Chapter 144: Candidates for Marshal [Customized].


Headquarters of the Navy, Marshal’s Office.

The steel bone empty fist smashed the desk angrily, causing this desktop that had been tempered by the domineering spirit of the naval marshal for countless years to dent a fist mark.

It can well be imagined.

How angry Marshal Kong’s mood at this time was.

“Up to now, not only has the influence of One Piece not been eliminated, but because of Roger’s words before his death, this sea has been stormed in the future.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru sat on the sofa next to him, and said with a slight frown.

“It’s worthy of him!”

Although Karp knew Roger well, after hearing the news, he also

“I was shocked. But soon, he felt embarrassed. ”

Since Roger was about to die, the Age of Exploration was opened, and the influence of One Piece was increasing day by day in the sea. That is, if you let the world government know, Roger’s bloodline.

It must be done as much as possible, and then deal with it quickly!! Karp was very entangled in his heart.

Of course, he didn’t know at this time that Roger’s trust to him had long been cut off by his own brother.

I just feel that the lifelong enemy recognized in my heart actually turned this sea upside down with just one word before he died, which is indeed very powerful.

“That plan of the world government seems to be unstoppable!”

Marshal Kong said with a gloomy face.


Lieutenant General Crane and Karp couldn’t help frowning. Seven Martial Sea Project!

If the influence on One Piece cannot be eliminated in the future, then the world government will definitely start this plan.

“The sea is very chaotic now, then we, the old guy, may be busy in the future!”

Karp seemed to think of something, his expression was a little complicated, slowly stood up, and walked straight out of the office. Behind him, Marshal Kong glanced at him obliquely and asked, “Where else are you going at this time?” ”

“I’ll go and inspect the Four Seas Branch, if there are too many newcomers and pirates, without the support of our headquarters, they will also be very difficult, Ah Karp stood at the door and explained in a deep voice.”

To this.

Marshal Air also doubted that there was him, nodded, and let Karp leave.

“Xiao He, the headquarters is handed over to you to watch, Roger this matter, I need to go to the Holy Land.”

Thinking of being held accountable by the five old stars again, Steel Bone Kong felt a headache.

At this time, how much he wished that Lu Chen was here, thinking about what could be done. Holy Land, Marijoya.

When the steel bone sky arrived, the five old stars, as always, had been waiting for a long time. The news of Rogue Town has long spread all over the world.

There is no need for a press report, because the world government wants to publicly execute Roger, which is originally intended for the world. That shocking level is not comparable to any newspaper news.

“Didn’t your navy think about sealing Roger’s mouth before the execution?”

An old man with bald glasses holding a long knife glared at the steel bone sky and said in a deep voice: “There is such a big mess, but how do you think about how to end it?” ”

“I don’t know if I ask this kind of thing!”

Steel Bone Sora shook his head directly.

“So far, everyone doesn’t have to accuse each other, Roger’s counterattack before death, no one expected.”

The gray and white curly old man wearing a black hat said in a deep voice.

“He has arrived at the ultimate island and knows the secrets of this world, but he can’t just leave it at that.”

“Yes, no one has ever arrived there for hundreds of years!”

“Now because of Roger’s feat, this sea has been led to by countless people!”

Several other five old stars also said.

You know, before Roger, the pirates of this sea either dominated one side or wanted to conquer the world. The vast majority of pirates go to sea without a goal.

At this time, after Roger circled the world, it can be said that the world, the people who want to go to sea, have found the ultimate goal. Complete a circle around the world and find the great treasure left by Roger. You can become, new era, One Piece!!

“He disappeared for a while when he returned from the end before, although there was no trace of him, but the CP agency, after many intelligence speculations, Roger seems to be in this world, leaving his bloodline descendants!”

The blond long-haired old man said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Gang Bonekong’s face changed, and his eyes showed a look of horror. One Piece’s bloodline?

“Since the matter has come to this, the number of pirates is bound to increase day by day, and the navy should devote all its forces to finding that possibility!”

“Yes, as long as you find Roger’s bloodline, you can eliminate his influence.”

“This is the best way for now!”

“I believe in your navy, there is nothing more to do about it.”

The five old stars said one after another.

The meaning is simple, from the available intelligence, it is inferred that the period of Roger’s disappearance may have left his own bloodline in this world.

That is, there is an unborn child of Roger. Just find this unborn child.

I believe that the means of the world government must be used to eliminate the impact of Roger’s death. And this is what the headquarters of the Navy is doing urgently.

“One Piece’s bloodline? That shouldn’t have been in this world in the first place. ”

There is no objection to this, after all, this is the best way now. Otherwise wait.

Sooner or later, the power of the navy will be hollowed out by the increasing number of pirates.

At that time, the world government launched the Seven Martial Seas Plan, which would be a shame for the headquarters of the Navy.

“If it’s nothing, I’ll take my leave first!”

After speaking, Steel Bone Sky said goodbye to the five old stars.

Without waiting for him to turn around and leave, one of the five old stars suddenly spoke and asked, “The panther is old, and it is time to retire.” ”

“You, as a marshal of the navy, at this time, are most suitable to inherit the position of the Panther.”

“However, the navy side can not be shaken, do you think of the marshal’s backup?”

Steel Bone Kong paused slightly, and then grinned.

“How is road dust? At this stage of the naval headquarters, he and the Warring States are the most suitable, but I am more optimistic about Lu Chen! ”

“We’ll think about it!”

Hearing Steel Bone Kong’s answer, the five old stars were not surprised, but their emotions did not fluctuate much.

“Go, let’s settle the matter of Roger’s bloodline first.”

The five old stars waved their hands and sent the steel bone to leave.

Until, the back of this naval marshal disappeared from everyone’s sight. The bald old man with bald glasses slowly picked up a document from the sofa.

“This new force is very dangerous, but when it comes to the Monchi family, I think everyone will be cautious.”

Although the tone was indifferent, it was somewhat jealous.

“It is very reasonable to be a replacement for the marshal, but it is also necessary to find out which side he is on.”

“It’s best for him to deal with this matter personally.”

The five old stars glanced at each other, and they all saw the jealousy in each other’s eyes. Naval heroes elected by the world government.

And Admiral Karp.

Today, their sons and nephews are stirring up trouble around the world. Although the power is still very weak today.

However, the reason for the rise of this new power has made the world government feel a little sense of crisis. Mountain..

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