Chapter 146: Roger’s wife and children, here I am! 【Customizable】.

Navy headquarters.

Marshal’s office.

As soon as Steel Bone Kong returned from the Holy Land, he immediately contacted Sengoku and the others who had returned from Rogue Town. To know.

In order to publicly execute Roger, the navy can be said to have sent most of its forces forward, almost hollowing out the high-end combat power of the headquarters.


The task of finding the whereabouts of Roger’s wife and children can only fall on the returning navy. But I never expected.

“If you’re looking for Roger’s wife and children, then you don’t have to bother so much.”

Lu Chen’s voice suddenly came from the phone worm.

The tone was very indifferent, like Chen telling a trivial matter. But those who know him know.

Since he said this, he must know something. Time.

Steel Bone suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the phone worm, and his breathing became rapid. Don’t!

This guy has known for a long time?

As soon as I thought of this, I couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of anticipation in my heart.

“Lu Chen, what do you mean by that? Did you already know that Roger left a bloodline? ”

Actually, don’t say it’s empty.

Inside the command compartment of a sailing warship.

When Lu Chen’s words sounded.

Everyone who was originally talking about it suddenly fell silent. The next moment.

Everyone couldn’t help but turn their heads and focus their eyes on the past.

Even Sengoku and Zefa turned their heads to look in the direction of Lu Chen, their faces full of shock.

“Brother Lu Chen, are you sure you don’t need to bother?”

Sengoku asked with wide eyes.

“One Piece’s bloodline, if you don’t find out, there will be endless troubles in the future!”

Zefa looked at Lu Chen, who looked indifferent, and said in a deep voice: “However, the child is innocent, but the world government will definitely not let this go!” ”

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Searching for Roger’s bloodline is actually to destroy it.

But before it is destroyed, the world government will make the most of it, and even eliminate the impact of Roger’s words before his death.

So to speak.

It’s about the future of the sea.

“Roger’s wife and children, right here with me!”

Feeling everyone’s burning gazes, Lu Chen said with a bright smile.

“Oh, so it is!”

The telephone worm turned into an empty appearance, and after hearing Lu Chen’s words, he blurted out a reply. The Sengoku and Zefa and others in the cabin couldn’t help but nod their heads.

But the next second.

The air suddenly fell silent.

Warring States and the others, all stiff, directly petrified in place.

The steel bone of the telephone worm gradually grew its mouth, and its eyes became frightened, but it couldn’t say a word. For a long time, everyone reacted.

Warring States and Zefa flew to Lu Chen’s side for the first time, and their eyes were about to pop out.

“Hey, hey, this is no joke, is it?”

Sengoku looked incredulous.

“Brother Lu Chen, do you know that Roger’s bloodline is related to the peace of this sea?”

Zefa’s voice trembled. And the most uncomfortable thing is the steel bone.

The appearance of the telephone worm is quite impatient and bitter.

It seems that I can’t wait to come to the scene and ask what is going on.

“Lu Chen, you make it clear!”

The steel bone on the other side of the phone worm shouted loudly. To this.

Lu Chen, who was sitting in the corner, smiled for a while.

Seeing that Sengoku and Zefa were impatient, they said impatiently: “Actually, it’s nothing, I just happened to find Roger’s wife and children, as for Roger’s bloodline, it has not been born yet.” ”

“But it looks like it’s coming soon, it’s on my boat.”


Although there was a lot of guessing in their hearts, when they heard Lu Chen’s words, everyone couldn’t help but gasp. Both Sengoku and Zefa widened their eyes and looked at Lu Chen with incredulous expressions.

The other lieutenant generals and major generals were even more full of awe and adoration.

“Come back, come back first!”

At this time, Gang Bone Kong reacted and hurriedly yelled.

He didn’t know why Lu Chen found Roger’s wife and children, but he knew that since the world government had found it one step earlier, there must be a reason.

Therefore, go back to the headquarters as soon as possible and explain it clearly, so as not to misunderstand the world government. That’s all that matters.

“Okay, then let’s go back at full speed, it shouldn’t take a few days!”

Sengoku replied.

After hanging up the phone worm, he immediately ordered the fleet, full speed ahead.

After all, Roger’s wife and children are only completely safe if they enter the naval headquarters. As for what to do in the future, then talk about it later.

Anyway, now, it is necessary to rush back to the headquarters of the navy immediately, which is related to the impact of the sea in the future.

“Lu Chen, what are you going to do?”

When everyone dispersed, the Warring States suddenly raised their heads and looked at the back of Lu Chen who was about to leave. Zefa next to him was slightly stunned.

Immediately, his eyes also looked at Lu Chen’s back, waiting for his answer. To know.

The existence of Roger’s wife and children, and the future outcome, will be related to the future of the sea.

Therefore, whether it is the headquarters of the Navy or the world government, it is extremely important to this. As a naval admiral, he naturally wanted to hear Lu Chen’s opinion.

After all, people are found by Lu Chen.

“Aha, what else can I do, since Roger started the great voyage before he died, then this era will naturally end by his children.”

Lu Chen paused, raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, and smiled without looking back: “Well, that’s it!” ”

After speaking, walk directly to leave.

Sengoku and Zefa, on the other hand, looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other’s eyes. Lu Chen’s words, after the two of them listened, became another taste.

“To end the era of great exploration opened by Roger, is it to do it again, the world will publicly execute it?”

Sengoku said in a deep voice.

“But isn’t it too cruel for a pregnant woman and an unborn child?”

Zefa frowned and said, “Isn’t there any other way for 613?” ”


The method that the two had in mind was to publicly execute Roger’s wife and children again. Only in this way can the impact of Roger’s death be maximized.

Of course.

Lu Chen naturally didn’t know why these two guys were so dark in their thoughts. What he thought.

Nothing can shock the world more than Roger’s son, who will become the pillar of the navy in the future. But that’s just his idea.

The world government is not so merciful.

The news of Roger’s wife and children was not delivered.

And only within the top of the Navy, as well as within the world government and the Draco. Seven days later.

This naval fleet returned to Marin Fando. On the docks of the military port.

Marshal Steel Bone came to greet him personally.

In addition, there were several men and women in black suits and dance masks, as if cold ice cubes stood aside. When he saw Lu Chen walking off the warship, he immediately greeted him.

“Lieutenant General Lu Chen, we are members of the CPO agency, and by order of the Draco people, we came here to take Roger’s wife and children.”

One of the tall men took out an executive order from his suit and said directly in front of Lu Chen’s eyes. This statement came out.

Even the air marshal couldn’t help but be stunned.

It seems that the other party’s intention is a little unexpected.

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