Chapter 131: A World Shocking Event! 【Customizable】.

In the quiet conference room, Lu Chen’s voice echoed in everyone’s ears.

“Roger… Arrested?! ”

The first to react was Karp.

His eyes widened, and he shouted in a voice that almost shattered his eardrums: “That bastard has been caught!” ”

“Sure enough, Lieutenant General Lu Chen, as unexpected as ever.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru also said with emotion, with an expression of amazement on his face.

“And the guy Hundred Beast Kaido also fell into the hands of Lieutenant General Lu Chen, I can’t believe it.”

Originally let Lu Chen go to capture Mitsuki Mita, but the target escaped, and One Piece Roger and Kaido were both arrested. It’s simply unimaginable.

Lian Gang Bone Kong didn’t know what to say, so he could only sigh lightly and express his complicated feelings.

On the other end of the phone worm, Lu Chen heard the sound of Steel Bone sighing, and thought that he was sorry for Mitsuki Mita’s escape.

“Mitsuki Mita’s wife, Tianyue Shi is a Devil Fruit Capable and has the power to manipulate time.”

“I deduce that Mitsuki Ota has been sent to the future world by her using her fruit ability.”

Lu Chen explained.

Lu Chen’s news shocked everyone, and their faces showed incredible expressions.

“11 time fruit… It sounds incredible. ”

Zefa touched his chin and said.

Gang Bone Kong coughed lightly, barely calmed his shocked mind, and said to the phone worm: “Lieutenant General Lu Chen, I have a general understanding of the news you reported. ”

He pondered for a while and continued, “In that case, you are responsible for continuing to garrison Wano Country. After that, I will send someone to pick you up, this time it is hard for you. ”

“Hehe, Mr. Sora is polite.”

Hang up the phone bug, the atmosphere in the conference room is still a little weird.

Steel Bone glanced at everyone present, and then said, “I believe everyone is already clear about the current situation. Roger’s arrest is bizarre, but it’s good news. ”

“Karp, Sengoku, you two set off immediately and go to Wano Country to escort Karp and Kaido back.”

Steel bone air gave the order

“Yes, Lord Marshal.”

Sengoku’s expression was serious.

Everyone also had no objection, among the people present, Sengoku and Karp were the most powerful navies.

As for Zefa, he also has a black name, but he has been training the navy in his headquarters all year round, and this kind of mission to the sea is generally not sent to do it.

So Sengoku and Karp are undoubtedly the most suitable candidates.

Arrange everything, dismiss the meeting and leave the conference room in a hurry.

The news brought by Lu Chen is too important, and he must immediately report this matter to the world government in person.

Lu Chen put away the phone worm and said to himself: “Sure enough, as expected, let me continue to stay in Wano Country Town.” ”

He naturally knew the meaning of this order.

On the surface, Wano Country has no connection with any country on the sea, even the Tenryu people, and has always maintained a policy of closing the country, but the sea floor stone products of all countries in the world are basically from Wano Country.

In particular, there are huge sea floor stone resources here, which involve a wide range of interests, whether it is for the navy or the Tianlong people, it is an extremely valuable resource.

Sea floor stones are an important strategic resource of the navy, but warship manufacturing costs a huge amount of sea floor stones every year.

Not including the construction of special prisons for those with the ability to detain, and equipment such as sea floor stone weapons, the famous Advance City is the best example.

Moreover, the craftsmen of Wano Country have unique technologies that are not found in other countries and navies, and are unique in the process of making sea floor stones.

Sanctuary Marijoya!

Steel Bone Kong came here from the headquarters of the Navy and urgently met with the five old stars.

In the hall of the world government, the five old stars gathered to sit upright, and below was the steel bone sky who came to report the situation.

“Marshal Cymbal, is there anything important about coming this time?”

The five old stars, dressed in a blue suit and with a long beard, asked that Steel Bone Kong generally does not come to Marijoya unless there is an urgent and important matter.

“Eh… There is indeed a very important matter that needs to be reported to you. ”

Steel Bone Kong thought for a while, but still chose to open the door to the point: “One Piece Roger is arrested!” ”


The long-bearded five old stars in a dark blue suit let out a cry of surprise, as if they didn’t believe their ears.


The other four people also looked shocked, and they all looked at the steel bone sky with wide eyes.

Even the five old stars, who had high prestige in the Tianlong people and represented the highest power of the world government, were deeply shocked by this news, and the five old stars with bald beards almost pulled off their beards, and roared in disbelief: “Marshal Steel Bone, don’t make such jokes!” ”

Hey, these old guys who look light and cloudy on weekdays, it’s really rare that you also have such a gaffe.

“Compared to the plan of the navy to conquer Wano Country, because of your orders, it is Vice Admiral Lu Chen who is responsible for carrying out the mission this time.”

Steel Bone Kong said, while looking at the expression of the five old stars.

“What does this have to do with Roger?”

After a while, the five old stars wearing Taoist robes asked.

“Ah, here’s the thing.”

“The original target of this operation was Mitsuki Mita. But Roger appeared at a critical moment and came to the aid of Mitsuki Mita: What happened to the Cypriot Aerial General and the Country of Cyprus seriously and carefully reported to the five old stars. ”

“In short, not only One Piece Roger, but even Kaido have not been able to escape, and they are now imprisoned by Lieutenant General Lu Chen.”

When they heard that Kaido was also defeated by Lu Chen and became prisoners of war with Roger the One Piece, the five old stars were all shocked and speechless.

For a long time, the five old stars in the blue suit, who have always been steady, said: “This is big news, it should be known to the whole world.” The other four also reacted immediately, this is a golden opportunity to eliminate Roger’s influence and suppress the momentum of the pirates. ”

Never expected.

Jean went to Wano Country to arrest Mitsuki Mita, but captured One Piece.

10 in a row, and a hundred beasts Kaido.

The shock degree of the five old stars can be described as no less than that of the steel bone sky.

Even, he had already thought of using this shocking news to convey to the outside world the supreme authority of the world government as the ruler.

Half a day later, a news of Roger the One Piece arrested and Kaido the Beast a Navy prisoner made the front page of the News of the World.

This news piece is extremely impassioned, describing in detail the course of the war with no country, and devoting 80 percent of the newspaper to the war situation.

As soon as this report came out, in just three days, the entire sea completely boiled.

“One Piece is actually arrested!”

“Don’t joke, that’s Roger, the One Piece of this sea.”

“Then I believe this stupid rumor, where did you get the news?”

“It has been published in the newspaper, not only One Piece Roger, but also the hundred beast Kaido was also captured by the navy.”

At the same time, pirate ships that stayed in the outer sea area of Wano and were unwilling to give up the secrets of the Great Secret Treasure still stayed here.

A strange-looking, tall sea thief sits on the deck, holding a newspaper and reading it carefully. If you look closely, you will see that the pirate’s hand holding the newspaper is constantly shaking.

“Roger… Actually arrested by the Navy? ”

He said with wide eyes, trembling with disbelief in his frightened gaze.

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