Chapter 143: Roger Declaration, Lu Jiu’s Decision [Asking for Custom].

“Want my treasure? I can give it all to you if you want, go find it, I’ll put everything there. This cry resounded throughout the world. ”

People around the world who watched the live broadcast were all stunned when they heard it. on the square.

Everyone from all over the world was also stunned.

Even Shanks and Bucky both stopped crying and looked up at Roger on the execution table, their faces full of stunned. Nobody thought of it.

Roger will shout this sentence at this time. Time.

Whether it was the square of Rogue Town or the people watching the live broadcast around the world, it was instantly quiet. Sengoku was the first to react, his face changed drastically, and he immediately drank: “Execution……….”

The voice did not fall.

The two gendarmes on the left and right instinctively stabbed out their spears, which instantly penetrated Roger’s body and nailed him to the execution table. But alas, it was still too late.

Before Roger died, he shouted out those words.

It proves that the existence of the ultimate island also proves the existence of the Great Secret Treasure. Countless people were stunned.

For a long time, inside and outside the square, all over the world, cheers rang out like a sea of mountains. People rushed to tell each other.

The Great Secret Treasure exists!!!

For those who have an adventurous spirit and want to go to sea in search of treasure, they can’t wait for a moment and rush to the sea. The number of pirates, between 927 overnight, showed a geometric increase in numbers.

Of course. This is an afterword!! Rogge Town Square at this time.

With the cheers of countless people, the navy, which strictly guarded everywhere, became a transparent existence. Sengoku and Zefa froze on the execution table.

The face has never been ugly. This moment.

Regardless of Roger’s death, the impact of what he said before his death will be a headache for the Navy for a long time to come.

“As long as you find the existence of the Great Secret Treasure, who is the next One Piece!”

Rogue Town, in the cheering atmosphere, I don’t know who shouted like this. In an instant, the noisy atmosphere cooled down.

Countless cheering people looked at each other.

But this atmosphere, in less than three seconds, attracted even more enthusiastic cheers.

“Hahaha, not bad, the person who finds the big secret treasure will be the next One Piece!”

“Roger’s time is over, next, our time!”

“Chong, find the big secret treasure and become One Piece!”

“One Piece, not bad, to become One Piece, this is the real purpose of my going to sea.”

“I didn’t know what to go to sea for, but now, I understand.”

“Find the big secret treasure, inherit everything from Roger, and become the new One Piece, this is the goal of our pirates!”

Countless people cheered for this.

“Click!! Can you become One Piece by finding the big secret treasure? That’s a really good idea! ”

Ming Ge wore sunglasses to scan the crazy people in the square, a wild smile on the corner of his mouth, and then inserted his trouser pocket, turned around and walked towards the outside of the square.

“Young master!”

Monet and Virgo and others followed. And the corner on the other side.

“Bucky, do you want to come with me?”

Shanks extended an invitation to Bucky, but was miserably refused: “Who wants to go to sea with you, don’t let me see you in the future, it’s too bad luck to be with you.” ”

Both still had tear stains on their faces, and watched Captain Roger collapse on the execution table. The last trace of obsession in my heart also disappeared at this moment.

The existence of the great secret treasure has led people to rush to the sea.

As the former crew of One Piece, naturally he will not look at this, after all, the two did not go to the end because of the accident.

“A new round of pirate competition, the person who finds the big secret treasure is the next One Piece, so where is my future?”

Mihawk frowned, looking out of place with the crazy people around him.

Thinking halfway through, he carried a long knife and turned away. The other side.

Several figures shrouded in cloaks became solemn and ugly.

“Before you die, do you want to turn the world upside down?”

Long muttered thoughtfully, then looked back at the window of the house behind him, and then shook his head and led everyone out of Rogue Town. The end of an era represents the rise of Xinshida!!

This is the idea of everyone on the sea!!! Compare this to the people who are in a carnival in officialdom below.

Upstairs in the hall, there was an eerie silence.

Both Momoto and Yamato opened their mouths wide, their faces shocked and confused.

Yamato was fine, just watching everyone downstairs revelry, not knowing what was going on.

And Peach Rabbit, immediately thought of how bad the impact of what Roger said before he died. So to speak.

This is the defeat of the Navy!! Total failure!!

Defeat to a pirate who was executed!!

No one could have imagined that Roger would say those words before he died, the public execution broadcast around the world. If you knew, I’m afraid the world government would not publicly execute it.

But now, it’s too late to regret!!!

“Oh, sure enough, the great voyage has begun!”

At this time, Lu Chen raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, and said to himself with a bitter smile. He didn’t expect that Roger, a scumbag, was still so decisive before he died. Of course, it’s nothing to think about.


Lu Chen glanced at Lu Jiu, a pregnant woman beside him, and said lightly: “The result may not be satisfactory, but I hope you remember everything that scum said.” ”

“It’s okay, I know him!”

Lu Jiu lowered her head, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and said with a forced smile. That being said.

However, even Peach Rabbit, as well as Yamato, this girl, can clearly feel it. Lu Jiu at this moment is like an orphan abandoned by the world.

For some reason, let these two girls look a little sad.

“It really doesn’t matter!”

Lu Chen nodded, and suddenly smiled: “This kid, called Ace, right, that is Roger’s former weapon!” ”

“This era he opened before he died, then let Ace end it with his own hands!”

“With the sword of the other, return the body!!”

“This is the future of Ace!”

Hearing this, Lu Jiu was shocked, and her expression showed timidity. To this.

Lu Chen ignored her, but continued to laugh.

“You can choose to refuse, but I believe that the world government will be happy about it!”

After speaking, he threw off his cloak of justice and turned around to leave here.

“Look at her well!”

After leaving a word, the person has disappeared.

Looking at Lu Chen’s disappearing back, Taotu and the others were stunned in place.

After a long ring, Yamato looked up at Peach Rabbit and asked, “Big sister, what does Uncle Lu Chen mean by what he said?” ”

“Also, who is Ace?”

Peach Rabbit’s forehead is covered with black lines, how does she know.

“Ace, it’s my child!”

Lu Jiu next to him spoke at this time. The tone, full of pride and pride!

Since their mother and son have been abandoned by the whole world, let’s face the future calmly!!!

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