stared at the phone worm with a stunned expression.

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