Chapter 147: The Draco wants to take away? Sorry, this is my student [ask for customization].

“Why, when did the five old stars give the order?”

Marshal Kong was the first to react, looking over with a questioning face, and his eyes became extremely unfriendly. To know.

The news of the whereabouts of Roger’s wife and children, he reported to the five old stars as soon as possible.

At the same time, he also told the five old stars that this was all found by Lu Chen, in order to avoid using a condescending attitude to order a legendary hero admired by the navy as he is now.

Therefore, the air marshal immediately stood up and blocked in front of Lu Chen.

“I’m sorry, this is not an order from the World Government, but a Draco from the Holy Land!”

The man in the black suit said lightly.


Hearing this, Marshal Air and Sengoku and others were all surprised. But the next moment, their faces became extremely ugly.

Whether it is the headquarters of the navy or the world government, it is actually an institution under which the Draco people rule the world. The emergence of CPO means that this is the private instruction of the Draco people.

And as a god race that rules the world.

Whether it is the world government or the naval headquarters, it is actually difficult to refuse the orders of the Draco. Unless the five old stars, who are also Draco, come forward.

But after all, they are all Draco people in the Holy Land, and it is not certain whether the five old stars will come forward for this. Not to mention.

Because Roger’s words before his death caused the sea to become more chaotic, the Draco people hated it. It’s normal to take Roger’s wife and children to vent their anger for this!!

“I refuse!”

But at this moment, Lu Chen looked at each other and said with a flat look in his eyes. Tone, no need to question.

Refused? Hear this.

The CPOs thought they had misheard.

Even the Air Marshal and Sengoku and others couldn’t help but widen their eyes. But.

The air marshal was the first to react, and he did not wait for the CPO to respond, and directly added in a deep voice: “Roger’s wife and children are related to the future stability of this sea, and our navy has the right to refuse this order, which is related to the future impact.” ”

It’s obvious.

The Draco people meddled in naval affairs privately, and they were all very difficult to handle, so they could only find the five old stars to block it. However, the CPO at this time does not seem to have such good patience.

Hearing Lu Chen’s direct rejection tone, he couldn’t help but be discouraged.

“Mr. Lu Chen, the order of the Draco people, but there is no option to refuse.”

The tall man at the head said with a faint smile.

Although he is facing this legendary hero of the navy, as a licking dog beside the Draco, he is naturally not afraid of the coercion of the navy.

“Is this so~”


Lu Chen smiled faintly, then withdrew his smile and said, “Then let the Draco people come over, I’ll wait here.” ”

“As for you, good dogs don’t get in the way!”

The voice just fell.


Without waiting for several CPOs to react, Lu Chen’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his body released a terrifying overlord-colored domineering, a vast momentum like heavenly might, directly suppressing several CPOs.

Suddenly, except for the man in black who knelt down on one knee, the rest of the spies all lost consciousness in an instant.

“Mr. Sora, I found the target, I hope I can handle it myself.”

After doing all this, Lu Chen turned his head towards the stunned Marshal Kong and said.

“Ah…….. So what do you want to do about it? ”

Marshal Kong reacted, his mind was still shocked, and he couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“Nothing, that unborn child should be called Ace, well, this is my future student!”

Lu Chen chuckled.

Words fall.

At the dock port, the jaws of countless people all fell to the ground, almost petrifying in place.

“Lu Chen, that’s Roger………..”

Marshal Kong was shocked, his face full of disbelief.

“So what? People are dead, can they still affect my students? ”

Without waiting for Marshal Kong to finish speaking, Lu Chen lightly interrupted his words, and his face was full of confidence: “My student, regardless of birth, identity, bloodline. ”

“But they are all excellent navies!”

Lu Chen said very lightly.

But everyone present who heard it felt shocked. Yes.

When they knew that Roger left a bloodline, everyone’s first reaction was that they couldn’t let this child be born. But Lu Chen is full of confidence.

Not only to leave the child, but also to take the so-called worst blood with you. How confident is that?

If you don’t know and are familiar with Lu Chen, you will feel the absurdity and surprise. However, these bizarre things fell on Lu Chen.

Everything seems so natural!

To know.

The reason why the world government and the navy headquarters have this idea is that their subconscious is still very jealous and afraid of Roger. Even with it, even everything about Roger is particularly important.

“Lu Chen, your idea is crazy, but it is also reasonable, there is nothing more shocking to the world than Roger’s child becoming a navy.”

Marshal Kong said in a deep voice: “I will try my best to solve these things for you. ”

After all, if it was changed to someone else, it would simply not be possible for the marshal of the Navy to agree, such a crazy and terrifying idea. But road dust, but can!!!

And at this moment, the very sci-fi style warship that was exclusive to Lu Chen suddenly walked down a figure. It was a pregnant woman.

She has long wavy golden hair, a gentle face, freckles on her cheeks, but she can’t hide the hidden toughness under the gentleness.

Portkas S. D. Lujiu!! She also heard the conversation on the dock, but did not refute it.

“Ah, is this Roger’s wife and children?”

“She is carrying Roger’s bloodline, it’s terrible!”

“The most evil bloodline in the world appears in the headquarters of the Navy, if it is spread out, what will happen?”

“Who knows, but it will surprise everyone, right?”

“If it weren’t for Lieutenant General Lu Chen to speak, I’m afraid this woman would have been executed along with the child in her belly!”

“Don’t say stupid things, now this child who is about to be born, but what about Lieutenant General Lu Chen’s student!”

“I’m really envious!”

“But a child with One Piece bloodline must also be very talented.”

Watching Lu Jiu walk down step by step, the soldiers on the dock couldn’t help but talk about it. Even the two generals of Warring States and Zefa were all attracted to the past.

“Roger’s wife?”

As a naval marshal, the steel bone air was also groundbreaking at this time, and his heart beat faster. This woman’s identity is too special.

And the unborn child in her belly!!

This has great significance for the Navy and for the world.

“You should have heard our conversation just now, let’s stay in Marin Vandor in the future, you and Ace can be safe here.”

Lu Chen glanced at the past and said lightly.

“Well, thank you, Mr. Ace!”

Lu Jiu raised her hand to ruffle the golden hair at the base of her ears and nodded obediently.

This gentle look, if you don’t know, absolutely no one would have thought that it was actually Roger, the wife of One Piece.

“Sister He, she’s going to trouble you!”

Lu Chen nodded, and immediately looked at Lieutenant General He and said.

“I understand!”

As soon as he answered, Lieutenant General Crane immediately came to the front and left the dock with Lu Jiu.

With her company, I believe that in the navy, it can also deter some people with dark thoughts, or rather, it can also deter the Draco people.

Seeing the two leave the dock.

Marshal Kong slowly exhaled a cloudy breath. To this day, he still feels like a dream. It’s so fantastic!!

“Let’s go, follow me to the Holy Land.”

For a long time, the air marshal waved his hand, and then said to Lu Chen in particular: “This matter is very important, although you are very reluctant, you must go to the Holy Land with me and explain it to the five old stars.” ”

“Rest assured, no matter what the result is, our navy is on your side.”

Warring States and Zefa and others all nodded in agreement.

After all, the pirate children have already set a precedent, and now they are all extremely excellent naval brothers. Therefore, Roger’s bloodline is exaggerated a little.

However, it is not unacceptable.

So, a group of people headed towards the Red Earth Continent.

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