Chapter 142: Shocking the world, One Piece’s desperate cry [Please customize].

Lu Jiu stood near the windowsill, the robe could not hide the increasingly bulging belly, and the little life inside, every moment, was cheering and growing.


Sensing Roger’s gaze, Lu Jiu’s freckles appeared gentle. She raised her palm and imprinted it on the window.

It is as if he can caress the vicissitudes of his face from a long distance. Gentle as always.

However, anyone who knows this woman well knows that beneath her gentle exterior, there is a fierce attitude.

“To be a mother is strong, this is human nature!”

Seeing this, Lu Chen next to him couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

And Peach Rabbit and Yamato, although they looked confused, but faintly, they still speculated about what was going on. Because.

On the execution table across the square, Roger, the One Piece King who originally had a confident and dashing smile, but at this moment, his face became extremely ugly.

The smile froze, gradually turned into anger, and finally grief.


Roger roared abruptly, emitting endless anger and despair.

The next moment, he stood up suddenly, and the terrifying momentum, like an immeasurable sea, swept in all directions, impacting the hearts of everyone in Rogue Town.

This sudden change frightened everyone stupidly. Not to mention.

The terrifying overlord color domineering, pressed down, shocked everyone’s hearts. Or on the naval side, Sengoku and Zefa were the first to react.


Sengoku jumped onto the execution table, glared at the mad Roger, and pressed one hand directly on Roger’s shoulder to prevent him from rushing out. I have to say that this change made even him a little unprepared.

To know.

A physical powerhouse like Roger, ordinary shackles, has nothing to block the other party at all. I’m afraid, it’s the shackles of Hailou Stone.

If you struggle to the death, you can still exert a not weak strength. And this is also the reason why the two big ones will appear here.

Boom — Immediately after, Zefa also rushed to the execution table, one hand pressed on Roger’s shoulder.

“So far, even if you regret it, it’s useless!”

The two generals, one left and one right, strongly suppressed Roger, so as not to let him break free from the execution. Bang–The next moment, Roger fell to his knees and let out a beastly roar.

The terrifying momentum startled the square and the people watching the live broadcast. No one knows why.

But everyone present could really feel the momentum of despair and anger.


“Damn, what do we do now? Do you want to fight for it? ”

Shanks and Bucky, hidden in the crowd, couldn’t help but feel apprehensive and angry when they saw Roger suddenly go berserk. Following Captain Roger for many years, this state was the first time they had seen it.

So, in addition to confusion, it is more anger.

It was clear that the captain was in some kind of desperate mood.

“Boom!! It’s really funny, One Piece, who thought he could calmly face death, suddenly wanted to struggle and escape frantically, what was the purpose of his confident smile just now? ”

Doflamingo, who was standing in the middle of the Don Quixote family, shook his head and smiled. He was very disappointed and regretful about One Piece’s gaffe at the moment.

“Is this emotion despair?”

The black, short-haired young man carrying a long sword looked over sharply, and his sword eyebrows frowned. For some reason, he always felt that this abnormal posture should not appear on this man. Obviously, there is something unknown.

Let this One Piece fall into despair.

But nothing else seems to have happened in this execution square. So it seems to be very strange and confusing.

In the field.

Only the dragon, covered in robes, seemed to feel something, and turned his head to look at the window of the house behind him. The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

“It’s uncle……….”

Lu Chen’s figure instantly met his eyes.

Immediately after, I saw the pregnant woman with a big belly beside Lu Chen.

“Is it????”

The bottom of the dragon’s heart was shaken, and he vaguely guessed a trace of horror. I have to say that this guess is too terrible.

Even the leader of the revolutionary army was shocked beyond measure.

Only in this way can we explain why Roger, who calmly went to death, is so gaffe.

“No, uncle, what does this mean?”

Soon, Long denied the idea in his mind.

With his understanding of Lu Chen, even if the other party is Roger’s pregnant wife, Uncle Lu Chen will not be good. It is not necessary to threaten a dying person with the weak.

This is not the style of road dust!!

“Hey, what’s wrong with this guy?”

“Is he crying?”

“One Piece, shed tears?”

“The confident and dashing smile just now was disguised, and in the face of death, I still cried out in fear.”

“Fortunately, there are two generals, otherwise there will be chaos.”

“Hurry up and execute, the time is coming.”

People all over the world, watching the live broadcast, are talking about it at this time. The time for execution is also coming.

Lu Chen stood near the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the farce of the execution table, and his mind became calmer and calmer. After all, he had expected Roger’s reaction.

But soon.

Roger, who was mad on the execution table, suddenly quieted down.

He was pressed on his shoulders by Sengoku and Zefa, and the whole person knelt on the ground, tears continued to flow, crying painfully. Tears dripped down the execution table and splashed countless tears.

“The execution time is coming, pacesetter!”

Sengoku noticed Roger’s mood change and turned his head towards the gendarme and shouted.

“Roger, face death safely!”

Zefa slowly let go of Roger’s shoulders, his expression extremely vigilant and solemn.

“Accept the fate of being a pirate!”

Sengoku also said.

Roger didn’t speak, tears still flowing, but he didn’t struggle, didn’t look up again, and didn’t seem to dare to face anything. Dadada–The gendarmes who had just been stunned by the overlord color were dragged down.

The spare gendarme, armed with a spear, stepped onto the execution table and stood behind Roger.

Sengoku and Zefa clenched their fists, looked down at Roger, and focused on Roger’s body, ready to strike at any time to suppress the mad One Piece.

“Ready for execution!”

Accompanied by the order of the admiral.

The two gendarmes standing on the left and right immediately raised the spears in their hands. The sharp tip of the gun was aimed at Roger’s back.

Just wait for an order from the Warring States.

The spear will fall, taking One Piece’s life.

“Oooo Hahahahahaha! ”

Facing death, Roger was in pain to the end, and suddenly burst out laughing.

He slowly raised his head, the expression on his face was crying with laughter, laughing with crying, making people wonder whether he was laughing or crying at this time.

Surprised everyone.

Especially Shanks and Bucky, who know Roger, are even more shocking. The captain had never seen such a strange situation! It can well be imagined.

At this time, Roger was under great pressure. But just when everyone was surprised.

It was also when the gendarmes behind the back were about to fall.

Roger, with tears streaming down his face, grinned, and took his last breath towards Rogue Town before his life withered. To the whole world, a final cry.

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