Chapter 132: Second Template: Mirror Flower Water Moon! 【Customizable】.

“Lord Moria, Roger the One Piece is arrested!”

A zombie crew hurriedly ran from the deck.

If it were not for the special structure of the ship to protect against sunlight, these crew members would not even dare to go out of the cabin during the day.

“I already know!”

Moria smashed his fist on the zombie crew’s head and roared angrily.

The clues of the Great Secret Treasure attracted countless pirates to flock to it, and a powerful pirate like Moria was no exception. But when he came here, the Nine Mile Area was already in chaos.

The pirates were repelled by the navy led by Lu Chen, and everyone and Mitsuki Ota and others were fighting fiercely.

It was precisely because of this that Moriah got away with it, otherwise he might not have survived the attack of the navy.

“Captain, then we…”

The zombie crew asked cautiously.

“Are you provoking that perverted navy! Back to the island! ”

Moria roared angrily.

Not only Moria, but also the pirates around who were ready to wait for the opportunity got the news of Roger’s arrest and immediately chose to retreat. What a joke, hey, Roger the One Piece lost to the navy, where do they still have the courage to confront the navy.

For a time, on the surface of the sea where the pirates originally gathered, the thieves could not see a pirate ship.

The news of Roger’s arrest spread around the world, and the impact did not stop at forcing back these pirates who tried to seize the clues of the Great Secret Treasure. In the capital of a certain kingdom in the East China Sea, a young man in a cloak walked on the street, his face with a strange square tattoo, which looked very strange.

“This is really shocking news for the world.”

Although he had read the contents of the newspaper more than once, the dragon still could not calm the shock in his heart.

The spiritual leader of the pirates, the man who conquered the sea, represented freedom and strength, was defeated at the hands of the navy.

“Lieutenant General Munch S. D. Luchen, the same surname as the chief. ”

Betty behind him whispered.

“I remember this man.”

The raven Callas’s gloomy voice said.

However, there was a thick fear in his gloomy eyes, as if some unwilling memories were emerging. In addition, hearing the news of the arrest of Roger the One Piece, people around the world cheered and celebrated.

In many small towns, lights are lit up and banners of celebration are hung.

“To celebrate the arrest of Roger the One Piece, our store is on sale for a limited time.”


“In order to thank the Navy for punishing the evil pirates, all food in the restaurant is free for the Navy today.”

“Mom, I’m going to join the navy and become as powerful as Vice Admiral Lu Chen!”

In the streets, you can see residents who are heartily happy because of the arrest of One Piece at any time. At the same time, the atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates was quite delicate, and all the captains quietly watched the tall figure sitting on the deck and remained silent.

“Dad, it may be a conspiracy of the Navy.”

In the end, it was Margau who broke the quiet.

“Roger can’t lose to the Navy, at least not by a vice admiral.” What are these navies doing? ”

Foil Bista said exaggeratedly.

Apparently, he was strongly skeptical of the newspaper published by the world government.

The same was true of the other captains, no one believed Roger would lose to the Navy, especially to a vice admiral.

“Ah, you little devils, don’t underestimate the vice admiral.”

Whitebeard, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly picked up the wine altar and took a sip and said.

“If there is anyone in the navy in the world who can defeat Roger, it is this guy.”


After speaking, Whitebeard laughed loudly, but there was an unconcealable shock and unwillingness in this laughter.

After receiving the garrison order issued by Gangjikong, Lu Chen transformed the General’s Mansion in the Flower Capital into a naval branch. At this time, Lu Chen was sitting in his office, staring at the system interface excitedly.

After a battle with Roger Pirates, Wano Country and Hundred Beast Kaido, his points soared by three million, and he finally reached the conditions for system check-in.

Does the host consume points for check-in? 】


Lu Chen chose to agree without hesitation.

As the system interface flashed for a while, the sign-in of road dust has been completed.

[Congratulations to the host, get a new template–Indigo Yousuke]

As soon as the voice fell, the system template changed. Host: Road Dust Fruit: Thunder Fruit [Awakening 89%] Domineering: Three Colors Complete Body Technique: Navy Six Styles [Aoyi 93%], Jutsu [Aoyi 78], Eight Doors Dun Jia [88%] Kendo: The World’s No. 1 Kendo Throne Ninjutsu: Flying Thunder God Art Template 1: Thousand Hand Pillars [All Abilities Unlocked] Template 2: Indigo Zo Yousuke [50%]

Justice: 0 points

“Huh? It turned out to be indigo! ”

Lu Chen’s eyes lit up, and information about Lan Ran’s mission involuntarily appeared in his mind.

The final boss in the world of death, with the help of the power of fusion jade, to achieve a character beyond the realm of death. He served as the captain of the Thirteen Fan Team and worked part-time as a special calligraphy teacher at the Spiritual Arts Academy.

The latter is negligible.

Whether it is the power of the slashing knife or the talent in the ghost path, Lan Dye is definitely the strongest existence in the world of death.

“If it weren’t for Kurosaki Ichigo’s protagonist Halo Protector, which made the final development of the plot too outrageous, this guy Indigo should be the biggest winner.”

Lu Chen couldn’t help but sigh and said.

As the second template of the blue dye unfolded, a semi-illusory katana appeared in front of Lu Chen.

Its hilt was pale green, exuding a strange aura, as if the moment you saw it, your soul was about to be devoured.

Chopper knife, mirror flower water moon!

[Congratulations to the host, get the Chopper Knife Mirror Flower Water Moon.] 】

[Mirror Flower Water Moon Initial Solution: Looking directly at the initiator of the Chopping Knife, he will be permanently hypnotized by the Mirror Flower Water Moon effect. ] 】

Hearing the explanation of the system, Lu Chen finally determined that this was the Chopping Sword Mirror Hua Shuiyue belonging to Lan Dye, and it was no different from the ability in the original work.

“I don’t know if in the pirate world, it has the same terrifying effect.”

Lu Chen said to himself.

Although the system states that a person who looks directly at the process of solving will be permanently hypnotized, he is not sure of the specific effect.

For example, a strong person like Cyborg or Whitebeard will be permanently hypnotized after watching the slashing knife is solved.

If that’s the case, the power of Mirror Flower Water Moon is too terrifying.

However, there is no suitable opponent to test the effect of the chopping knife at the moment. Lu Chen could only look for another opportunity to test the power of Jinghua Shuiyue.

“It is worthy of the system, even the reward for signing in is very suitable for this country, and it has anti-bone characteristics.”

After putting away the chopping knife, Lu Chen laughed at himself.

However, even so, it is impossible to deny that Indigo is also one of the most charismatic villains. Half a month later, two warships passed through the New World and entered Wano Country.

“Ah, this is the country of Wano, the land of samurai?”

As soon as Karp got off the boat, he carefully looked at the surrounding situation.

“Doesn’t that look weird?”

Sengoku glanced at Karp and said, “The task is urgent, let’s go meet the “old friend”.” I can’t wait. ”

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