Chapter 135: Something is wrong with Mr. Sora! 【Customizable】.

Wano Country has gradually returned to calm under a series of reform policies of the Navy.

Now that the entire Wano country has a navy and guards, plus the samurai surrender to the service, there will be almost no major turmoil. However, Lu Chen still sent Sakaski and others to clean up all the Wano Country.

Only after the last part of the hidden remnants of the forces is cleared can the hidden danger be completely eliminated.

“Lord Lu Chen, is there really no problem for you to leave here?”

Gion asked, looking at the warship parked in the harbor.

“Well, with Katakuri stationed with a few people, it’s completely enough.”

Lu Chen said.

If you can’t even control this situation, you can only say that the tempering of these little guys is not enough.

“Let’s go, take you to see the outside world.”

Lu Chen held Yamato with his left hand and Hiyori with his right hand, and the two little girls obediently followed Lu Chen and followed him to the warship.

Lu Chen left without telling anyone else, except for Katakuri, who was closest to him. Including the navy, Frost Moon Niumaru and the others did not know the news of Lu Chen’s departure from Wano Country.

As long as no one jumps out to do something anti-humanity, I believe everyone will think that Lu Chen is still sitting in the naval branch.

With his name hanging over the head of Wano Country, no one will stir up trouble. It’s no exaggeration.

Lu Chen’s current status in Wano Country. It’s the same as the emperor.

With unimaginable prestige.

With just one word, you can decide life and death!!!

The ruling influence of the Mitsuki family, through the Great Snake and Kaido, and now the reform of the navy, has been completely eliminated. Half a month later, Lu Chen, who was dusty and servant, and his party re-set foot on the port of the naval headquarters.

“Ah, this familiar breath.”

Lu Chen closed his eyes slightly, took a breath of the air of the naval headquarters and said sincerely.

The two little girls stood timidly behind Lu Chen, curiously looking at the surrounding scenery.

“Is this the legendary headquarters of the Navy?”

Yamato was a little bolder, looking at the tall building in front of him with bright eyes. Just a port, much more magnificent than the island of ghosts.

Lu Chen did not leave his post without authorization this time, but received an order from the headquarters to return to his order. Along the way, the navy who saw Lu Chen took the initiative to salute and greet.

Many navies are staring at Lu Chen feverishly, and every time this legendary navy goes to sea, he can make an earth-shattering event.

This time, the world’s most powerful legendary pirate, Roger, was arrested and imprisoned. This is undoubtedly extremely exciting good news for navies all over the world.

And Yamato and Hihe, the two little girls, also saw so many navies for the first time, and had a deeper understanding of Lu Chen’s position in the navy.

Entering the headquarters building, Lu Chen and his party headed towards the highest floor.

Pushing open the door of the marshal’s office, Lu Chen saw Lord Marshal sitting behind the desk at a glance.

“Lu Chen, welcome back.”

Steel Bone Sora smiled.

“Sit down.”

He pointed to the couch opposite.

Steel Bone lifted the teacup emptyly, and his gaze inadvertently swept over the three Gion people behind him.

“Huh? These two little girls are…”

He looked at the two little girls Yamato.

One of them was okay, the little girl was cute, and she was a little timidly hiding behind Lu Chen.

However, another little girl with long white hair and a pair of demonic horns on her head was looking at herself with excited and curious eyes.

I don’t look afraid of life at all.

“Oh, this is Kaido’s daughter.”

Lu Chen pointed at Yamato and said. Poof–Steel bone spewed out a mouthful of tea, the tea sprinkled on the table, and looked at Yamato with a stunned gaze.

“What do you say? Kaido’s… Daughter?! ”

Steel Bone Kong asked in surprise.

He stared at Yamato for a long time, and he couldn’t see anything similar to Kaido all over his body.

“Father and daughter who don’t have much feelings!”

Lu Chen explained.

“Oh, so it is…”

Steel bone empty wiped the tea on the table and picked up the teacup here.

Lu Chen seemed to guess what he was going to ask and continued: “This is Hiwa, and her surname is Guangyue. ”

Poof—this time, not even the papers on the table were spared.

“Hey, I said Lieutenant General Lu Chen, you won’t have some… Love right? ”

Steel Bone Kong was silent for two seconds and asked with a serious face.

The moment he blurted it out, he promptly replaced the word “quirk” with a hobby.

“Don’t look at me like that, things aren’t the way you think.”

“Although Yamato is Kaido’s daughter, she is different from other pirates, this child has a strong sense of justice and is obsessed with the navy, or the justice of the navy.”

“You should know the situation of Hiyo, I don’t need to repeat it.”

Lu Chen said.

Hearing this, Gang Bone Kong looked at the two little girls indifferently, and said with a smile: “I didn’t think that Kaido’s daughter was actually a little girl with a righteous heart.” ”

“I have a general understanding of the affairs of the Guangyue family, and this time I let you come back, naturally for the purpose of debriefing and restoration.. This is the necessary procedure, you know. ”

Simply covering the lives of the two little girls, Steel Bone Kong has the right to acquiesce to Lu Chen’s behavior.

Two little girls, although their identities are somewhat special, but with road dust by their side, the naval headquarters will not persecute the two children.

After a brief report on Gion, he left the marshal’s office with Yamato and the two. Only Lu Chen and Steel Bone were left in the office, and they fell silent for a while.

“I’ll report first.”

Road dust actively spoke.

He recounted the process of entering and ruling the country, as well as the situation he faced.

Including the actions of the various pirates, as well as Roger’s presence to support, the resistance of the samurai of Wano Country, and finally Kaido joining the battle.

“Well, that’s the thing, Roger Pirates are indeed a tricky situation. As for Kaido, the fool is a surprise. I didn’t expect that he would dare to appear in front of me. ”

At the end of the report, Lu Chen said.

Steel Bone Kong listened silently, and then looked at Lu Chen with strange eyes. Listening to his tone, it didn’t look like he was in trouble at all.

What is Roger Pirates trickier? Kaido that idiot is a surprise?

You say it all, but such an understatement summary will make Marshal Ben feel very faceless!

“The navy uses an unknown amount of power, Karp has hunted down One Piece for most of his life, and he is a tricky character in your eyes

“Steel Bone Kong doesn’t know how to describe this guy in front of me.”

If he is said to be frivolous, this is almost the monster of the 4.3 One Piece gang with his own strength.

But in the face of the most powerful pirate group in the world, this guy has a regretful expression that did not destroy them.

“I know about it.”

Steel Bone Kong said.

Then, a kind smile appeared on his face and said, “During your absence, everyone missed you very much.” ”

“You are now a hot hero of the navy, even admirals such as Karp and Sengoku, the reputation is not comparable to you”

“Of course, in the navy, in terms of prestige, I, the marshal, will probably have to step aside.”

Seeing his expression, Lu Chen felt bad, Marshal Kong was a little wrong! However, he had just refused to be promoted to general.

It shouldn’t be a topic anymore. So, is it the marshal?

After all, according to the time, not long after Roger was executed, the commander of the three armed services, Mr. Black Panther, should retire………

Chapter 136: O my stupid brother! 【Customizable】.

“Mr. Sora, if you have something to say, everyone is their own people.”

Lu Chen said straight to the point.

“Ahaha, it’s nothing important. It’s just some recent news. ”

Speaking, Steel Bone Kong’s expression was slightly more serious, and he said: “The navy has become stronger and stronger in recent years, so the world government has paid more and more attention to the navy. ”

“Recently, there has been news that the commander of the three armed forces, the Panther, is about to retire.”

“Black Panther?”

Lu Chen was a little surprised.

Black Panther is the marshal of the three armies of the world government, and his status is still above the naval marshal of Steel Bone Kong. It can be said that he is the big man closest to the core of world government power, second only to the five old stars.

“If Marshal Panther retires, I should take his place.”

Hearing this, Lu Chen already had some guesses in his heart.

However, he did not speak, waiting for the bottom of the steel bone.

“In this way, the position of marshal of the navy will also be selected by a competent person to sit in this position.”

“Ah, then congratulations to Mr. Sora. As for the candidate for the field marshal, it should be chosen among the three major generals. ”

Lu Chen said.

Whether it is Warring States or Zefa, they are good candidates.

In the original plot, this position was also filled by the Warring States.

“According to normal procedures, it should be, but 11 the situation is different now.”

“Although the navy is growing much faster than in the past, the proliferation of pirates around the world is especially higher than the growth rate of the navy.”

“In this case, it is natural to need a person who combines wisdom and strength to shoulder the heavy responsibility.”

Steel Bone Kong said.

“The Warring States General is calm and measured, has the style of a general, and his strength is also outstanding. General Zefa is also a very good candidate. ”

As for Karp… Alas, don’t mention it.

“I naturally know the character strength of the Warring States, and as a naval admiral, he naturally has enough ability to take on responsibilities. But it still lacks some sharpness, more than calm, and insufficient sharpness. ”

“Zefa, this guy is too gentle. Pirates are a bunch of lawless maniacs, and kindness does not touch these scumbags full of sin. ”


“Legendary navy, the best vice admiral ever, the world government is very optimistic about you.”

Steel Bone Kong said meaningfully.

“Huh, Marshal of the Navy? It’s really important enough. ”

Lu Chen smiled indifferently.

“You know, you have refused to be promoted to general more than once. Refusing the orders of the world government is not a good thing. ”

Steel Bone Kong said seriously.

“Commander Black Panther has not yet stepped down, let’s wait until you become the marshal of the three armies.”

Lu Chen did not answer positively. Looking at Lu Chen’s serious gaze, Gang Bone Kong also knew his stubborn character.

Once something is decided, it is difficult for outsiders to change.

Although he regretted this, he did not continue to persuade.

However, in my heart, I silently listed Lu Chen as one of the replacements of the naval marshal. Or rather, if Lu Chen agrees.

Then, you can erase one or two words.

The two chatted casually for a while, and Lu Chen left the marshal’s office. Porphyry!

Just left the office.

The phone bug in his arms rang.

Coming to a place where no one was, Lu Chen picked up the phone worm.

“Lord Lu Chen, according to your orders, I have arrived at Batalilla Island.”

Kakuli’s voice came, containing a look of shock: “The woman that Lord Lu Chen said has also been found.” ”

“I see, hard work for you.”

“It is my honor to serve adults.”

After the two ended their short conversation, Lu Chen took Yamato out of the naval headquarters and went straight to the advancing city. This was his plan arranged in advance on his way back to headquarters.

Although Kaido does many evils, Yamato is his daughter after all. Kaido was arrested, and Yamato didn’t even see him for the last time. Lu Chen still decided to let their father and daughter meet.

To know.

In the plot of the original book, Yamato has always called himself Ota and worshipped it like brainwashing. Just like the brain-dead fans of star chasing in a previous life.

But after all, Kaido is a father, in order to change his brain-dead daughter, he not only cooperates with calling Yamato his son. Even, threatening to kill her with a sea tower stone bomb is difficult to imagine Yamato’s brainwashing.

Road dust can only say.

The power of forcibly auring is too against the sky!!! Not for long.

After passing through the gate of justice, you entered the windless belt smoothly. Ordinary ships here simply cannot sail freely, partly because there is no sea breeze, and sailboats cannot move forward. The second point is that the windless belt is a paradise for the sea kings, even if it can sail in the windless belt.

However, in the face of the powerful sea kings, many of whom are comparable to the existence of vice admirals, ordinary ships can only end up with ship destruction and death.

And Lu Chen’s purpose of coming here is naturally to push into the city one by one in the windless zone, known as the most dangerous prisoners in the world.

“Hello, please show your identity!”

Approaching the port of the propulsion city, the soldiers standing guard stopped the road dust. Seeing Lieutenant General Lu Chen’s badge, the soldier was a little surprised.

“I’m Lieutenant General of the Headquarters, Lu Chen.”

Lu Chen said lightly and showed his identification.

“What! You… Are you Lord Lu Chen? ”

The soldier standing guard looked at Lu Chen in surprise, with a little doubt in his eyes. However, when he verified that his identity document was correct, the eyes of the naval soldiers immediately became frenzied.

“Sure enough, it’s Lord Lu Chen, the legendary vice admiral! Can you ask for a signature? ”

The soldier asked expectantly.

Lu Chen’s name has long been resounding in the sea, and countless naval soldiers regard it as an idol pursued for a lifetime. However, it was the first time that the soldiers who advanced the city saw Lu Chen, so their attitude was extremely enthusiastic.

This little thing, Lu Chen will naturally not refuse.

“Ask you something, Kaido is locked up on the number of cells.”

Lu Chen asked.

Although with Kaido’s strength, it is basically certain that he is imprisoned in the sixth layer of infinite hell. However, there are too many prison cells in the city of 757, so it is better to ask in advance.

“Huh? Sorry sir, Kaido the Beast is not imprisoned here. ”

The soldier immediately replied. This answer surprised Lu Chen very much, Kaido was not detained in Advance City.

“It is said that he was detained in a secret place by the world government, and the specific circumstances are not clear.”

The soldier said.

After finishing speaking, the soldier also glanced curiously at Yamato, who was following Lu Chen, and did not know why Lu Chen would bring a little girl to such a dangerous place.

After getting the news of Kaido from the soldiers standing guard, Lu Chen was not only surprised, but also had many guesses. His purpose today was to take Yamato to meet Kaido, but now it seems that he has no chance.

“Today is really lucky, not only to meet General Karp, but also to meet the legendary Lord Lu Chen.”

The soldier whispered happily.

“Huh? Karp is here too? ”

When Lu Chen heard this, his brows raised slightly.

His voice did not hide from Lu Chen’s ears, but aroused his curiosity.

With Karp’s personality, he would never come to such a place on weekdays. Unless there’s something important that makes him have to come here.

Combined with recent events, Lu Chen could almost guess the purpose of Karp’s coming here.

“Stupid brother.”

Lu Chen shook his head and said secretly in his heart.

He stopped, turned and walked towards the advancing city with Yamato.

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