Chapter 133: Public execution of One Piece [Requested].

Capital of flowers, dungeon of the General’s House.

“Roger, I can’t stop seeing you again, at a time like this.”

Sengoku looked at the man sitting in the cell and said.

“Ah, it’s Sengoku, and Karp, the bastard, is also here.”

Roger looked up at the two navies outside and said lightly.

“Hey, your attitude is not like what a prisoner should look like.”

Sengoku said unhappily.

“Hahaha, I can’t do anything to cry in front of you.”

Even in prison, this One Piece does not look worried about his own condition at all.

“You bastard! Didn’t let the old man catch it with his own hands, count you lucky! ”

Karp held the railing and growled. For Karp, Roger could be called a lifelong enemy.

This old enemy-like opponent also made Karp regard the capture of Roger as the biggest goal in this life.

But he never expected that Roger would be planted in the hands of his brother, and it would be in such an unexpected situation

“You don’t have a chance, it sounds like happy news.”


Roger laughed unbridledly.

Although it has long been known that Roger is not an ordinary pirate, the unceremonious attitude towards the admiral in prison still makes the Warring States feel unhappy.

“This is the end of your old conversation. I have long said that even if this man faces death, he will not have any fear or remorse. ”

Road dust came from the dark prison corridors.

Seeing Lu Chen appear, Roger stiffened with a smile on his face, but still showed a nonchalant expression. But in his heart, there is still an indescribable jealousy gradually appearing.

This guy in front of him is completely different from Karp Warring States, he is a lawless madman. At least Karp and the war will still heed the image rules of the navy.

But having dealt with Lu Chen many times, Roger knew that this vice admiral was a guy who could completely ignore the rules of the Navy. Lu Chen glanced at Roger faintly and said, “Kaido is in another cell, do you want to go and take a look?” ”

“No need, I’ll see you sooner or later.”

Sengoku said.

Kaido, that reckless man, is a battle maniac, and the Sengoku has no interest in that kind of guy. In comparison, Roger is the sea thief he cares about the most.

“That’s not bad.”

Lu Chen said.

In addition to the Sengoku Karp, the navy escorted this time also had thousands of elite navies. Such a lineup, not to mention escorting two prisoners, is completely enough to attack the famous sea thieves.

It can be seen that the world government attaches great importance to this mission, and it is bound to ensure that the mission is foolproof.

The process of handing over prisoners is not troublesome, only two parties need to sign the handover documents, and then the rest is handed over to the incoming navy. In addition to the naval elites brought by the two admirals of Karp, the yellow ape and Kuzan will also accompany them.

One is for safety reasons, after all, in addition to the captain of the Roger Pirates, there are also very tricky members of Renly escaping.

Second, just stationing in Wano Country does not need too many naval elites, in fact, Lu Chen alone is enough.

For example, the two of them, the new generation of monsters in the navy who have grown up, naturally have to return to their headquarters to resume their lives and take on more important tasks. As for Katakuri, Gion and the others, it was just that Lu Chen deliberately left a few assistants in order to save trouble.

“Brother Lu Chen, you have worked hard this time.”

On the coast, the warring states who are about to leave express their condolences to Lu Chen.

After understanding, the Warring States knew that the situation facing the navy in this war was much worse than expected.

The samurai of Wano Country plus the Roger Pirates are enough to destroy any country, and kill a madman like Kaido halfway. If it weren’t for Lu Chen, I am afraid that this mission would have damaged a lot of the navy’s elite.

The image of the navy will also be damaged.

“Catching pirates is the duty of the navy.”

Lu Chen responded with a faint smile.

Looking at Roger and Kaido, who were being escorted to the warship, Lu Chen reminded: “Be careful of Roger Pirates, those guys are not fuel-saving lamps.” ”

“Ha, I’m looking forward to those bastards taking the initiative to find it.”

Karp said with a heartless laugh.

However, he did have the confidence to say this, after all, in today’s world, except for Whitebeard and BigMoom, no other pirate dares to play any bad ideas against Karp.

With the departure of Karp Warring States and others, the capture mission of Wano Country this time can be said to be successfully completed.

Next, you only need to be stationed in Wano Country and ensure that everything in Wano Country is under the control of the world government. Lu Chen is naturally not interested in this kind of affairs on the ruling side.

Therefore, he simply left everything to Gion and the others, and he was relieved to be an idle person.

Although in terms of combat strength, Gion is one of the weaker admirals of the new generation, it does not mean that other aspects are inferior, and in terms of affairs, Gion has abilities that Katakuri and others cannot match.

In addition to handling the security of Wano Country, which was in urgent need of restoring order after the Great War, various reforms and job changes were proposed.

Of course, after Lu Chen heard these suggestions, he gave them all the power to Gion to deal with. Sakaski and others assisted Gion in handling government affairs.

To put it nicely, it is to assist in the office, and to put it more bluntly, it is the force guarantee around Gion.

If reform is agreed, everyone shakes hands and makes peace and works together to transform the country. If you don’t agree, then it will be “negotiators” like Sakaski and Katakuri who come to the door.

However, the navy’s reform policies were all geared toward improving civilian life, and most of the residents of Wano Country agreed. An aristocrat like the Frost Moon family naturally had no objection after seeing the terrifying strength of Lu Chen.

The part that stubbornly resisted was the daimyo aristocracy of the past in Wano Country.

After all, the policy of the Navy had a great influence on the interests of these nobles.

However, after Sakasky and others demolished four or five daimyo mansions in a row, those arrogant aristocrats also honestly accepted the reform proposal of the navy.

“These aristocratic names are really bullying the soft and afraid of the hard.”

Gion sat at his desk in the conference room, bored flipping through the documents in front of him.

This is a “Reform Policy Consent Form” signed jointly by the nobles of Wano Country.

“Thanks to Sakaski, as an expert negotiator, he actually set fire to someone’s mansion.”

Kataku grinned visibly, unhappy with Sakaski’s rough behavior.

“How can you be so kind as to talk about others!”

Gion glared at Katakuri and reprimanded, “You bastard almost demolished the entire rabbit bowl area!” ”

Seeing Gion’s furious look, Klokdal hid in a corner with interest.

On the other hand, after Karp Warring States escorted One Piece Roger away, he returned to the naval headquarters very smoothly. Following the news of Roger’s arrest, the world government once again announced a big news that shocked the world.

The Navy will publicly execute Roger, and the place of execution will be in Roger’s hometown – Rogue Town! As soon as the news came out, the world was in an uproar.

The time of execution is announced separately.

Obviously, in order to eliminate the influence of One Piece, the world government is also carefully prepared.

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