Chapter 149: The Draco who hates Lu Chen [Ask for Custom].

But alas.

Lu Chen didn’t react, except for being slightly relieved, he was more looking forward to this journey.

“I’m really looking forward to meeting again!”

He grinned.

From the time Robin was born, he and his nephew had met for a short time. It’s been a long time, I haven’t seen each other.

Even, Lu Chen deliberately did not let himself pay attention to the deeds of the dragon, just wanted to give his nephew more freedom and space. Now, in just a few years, it has grown enough to make the world government feel jealous.


Lu Chen was very curious about how far the revolutionary army had grown.

“Can you still start in the face of your own nephew?”

At this time, the old man with bald glasses looked up at Lu Chen and asked.

“Hehe, don’t underestimate the men of the Monchi family, even if I go all out, I may not be able to keep these guys!”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, the five old stars all frowned.

Steel Bone Sky and Sengoku and the others couldn’t help frowning and pondering. To know.

In everyone’s mind, Lu Chen is so powerful that even One Piece Roger is not spared. What ability does the newly rising revolutionary army have to resist the road dust?

Not to mention the five old stars, even Warring States and others don’t believe it.

Sensing the doubts of several people, Lu Chen chuckled and explained: “The revolutionary army is not a pirate, there is no comparison between the two, and the difficulty of arrest is naturally different. ”

“Although they have only been born for a few years, I have also heard some rumors that they are extremely good at escaping and hiding.


The five old stars nodded in agreement.

“They are indeed not pirates, their whereabouts are extremely secretive, and it is not an easy task to find your nephew.”

The old man with bald glasses said first.

“Even if they find it, they won’t fight.”

The gray curly-haired old man smiled wryly.

“Not only will they not fight, but they also have strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, and they will disappear again before the danger comes.”

The blonde short-haired Five Old Star spoke in an annoyed tone.

More than once, the world government has tried to destroy this so-called revolutionary army. But, as Lu Chen said.

The other party is extremely vigilant, the anti-detection ability is very terrifying, and the whereabouts are secretive, hiding behind the scenes every time they act, and will not give the world government any chance to arrest at all.

Even if you spend huge resources to investigate, in the end, you just watch each other grow under your nose. This is the biggest headache for the five old stars.

The steel bone space next to him, Sengoku and Zefa, had already been dumbfounded. Didn’t expect it.

In addition to pirates, such a force has actually emerged in this world. Moreover, even the power of the world government has a headache for this.

“Of course, in order to deal with Roger’s affairs before, I have been ignoring the revolutionary army.”

“But now the revolutionary army can’t survive anymore.”

“There is a road dust shot this time, I believe, there will be results soon.”

The five old stars opened their mouths one after another, their eyes looked at Lu Chen, and their eyes became meaningful.

After all, in their eyes, the only people who know the dragon best are probably Lu Chen or Karp, who are also from the Monchi family.

“Don’t worry, they won’t have any luck when they meet me.”

Lu Chen agreed with his mouth full, and then he closed the document, his eyes fell on the five old stars, and said with a smile: “If there is nothing else, I will go first!” ”

After speaking, without waiting for the reaction of the five old stars, Lu Chen glanced at the sky marshal, and after receiving tacit approval, he turned around and left directly. The purpose of coming to this has been accomplished.

Then there is no need to stay.

It’s better to go directly to solve the nephew’s affairs.

Watching Lu Chen’s back gradually disappear at the end of the corridor.

The five old stars looked at each other, and a faint color of doubt appeared between their eyebrows. I have to say.

As the supreme power in this world, they naturally have great respect for Lu Chen, a naval hero. But that’s about it.

“You all go back, the news of Roger’s wife and children, except for the world government, do not let people pass it on.”

At this time, the old man with bald glasses shouted at Gang Bone Kong and the others.

Steel Bone Sky and Sengoku, naturally had no opinion, and turned away very directly. Stay in the entire lobby, after no one else.

Only these five supreme powers in the world government showed a solemn look.

“How much credibility is his words?”

The old man with bald glasses leaned back on the sofa and asked with his eyes closed.

“I don’t know.”

“The choice of marshal depends on Lu Chen’s performance.”

“If he can really solve the matter of the revolutionary army, then he can naturally serve as a naval marshal.”

“Otherwise, it can only make the Warring States come.”

“The position of marshal of the navy still needs people who are easy to control to be better.”

In this regard, the five old stars have no opinion.

This was something they had discussed for a long time.

Although the steel bone pushes the road dust, the road dust still has a relatively big risk in their eyes. Instead of risk, let the Warring States take on the role.

At least in the sense of many directions, the Warring States and the world government have common intentions. Click-At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door. The five old stars couldn’t help frowning.

The next moment.

The gate was violently pushed open, and a Draco man in a spacesuit strode in.

“Rozwald Saint, what wind is blowing you?”

Seeing the comer, the old man with bald glasses sneered unhappily.


“Not those bastards of the Navy yet.”

Rozwald Sheng’s face was full of anger and said with hatred: “I asked the CPO to bring the wife of that One Piece, but the navy under your world government actually dares to refuse!” ”

“And that lieutenant general of heavenly punishment, this bastard, has already offended Lao Tzu more than once.”

“The affairs of the Chambord Islands have not been settled with him yet!”

“This time, you can’t do it again…”

The CPO who sent the CPO to the headquarters of the Navy just now was Rozwald Saint, who really couldn’t bear it at the moment and came to complain in front of the five old stars.

But before he could finish speaking, the gray curly-haired old man interrupted with a sneer.

“If you actually wanted to take that woman, if I had known, I would definitely not have agreed.”

“Besides, just with these little things like you, do you want the world government to suppress a legendary hero of the navy?”

The gray curly-haired old man looked at Rozwald Saint coldly and said.


The rest of the five old stars also nodded one after another.

“But this guy…”

Rozwald Saint was annoyed and angry, and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the golden short-haired five old stars, and said with a smile: “If you want to punish a naval faith-like existence, unless you find evidence that he exceeds the bottom line of the world government, in addition, do you think we will let you Draco mess around?” ”

“Your farce is over, even if it is a Draco, you can’t mess with our affairs!”

The bald old man held the demon knife, raised his eyes to look over, and said lightly.

The five old stars have no feelings to talk about this.

In particular, today’s world government still needs road dust to deal with some things that they all feel headaches for. For example, the Roger bloodline.

In fact, after weighing the pros and cons, the five old stars found that the method of road dust was the most beneficial to the world government. Therefore, there is not much to refute.

By the way, dealing with the affairs of a revolutionary army can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

“You guys actually accuse me for a lackey, it’s good, I want to see what is so special about this guy.”

Seeing that the five old stars did not blame the naval headquarters for themselves as Draco.

Rozwald Saint was furious, turned away angrily, and secretly hated the so-called legendary hero of the navy. Left the World Government Headquarters Building and returned to Pangu City.

“Humph, since you can’t help him, why can’t you help the people around him?”

Rozwald Saint was angry, and his face was gloomy and whispered to himself: “En, it is said that he has an older brother who is also from the navy, it seems to be a general?” ”

“Then forget it, who else, let the CPO investigate well, don’t believe that the people around him are so monsters!”


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