Chapter 148: Let Lu Chen Solve the Revolutionary Army? 【Customizable】.

Lu Chen, Warring States and the others, just returned to Marin Fando, and after settling Roger’s wife and children, they turned their heads and went directly to the Holy Land to report. Wait for them to leave.

The CPO spies slowly came to their senses.

“Damn, this guy, doesn’t even look at the Draco people?”

The man in black at the head looked at the direction in which Lu Chen and the others left, and gritted his teeth with hatred.

“Boss, what do we do now?”

“If we can’t complete the task, go back……..”

After the rest of the unconscious men and women in black woke up, their faces couldn’t help but turn pale.

“This is the responsibility of the Navy, I will tell the Draco people truthfully!”

The man in black at the head said in a deep voice.

Then, he waved away with all the spies, and returned to the holy land of Marijoya to report as quickly as possible. As the number one licking dog of the Draco.

The CPO has great power, but it cannot dictate to the navy, especially the powerful in the navy. But if the requirements of the Draco people cannot be met, the CPO’s spies will also be punished.

Therefore, in order to avoid becoming the object of anger of the Draco people. They can’t, push the Navy out.

Or, push out Lu Chen, the lawless lieutenant general, and bear the wrath of the Draco. Red Continent, Holy Land Marijoya.

The headquarters of the World Government Building is extremely grand, and it looks very magnificent from a distance. Walking into it, you can feel the invisible pressure of 500 force.

Lu Chen was here for the first time, but he had no trouble with it. Through the long corridor, you come to the huge portal. Squeak~~~ The two guards outside the door pushed open the two beautifully carved doors. Inside the palatial hall.

The five old stars, who represent the supreme power of the world government, have been waiting for a long time. When I saw it, the few people behind the steel bone sky couldn’t help but show a look of surprise. Especially one of them, compared to the five old stars, the face is relatively unfamiliar. Quite young looking vice admiral.

With long black hair, casually draped behind his back, the navy’s big guns flying, all over his body, full of indifferent temperament Around his waist, hanging a long knife, the handle is green, looks a little ordinary.

To know.

The rumored image of the lieutenant general of heavenly punishment has never had a sabre. But today’s appearance surprised the five old stars.

Especially the old man with bald glasses, he couldn’t help but glance at the long knife on Lu Chen’s waist a few more times, looking very curious.

“This is the famous Lieutenant General of Heavenly Punishment, right?”

He withdrew his gaze and immediately asked towards the steel bone sky.

“Aha, you should all know that Lu Chen is here for the first time!”

Steel Bone Sora nodded.

Warring States and Zefa then slightly let go of their figures, allowing Lu Chen’s whole person to be directly exposed to the five old stars. While the other party was looking at himself, Lu Chen was actually looking at the five old stars.

An indifferent gaze swept over.

It’s a little different from the old image in my memory, but that’s just a matter of age.

“It’s been a long time since I saw Lu Chen, do you remember me?”

Among them, the five old stars with gray curly hair and sitting in a wheelchair smiled at Lu Chen and greeted him.

“I don’t remember!”

Lu Chenjian raised his eyebrows and said very directly.


The smile of the gray curly five old stars froze, and then shook his head with a wry smile.

Sure enough, it’s the same as it was then!!

“I don’t remember it, but I want to remind you that if you want to leave Roger’s bloodline around, it is a time bomb, and it will be countered at any time!”

He looked at Lu Chen and turned his attention to the main topic.

Before coming to the Holy Land, Steel Bone Sky had already roughly told the five old stars.

For Lu Chen’s idea of taking Roger’s bloodline as a student, Rao is that they are well-informed, and they all feel strange and shocked, if it is a request made by others, the five old stars do not need to consider it at all, and they can directly deny it strongly.

However, road dust is definitely an exception!!!

“Roger’s bloodline should not have stayed in this world, although you are confident, but for the most evil bloodline children, I think it is better to be careful!”

The old man with bald glasses also said.

“Not bad, if you mess things up later, it’s not a good thing for you!”

The white, long-haired old man reminded.

“As a legendary hero of the navy, accepting One Piece’s child as a student, if he betrays you in the future if he knows the truth, it will destroy your reputation for life!”

The blond short-haired old man said with a faint smile.

“I advise you not to expect too much from pirates, it will hurt you!”

The five old stars all spoke.

This scene made both Sengoku and Zefa amazed.

Once upon a time, the supreme power of the world government would be so good at talking? Even the steel bone sky couldn’t help but look sideways.

It was Lu Chen, his face was not shocked, and replied lightly: “I don’t want to deny Roger’s guilt, but for a child who has not yet been born, I think there is no reason to convict this child, right?” ”

“Because he’s Roger’s child, that’s enough reason!”

The five old stars said in a deep voice.

“Of course, we don’t want to lecture you, and since you entered the navy, you don’t need anyone to lecture you.”

At this time, the old man with bald glasses picked up a document beside him and raised his hand to hand it to Lu Chen.

“You Mengqi family mess, I hope you can solve it, this can confirm what you just said.”

After speaking, the rest of the five old stars also looked up at Lu Chen.

“What is it?”

Marshal Air sensed that something was wrong in the atmosphere and took the documents first. When I opened it, my face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Sengoku and Zefa came over curiously.

After just a few glances, the expression was the same as that of Marshal Kong.

Then, the three of them tilted their heads in unison and looked towards Lu Chen. I have to say.

Five old stars are still five old stars, and they are really old and calculating. This move, even the Warring States can’t help but feel jealous.

“Oh, so it’s Xiaolong making trouble!”

Lu Chen took the document from Marshal Kong’s hand, glanced at it a few times, and immediately said with a bright smile: “It’s worthy of the Mengqi family, there is such a big movement!” ”

The content on the file is simple.

Since its birth, the revolutionary army has overthrown 78 countries. When they get there, the storm of revolution sweeps away.

From the four seas to the great voyages, there are traces of them.

Many member countries of the world government feel extremely jealous of the existence of the revolutionary army.

Therefore, I implore the world government to deal a devastating blow to this newly rising revolutionary army organization with great energy.

“Like you just said, Roger’s worst should not implicate children.”

The bald old man held the demon knife and said with a faint smile: “Then the worst that your nephew has committed, we will not contact you and Karp.” ”

“As a confirmation of what you said, let you solve this problem.”

After speaking, he and the rest of the five old stars stared at Lu Chen with burning eyes, wanting to see what Lu Chen’s reaction was.

PS: Happy National Day to everyone!!! Thank you for the tips of the local tycoon brothers, and thank you for the ticket support of the old irons, thank you for!!!!!!

Finally, for the new month, ask for a monthly pass!!!。

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