Chapter 141: Wife and Children and Dreams, Choose One of the Two [Seek Custom].

A new day.

The darkness before dawn, pierced by the morning light, spilled into the earth by the morning light, dispelling the darkness. The quiet town of Rogue is also gradually prosperous at this moment.

Countless people consciously took to the streets. Go straight in the direction of the square.

Whether it’s from the world, the New World, or somewhere else. It doesn’t matter who the identity of the comer is.

Ordinary people, pirates, spies, gangsters, underground forces, or revolutionary troops. At this point, they are all spectators.

This public execution is closely related to everyone in this world. No one is an exception!

So, it also attracted people all over the world to watch. Even if you don’t have the ability to come to Rogue Town in person.

However, this execution will also be watched live on the big screen in my hometown. So to speak.

The world government is paying unprecedented attention to this.

“Hey, are you about to start?”

“Roger the One Piece, the man who owns everything in the world, is finally about to usher in the execution of the navy.”

“Abominable pirates, during this time, those who went to sea because of Roger are enough to throw the order into chaos.”

“Execute him and deter the pirates!”

“Haha, what kind of bullshit One Piece, isn’t it also arrested by the navy now? 11”

People everywhere celebrate it.

Even if the execution has not yet begun, many people have already prepared wine and banquets, waiting for the end of the execution, and want to celebrate vigorously.

There is this idea, not a minority.

Even the same pirates are waiting, and One Piece is executed. Because, this represents the end of an era.

The chaotic sea is a good opportunity for guys with strength and ambition and it is at this time.

South China Sea. Batriilla Island. Squeak – a courtyard full of flowers and plants, the door of the house suddenly opened. Lu Jiu, who was bloated, walked out dressed neatly.

When passing by the yard, she suddenly stopped, then bent her bulging waist and picked a blooming flower. Long blonde hair, embellished with a colorful red flower, looks unique.

After walking out of the yard, Lu Jiu went straight to the coast. Not for long.

In her sight, she saw a figure with its back to her, standing there. The word justice on the cloak flew against the sea breeze, full of solemn and sacred momentum.

“I didn’t expect that you, a weak woman, could face death so calmly, no wonder Roger is half-dead, and will find you in the vast sea of people.”

Lu Chen turned around, looked at the pregnant woman who walked forward, and said unceremoniously.

“Of course, if you are a weak woman, I am afraid that it will be a bit rude, but I am in front of me, and that’s it!”

“It’s okay, even he is defeated in front of you, not to mention a weak woman like me!”

Lu Jiu smiled and shook her head.

It seems to be showing weakness, but in fact it is full of courage to be a mother.

“Then you have to be mentally prepared, you will face it later, but it is very cruel!”

Lu Chen said lightly, but couldn’t help but remind him.

“I’m ready, no matter the result, I always have to face it.”

Lu Jiu nodded, her tone was firm.

To this.

Lu Chen nodded, and then raised his hand. Space, in an instant, flooded with shocks.

The next moment.

The figures of the two completely disappeared in place. When it comes again.

Already standing in a palatial hall. Lu Jiu’s freckles cheeks looked surprised.

Without waiting for her to look around, a crisp shout came from next to her.

“The execution is about to begin!”

I saw Yamato, lying on the window, pointing to the square in the distance and exclaiming. The next moment, she seemed to sense something, and couldn’t help but look back.

When he saw Lu Jiu who suddenly appeared, he suddenly opened his mouth wide, and the whole person was shocked.

“Lieutenant General Lu Chen, this is……..”

Peach Rabbit also looked over, and her beautiful eyes were shocked.


Lu Chen replied succinctly, and also came to the floor-to-ceiling window.

Guest? Hear this.

Peach Rabbit and Yamato suddenly looked towards Lu Jiu.

The bulging belly is too obvious. Yamato was just curious and confused.

But Peach Rabbit, as if guessing something, suddenly changed and changed her pretty face.


However, Lu Jiu ignored the two, but walked to the window, staring at the execution table standing across the square. Accompanied by two gendarmes, Roger walked step by step towards the execution table in shackles.

This process.

The square was originally noisy and talkative, but in an instant, it became quiet.

The crowded squares and the streets of Rogue Town became dead silent. Falling needles can be heard!

Only, everyone’s rapid breathing sounds, one after another. With every step Roger takes, the shackles in his hand collide and make a crisp sound. At this time.

The navy is on guard.

Sengoku and Zefa are one left and one right, hidden under the execution table, surrounded by elite naval guards. Guarded, unobtrusive guy.

Or, on guard, a member of Roger’s Pirates.

“What an oppressive atmosphere!”

Feeling the oppressive air in the sky of Rogue Town, Sengoku clenched his fists and stared around the square vigilantly.

“Although there is no intelligence that Roger’s partner came to the East China Sea, it is better to be cautious just in case.”

Zefa said in a deep voice.

But they are clearly thinking too much.

In addition to the sea breeze blowing, and like sculptures, people everywhere are frozen. There was no one, even if it moved a little.


Roger walked up to the execution table and got down on his knees.

This oppressive atmosphere was only slightly relaxed.


Shanks, who was hiding in the sea of people, pressed his straw hat with his hands, and tears could not help but begin to flow. Bucky also sobbed 410 times next to him.

In the entire Roger Pirate Group, only the two interns came. This is not heartlessness.

Rather, everyone knows, it is the captain’s choice.

“Is this One Piece? You can face death with a smile! ”

“The man who owns everything in the world is about to face execution!”

“Arrive at the Final Island, what exactly does it have?”

“Accomplished the feat of circling the world!”

Whether in the field or around the world, countless people are talking about it. And as a party.

“Hey, hey…”

Sensing the oppressive atmosphere in the square, Roger knelt on the ground, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Not at all, the fear of impending execution.

But in the next moment.

Roger’s curly beard shook.

With a very strong sense of domineering, he immediately noticed that on this island, there was an aura that he felt familiar and cordial on!!!

In an instant, Roger suddenly raised his head, and his eyes were instantly locked, the building opposite the square. The figure of one of the floor-to-ceiling windows was clearly imprinted in his sight.

“This is… Roger’s pupils shrank suddenly. ”

The confident smile on his face froze in an instant. At the bottom of my heart, there was a wave of fear and chill.

At this time.

He suddenly remembered what Lu Chen said to him when he was advancing into the city. Wife and children and dreams, choose one of the two!! 5!!。

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