Chapter 145: The Worst Bloodline, Whitebeard’s Promise [Customized].

It doesn’t matter what kind of remedy the world government or the headquarters of the Navy wants to make for this. After Roger’s death, the Age of Exploration finally came.

Moreover, it is the declaration chosen by this One Piece among his wives and children. I have to say.

When the execution is over.

All over the world, men with so-called dreams have gone to sea. Among them, even worse, they abandoned their wives and children.

Just to find the great secret treasure that exists at the end of the world. New world.

A whale pirate ship floating in the vast sea. At this moment, the deck is dead silent.

Everyone’s eyes fell on the big screen that had been erected. Open execution for the world.

It attracted the attention of everyone in the world, even the Whitebeard Pirates. Watch the whole process.

The Moby Dick was extremely quiet.

Until, at this time, the execution was completely over, and everyone was still in a trance.

The burly man sitting on the throne also changed his expression many times, until he finally heard Roger’s declaration, and the solemnity on his face gradually transformed into a touch of relief.

This is the relief of fulfilling the dream of a lifelong enemy.

“Gollum-la-la, Roger’s era is over, bring wine to Lao Tzu and celebrate!”

When the live broadcast was turned off, Whitebeard grinned and shouted at the filial piety and grandson of the full hall.

Hearing this, Marco and the others came to their senses.

“Hahaha, Roger this guy is finally dead, and next is our daddy’s time.”

“It’s worth celebrating, not drunk and homeless!”

“This difficult opponent is finally dead!”

“In the future, this sea will only belong to our white-bearded pirate group.”

“Daddy is about to become the king of the new era!”

Several captains were excited.

However, compared to the high mood of the crowd.

The lonely little figure squatting under the side of the ship looked cold and pitiful.


Whitebeard shouted as he glanced over.

“Ah, Uncle Bai!”

Momonosuke looked up in confusion.

“On the side of the navy and the world government, there is no news from Mita, it seems that your father has not yet fallen into the hands of the navy.”

Whitebeard said in a deep voice: “So what you need to do now is to cheer up.” ”

“Otherwise, when you meet Ota in the future, this guy will complain about Lao Tzu and not taking good care of you.”

Whitebeard smiled confidently.

“Not bad, little peach, trust your father, he is the most powerful samurai!”

Marco came to Momosuke and carried him directly to Whitebeard with one hand.

“However, my father is already seriously injured, even if he escapes, where can he escape?”

Momonosuke said with tears in his eyes: “If he is caught by the navy, it will not be the path of Uncle Roger.” ”

After speaking, the guy himself burst into tears.

The original uplifting atmosphere was also ruined by Momonosuke’s crying. Everyone on board though wanted to be comforted.

But for a time, I didn’t know how to comfort it, after all, I was still a child, and I felt a headache one by one. Whitebeard also felt headaches.

He was not afraid of the fight and killing of pirates, but comforting such a little devil was even more uncomfortable than fighting with the navy.

“Okay, no matter what Ota does, as long as there is news of him, I will take you to him!”

Whitebeard waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

“But, the navy…………..”

Momonosuke still wanted to cry, but Whitebeard interrupted directly and continued: “Even if he is captured by the navy, I will take you to rescue him.” ”


“Of course, but before that, you better be strong, as long as you become strong, then there is no need to fear anyone.”

“Well, thanks Uncle Bai, I will definitely work hard to cultivate.”

Momonosuke got Whitebeard’s promise and quickly stood up, clenching his fists and shouting. Seeing the appearance of this little ghost, everyone on the boat burst out laughing.

East China Sea. Rogge Town Naval Branch.

“After the execution of Roger, the navy did not have any joy, and all of them had gloomy faces.”

The same is true of Sengoku and Zefa.

The air pressure is low throughout the naval branch.

It wasn’t until the appearance of road dust that this low pressure eased slightly. But no matter what everyone thinks.

After Roger’s execution, this huge force of the navy will immediately leave and return to the headquarters of the navy to resume his life. And so it goes.

Under the leadership of the two generals of Warring States and Zefa, the navy left Rogue Town in a mighty manner. Of course.

The town of Rogue is the last town on the East Sea, into the Great Shipping Route.

The Navy naturally attaches great importance to this: Therefore, some headquarters forces were also left behind and continued to maintain order.

The rest of the large troops, including Road Dust, returned at full speed.

But the navy’s fleet had just crossed Upside Down Hill when Marin Vandor called. This is a phone bug from the air marshal himself.

Inside the main command compartment on a warship. The two generals of Warring States and Zefa, as well as Lieutenant Generals such as Lu Chen, are all here.

“According to the intelligence of the world government, Roger left his own bloodline descendants before he died.”

As soon as he spoke, everyone present was shocked beyond words.

In the entire command module, there was a dead silence in an instant. They were all stunned, their faces full of horror. I have to say.

This news can be said to be more uncomfortable for the Navy than Roger’s words before his death.

“Damn, I knew that this man would not accept death so easily.”

Sengoku clenched his fists and said coldly.

“It is suspected that Roger left his own bloodline before he died, so according to the calculation of time, he should almost be born, right?” Zefa gasped. ”

The other lieutenant generals were all shocked.

People who can become One Piece really don’t die so easily.

“Yes, the world government has ordered all CP organizations to go out to investigate, and I believe that there will be results soon.”

The telephone worm turned into a heavy look of the air marshal and said: “Before that, our navy must also prepare as soon as possible!” ”


“According to all intelligence, Roger had appeared in the South and North Seas before he went to Wano Country.”

“So it is very likely that the most evil bloodline is within the two seas.”

After hearing Marshal Kong’s words, everyone couldn’t help but feel shocked.

“Mr. Sora, do you need our fleet to dispatch?”

Sengoku heard a little taste and immediately asked.

However, before the air marshal on the other side of the telephone worm could answer, a faint voice in the command cabin interrupted everyone’s discussion.

“If you’re looking for Roger’s wife and children, then you don’t have to bother so much.”

Lu Chen, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, suddenly said lightly at this time. This statement came out.

In the noisy command module, it was quiet for a moment.

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