Chapter 150: Little Sister, Be a Navy with Me! 【Customizable】.

After leaving the holy place, Lu Chen went straight back to the naval headquarters, visited Lu Jiu, a pregnant woman, and then told Sister He, before leaving the naval headquarters alone.

Peach Rabbit can now stand on its own.

So it’s not difficult to take care of the two little girls in Wano Country.

Among them, Yamato, with a grinning personality and extremely high talent, not only likes Peach Rabbit, but even Sister Tsuru is very attentive to her. As for Rihe, he is cautious and careful everywhere, but it also makes Sister Crane more concerned.

Anyway, the two female babies have stabilized in the navy. Just wait for the future, see them shine for justice.

“The revolutionary army is said to be active in the Great Voyage, and it seems that my nephew has also set up a headquarters!”

Riding on a specially made small ship, Lu Chen touched his chin and thought about the latest intelligence of the revolutionary army. Soon, he guessed that the revolutionary army was growing.

At this time, a headquarters belonging to the revolutionary army should be set up, responsible for contacting revolutionaries from all over the world. Come to think of it.

Road dust body current in, the ship immediately galloped on the sea.

However, before going to find the dragon, he first came to the Chambord Islands.

After docking the ship, a robe was put on the outside to cover the navy’s righteous gun, and only then stepped ashore. The clear sky, accompanied by the arrival of road dust, gradually accumulated dark clouds, constantly brewing and spreading over the island.

Shadows cast on the ground and soon covered half of the Chambord Islands.

You know, because it is close to the red earth continent, the climate has always been very pleasant, and there are rarely dark clouds. Anyone who knows a little about navigators knows that the dark clouds in the sky are strange.

“I haven’t been here for a while, and there are signs of the recovery of the underworld and evil forces!”

Unleashing the strongest domineering power, Lu Chen easily noticed that on this island, people with evil thoughts were distributed there. Not for long.

He came to the amusement park, like a tourist, sitting on a bench and watching the tourists have fun. But right now.

Several crisp voices attracted Lu Chen’s attention.

“Sister, is it going to be night? Why is it dark? Will we be punished by the captain if we sneak out? ”

“With Sister Han Cook here, what are you afraid of?”

“Yes, as long as we don’t find out, then it’s fine.”

“That’s great, I want to play with that Ferris wheel.”

“I’m going to play bubble bike.”

“Good, good, play!”

I saw three little girls, hand in hand, coming from a distance.

One of them, who looks seven or eight years old, has long black and beautiful hair, delicate and picturesque facial features, and has a beautiful face at a young age.

And the other two girls are five or six years old. One has long turquoise wavy hair and the other has long orange hair. It seems, it’s three sisters.


Lu Chen glanced over, and his face couldn’t help but appear surprised.

These three girls are none other than the three sisters in the original book, the future pirate emperor, Boya Hancock. From the windless Amazon Lily Snake Island.

The only king of the daughter country.

Lu Chen once had the idea of using his daughter island in the past, but he never had much time. Unexpectedly, this time I came by the way, but I met it unexpectedly.

This fate, there is simply no one!! Dada–Just as Lu Chen looked at the three sisters.

In a corner of the amusement park, several figures suddenly appeared.

They carried sacks in their hands and were in good shape, and soon came to the back of the three Hancock sisters, and then directly covered them with sacks.

“Ah…. What happened? ”

“Oooooooh, sister save me.”

“Sister Hancook……….”

“Damn, who the hell are you?”

Inside the sack, the terrified voices of the three sisters were heard.

However, a few traffickers naturally ignored it, and left here with a sack in their hands.

“This harvest is good.”

“Let’s go, don’t let people see.”

“Let’s get out of here first.”

As he spoke, he had already walked out of the amusement park.

As soon as he succeeds, he leaves immediately, without any nostalgia, and obviously has a very high professional quality. But they were obviously naïve.

The three Hancock sisters quickly broke open the sack, holding a dagger in their hands, and looked at several traffickers angrily.

“You guys……….”

Several traffickers were stunned.

Unexpectedly, the combat strength of the girl at a young age is not weak at all.

However, they were only slightly surprised, and then they let out a sneer, and they wanted to subdue the three female dolls. And right at this moment.

A faint voice came from the side.

“I said, you’re too embarrassed, aren’t you?”

As the words fell, a few wisps of pale electricity flew along the air and directly submerged into the bodies of several traffickers. The next moment.

The human trafficker, who was originally vicious, the skin on the surface of his body was scorched black in an instant, and he fell directly with smoke in his mouth, completely losing his opportunity.


The sudden change jumped under the three Hancook sisters.

When they looked back, they found that it was a strange man with a gentle smile on his face, which moved them all like a spring breeze, and their vigilant hearts were put down.

“Big brother, thank you for saving us!”

Hanku pulled his two younger sisters and came to Lu Chen to thank him obediently. The female emperor at this time did not have such a haughty character as the original. It looks like a good girl.

But if ordinary people underestimate her, it is a big mistake.

Even if Lu Chen didn’t make a move just now, these human traffickers were not the opponents of these three female dolls. After all, the people of Nine Snake Island were born as warriors to cultivate.

Don’t look at their young age, but their strength is already good.

“What about your family?”

Lu Chen asked knowingly, smiling kindly.

“We don’t have family!”

Hancock shook his head, his big eyes slightly dark.

The mother of the three sisters died not long after they were born, and there is no man on Nine Snake Island, and naturally there is no father.

“This way?”

Lu Chenjian raised his eyebrows, raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and asked: “If there is no family, it will be troublesome, why don’t you follow me?” ”

“Huh? Isn’t that great? ”

Han Cook’s eyes widened, and his face was very confused: The two younger sisters bowed their heads nervously.

“Showdown, I’m a navy, since you don’t have a family, it’s better to follow me, so that you can also be a navy in the future.”

Lu Chen raised his hand and directly lifted the robe, revealing the righteousness of the navy.

“As a righteous navy, I hate pirates and these bad guys the most.”

Speaking of this, he raised his hand and pointed at the fallen human trafficker, and said lightly: “You are also suffering from it, am I right?” ”

Words fall.

Han Cook and his two younger sisters, their small bodies suddenly trembled.

The beautiful face instantly turned white, and the big eyes concealed a burst of horror.

“Yes, yes!”

Under Lu Chen’s gaze, Hancook nodded quickly.

“Okay then, come with me!”

Lu Chen seemed to be smiling, and raised his hand to rub her long black hair. The three sisters grimaced, and did not dare to confess, so they could only timidly follow Lu Chen’s back.

It is clear that knowing that Lu Chen is the queen of the navy.

As a member of the Amazon Lily of Nine Snake Island, he was born a pirate, so naturally he did not dare to say it.

“Haha, today’s harvest is good, but it seems that it is time to clean!”

Lu Chen pretended not to know, laughed and walked away from the amusement park. Meanwhile.

Boom – Dao thunder suddenly fell from the black clouds.

Thunder fell, the pale electric light illuminated the darkness, and the reflected heaven and earth were all white.

“Sleeping, I knew it was him…”

“…. Yes!!! ”

“Run away, the heavenly punishment has appeared again!”

“What’s going on, who the hell is, there is a kind of coming out to fight with me!”

What a joke, who do you think you are, that’s a heavenly punishment, he alone is enough to destroy us.

“This guy, he hasn’t appeared in a few years.”

“But every time it appears, it is accompanied by a bloody 3.1 purge.”

“Madea, bad luck, I happened to meet this monster.”

“If there is an afterlife, Lao Tzu must not be a pirate.”

Whoever harbors evil thoughts will be punished by Thunder. Heavy, the body turns into flying ash.

Minor, seriously injured and dying.

Whether it’s pirates, underground forces, or gangsters, everything. Under the punishment of heaven, all beings are equal!!!

This time the purge lasted for several minutes before it stopped. The clouds receded.

The brilliant sunlight shines and the bubbles reflected are colorful and beautiful. The Chambord Islands have returned to calm.

However, everyone knows that the legendary monster is coming!!

The navy stationed on the island has been dispatched one after another, running in all directions to catch the seriously injured pirates and bring them to justice. And as a party.

Lu Chen took the three Hancock sisters, jumped on the ship, left the Chambord Islands, and galloped towards the headquarters of the revolutionary army.

PS: Thank you for your ticket and flower support, thank you for!!!。

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