Chapter 134: The man who once again refused the general’s appointment [Ask for Custom].

The news that Roger was about to be publicly executed once again caused an uproar.

“Ah hey, did you hear that? One Piece Roger is going to be publicly executed! ”

On a certain island, Torrepol stared at the family officials in shock.

“Unbelievable, it turns out that the rumors of the Navy are true, they really caught Roger!”

Korazon oozed cold sweat and said with a trembling voice.

Govel and Pickup were also shocked and couldn’t believe the news.

“Chatter… That’s great news! ”

Doflamingo sat on the throne of the meeting and let out a strange laugh.

No one saw that the eyes under the sunglasses showed an unconcealable shock. New World, USS Moby Dick.

“It’s a conspiracy, right? This is definitely a conspiracy! This is definitely a conspiracy!! ”

Saatchi’s eyes widened, and his mouth opened to an exaggerated degree.

A month ago, the news of Roger’s arrest shocked the world. The white-bearded pirate group was also greatly shocked, but many people were still skeptical before witnessing it with their own eyes.

After all, it was Roger the One Piece, a legendary pirate that even Dad felt very tricky.

“Bastard, the world government is clearly demonstrating!”

“Is this intimidation? It must be intimidation! ”

“What does the navy want to do, is it going to set off a decisive battle between the pirates and the navy?”

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates talked a lot, but their attitude was very unanimous, believing that this was a full-scale war between the Navy and the Pirates.

Roger is one of the most powerful pirates, the supreme legend among pirates.

Such a tyrant, the world government even announced with great fanfare that Roger would be publicly executed.



Whitebeard suddenly yelled loudly, his eyes glancing at his sons. He wanted to say something to calm everyone’s anger, but the cold sweat on his forehead had already betrayed him.

As a legendary pirate and a tyrant who knows the navy incomparably, he knows the motives of the navy even better. Once Roger is publicly executed, it will inevitably deal a very heavy blow to pirates all over the world.

More importantly, the world government wants to use this way to declare that one thing is that the navy has the ability to destroy pirates. Not ordinary pirates, but any group of pirates, including legendary pirates!

The news that Roger was going to be publicly executed spread like a virus.

The first reaction of all pirates was shock, followed by doubts about the capabilities of the navy, and the authenticity of the world government news. But after careful investigation, more and more evidence points to the certainty of the matter.

The most direct evidence is undoubtedly that someone witnessed the naval warship escorting prisoners by the two admirals of Karp Warring States, and the oral accounts of pirates who escaped from Wano Country.

Of course, for the pirates, this is naturally a shocking and unbelievable terrible news.

However, for civilians all over the world, this is undoubtedly a more heartening news after the capture of One Piece, and many civilians and islands that have been persecuted by pirates are cheering, celebrating, and looking forward to the moment of execution.

“It’s hard to imagine how strong Uncle Lu Chen is now.”

Long looked at the news in the newspaper and sighed again. Although this was not the first time he had such a question, every time such a thought appeared, he felt as if he was peering into the secrets of the endless sea.

And those who learned about this problem obviously ended tragically.

As described on the news, One Piece is about to be publicly executed in front of people all over the world.

“What unbelievable news, it’s Roger the One Piece! Public execution, are those navies dead? ”

The young man wearing glasses and carrying a pair of strange equipment said strangely to him.

It was Lindbergh, one of the commanders of the revolutionary army.

“The world government does this kind of thing in order to establish supreme prestige.”

The crow’s gloomy voice reached everyone’s ears

“However, it does prove the strength of the navy. The navy is the pawn of the world government, and the stronger it is, the worse it is for us. ”

Tina still maintained her rather bold outfit and said with a serious expression.

“Anyway, that’s good news.”

The dragon’s face was full of smiles, but the fighting spirit in his heart was getting higher and higher.

“The seeds of revolution have been sown and the fate of this country is over. Which country are we going to next? ”

He crossed his hands and thought hard.

At the same time, the world government also commended the navies involved in the mission.


In particular, the outstanding admirals, Yellow Ape, Kuzan, Sakaski and Katakuri, were naturally promoted to vice admirals.

Kuzan and the yellow ape were on standby at the headquarters, so they accepted the rank promotion at the first time.

For a time, the two also became the focus of attention at the naval headquarters, and many old-school vice admirals also had a very warm and friendly attitude towards them.

As for Sakaski, who is far away in the country of Wano, he is awarded the medal through the air.

Although the news has been notified in advance, the official award ceremony will need to be held after returning to the headquarters. In addition, Gion and Klokdal were promoted respectively.

Gion was promoted to lieutenant colonel, and Klokdal to the rank of colonel.

Like Sakaski, the appointment ceremony of the two will have to wait for a while As for Lu Chen, as the chief commander of this mission, and is the main force who personally captured Roger Kaido. The world government once again rewarded him for his promotion to general.

However, his attitude also made Steel Bone Kong feel very annoyed.

“What do you say? Bastard boy, you tell the old man again! ”

Cyborg sat in his office, ranting angrily at the phone.

“Ah, Mr. Sora, you should pay attention to your body, don’t get angry when you are older.”

The slow voice of Lu Chen came from the phone worm.

Steely could almost imagine this guy sitting in a chair with his legs on his desk, talking to himself with a leisurely expression.

“Ahhhhh Think for yourself, how many times have you refused to be promoted to the post of general? ”

Steel Bone Sora asked.

“Oh, then you should understand my attitude, the position of general is not suitable for me. I don’t want to sit in the headquarters every day and be looked at like a monkey in a zoo every day. ”

Lu Chen said.

“At least temporarily, I don’t want to lose my freedom because of a promotion.”

Hanging up the phone worm, Gang Bone sighed helplessly.

Lu Chen, this guy, is indeed the best and most powerful navy ever. But his thoughts, like the strength of terror, are incomprehensible.

“Well, the old man has to find a way to get him to agree.”

Steel Bone Kong muttered to himself.

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